
Chapter 36 : Beach trip.

Third person point of view

They stopped at the rest stop and got out of the cars. They all walked inside and looked around. " What do you want hyung ? " Haruto asked. That was the only thing they spoke about since morning. Junkyu looked around. " Can we see what are there first ? " Haruto nodded. " We will go look around ". Haruto told Jihoon. Jihoon nodded.

The both of them went and looked at all the stalls. Even the others went to look for something they like. Junkyu decided on what to get. He ordered what he wanted. He put his hand in his pocket, but his wallet wasn't there. He checked in the other pockets but it still wasn't there. " What happened hyung ? " Haruto asked looking at Junkyu's expression.

" I think I forgot my wallet in the car. Give the keys. I will go get it quickly ". " Why go that far ? You can just tell me. I will pay for it. Wait here ". Haruto said and went to the counter paying for everything. He gave the food to Junkyu. " You can just tell me hyung. We are married after all ". Haruto said with a small smile and Junkyu nodded returning the smile.

" Let's go ". Next Haruto also got what he wanted. They went to the others and they all also got the food. They went outside and were able to find a table to sit at. But there were only 5 chairs, so some sat down while the others stood. Haruto sat Junkyu down in a chair before he could say anything. They chatted about the food as they ate and finished quickly.

They went back to the cars and started on their journey again. They all reached the place they were going to stay at. It was a beach villa. " How did they get to booked in such a short notice ? " Junkyu said looking at it. Haruto shrugged. Hyunsuk and Yoshi got out of the car. So did Junghwan and Doyoung. Hyunsuk went to Haruto's car.

" Jihoon said you can park up there. The other two can park here ". Haruto nodded. Junkyu got out of the car. There was a slope upwards and place on the top for the car. Haruto parked his car there. They all took their luggage into the villa. There were three bedrooms on the first floor and two on the second floor.

They all settled down in the living area. " How do we divide ? " Junghwan asked. " Hyunsukie hyung and I will take one. Haruto and Junkyu will take one. You guys can divide however you want ". Jihoon said and the other nodded except Haruto and Junkyu. " Then, rock, paper, scissors ? "

Jeongwoo asked and they did that. Junghwan and Yoshi threw rock while Doyoung and Jeongwoo threw scissors. So they were also paired up. " We will take the three bedrooms on the first floor. You both can take on from the second ". Jeongwoo said and they all started moving. Junkyu and Haruto were dumbfounded.

They didn't have a say in anything happening so far. Haruto carried their luggage to the second floor. " Do you think something is fishy ? Or am I over thinking it ? " Junkyu asked sitting on the bed. Haruto shrugged. " I am also not sure ". Junkyu tilted his head. The both of them heard Jihoon calling for them from below.

They went out and saw Jihoon speaking from the floor below. " Change quickly and let's go play in the beach ". They nodded. They all changed and gathered in the living room. " Make sure to put on sun screen ". Hyunsuk said putting some one. The bottle went around and all of them applied it to the body parts which are exposed to the sun.

" Let's go ? " Yoshi asked and they all nodded. They walked out and went to the beach. They found a big umbrella which had two chairs under it. Junkyu and Hyunsuk sat down while the others went into the water. " They are seriously having so much fun ". Hyunsuk said with a chuckle looking at the ones playing.

" I know right ". Junkyu said looking at them. They played in the water for a long time. Junkyu and Hyunsuk only let their feet get wet and that was all. The sun soon started setting. They went back to the villa to shower. They all went to their rooms. " I will go first ". Haruto said and went to the bathroom.

Junkyu went outside and sat in the very big balcony. It looked out to the beach. He heard the door open in a few minutes. He wondered if Haruto was already done. He turned around and saw Haruto with only a towel around his waist. His eyes went wide. Haruto was taking the things he wanted from their luggage.

Junkyu quickly looked away. He gulped feeling his face heat up. He heard the bathroom door close again. He glanced inside and Haruto was not there. He let out a breath. Haruto was done dressing up too. He walked out rubbing his head. He turned to the balcony and saw Junkyu sitting in the chair outside.

He just watched Junkyu for a minute. He averted his eyes and gulped. He called out for him. " Hyung ". Junkyu turned around and saw Haruto was done. He walked in and picked up his things. " I will go down ". Haruto said and Junkyu nodded. He went into the bathroom. Haruto dried his hair with the drier.

He then went down to the living room and saw Jihoon was already there. He sat down and groaned. Yoshi walked down next. They chatted about what to do next. The others also came down one after the other. They all walked out of there to go have dinner. They walked around and went to a restaurant.

The local sea food was very delicious. They also had some drinks. They walked out of there with a little alcohol in their systems. They went to the beach and walked along for a while. They sat down in the sand. The breeze felt good and the atmosphere was light and nice. They sat down watching the sea in silence for a while.


UGH ! They seemed to have had so much fun. When will I get to have fun like that ?! If my sister sees this she will say " go get a job then " in the most serious unserious tone. I would go " I know " with -_- this expression. Well I am studying for a job right now, so yeah.

Haruto is so sweet too.

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