
71: Painting; meeting an acquaintance

“—Xiang.. Fen...-iang! Lin FenXiang!“

Lin FenXiang jolted out of his memories, startled by Bai XiNian's voice being so close to him.

Blinking owlishly, he stared at the man half-standing across him as the latter shook his hand gently.

Lin FenXiang blinked, lips opening and closing as he attempted to formulate a response.

A slight frown was adorning his best friend's face as the latter looked at him with concern.

“FenXiang,” Bai XiNian whispered gently as he sat back down, pulling his hand away from Lin FenXiang's as he asked. “What happened? Are you okay? Why are you so dazed?“ He questioned one after another. “Is something bothering you?“

Lin FenXiang pursed his lips slightly and responded by shaking his head. Inspite of himself, the painter felt something akin to guilt spark inside his heart for worrying Bai XiNian.

“... I'm fine,” he sighed. “Everything's fine. I was just lost in my thoughts. Nothing else.“

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