
Big Sister

The otherday morning students were in the class A class was containing of 60 students Madi and Sasha got inside they saw Sarah and Lexa sitting.

"You two are late"

"Well the lecturer is not here yet" Sasha was looked beside she saw Miguel was staring at him. Madi saw that.

"Hey girl who's that?"

"A dumb boy I met yesterday thats all"

"Well he seems to like you"

"Yeah whatever lets sit down over here" A teacher walked inside.

"Good morning students, welcome once again how was your first day?"

"It was just simple"

"Yeah I excpected that My name is Martinez and I will be your programming teacher this first semister I don't need for you to indroduce yourselves we will get to know eachother. First thing first I need you to choose your class representers CRs and we will get along with other things" Sarah was chosen as Class Representer.

"Great thank you all" The teacher started the lecture Sasha looked at the window she saw the same three boys she saw yesterday night crawling a fence, she stood up and wanted to walk outside.

"Where are you going Sasha? The lecture just started" Her sister Sarah stopped her.

"What are you gonna stop me now? Cr?" The teacher stopped teaching.

"What is going on there?"

"Nothing sir just mis understandings"

"What is your name young miss?"


"Well Sasha do you mind telling us why you're out of your seat?"

"I was walking outside why, is there a problem sir?"

"And what is your problem with that? Cr?"

"Nothing sir my bad sorry" Sasha walked outside. She went where she saw those three boys but they were long gone already.

Sometimes later at lunch hours students were at the subway eating Sarah was sitting all alone Sasha followed her and sat down beside her.

"Okay listen here dear sister, I really think you're starting to get into my nerves why don't you just stop baby seeing me I'm not a child"

"I'm just doing my duty as your sister"

"Well thank you but I can take care of my self big sister" Sasha stood up and walked away. Sancho was walking he saw Sarah was sitting all alone he went beside her to give some company.

"Hello beauty"

"Sancho where did you come from?"

"Well it's free time now I was on my to the dorm yet I found this beautiful woman sitting all alone what happen to you?"

"Nothing I just had a simple mis-hnderstandings with my sister"

"You have a sister here? Why didn't you tell me?"

"We kind of just mate yesterday what time could i get to tell you all those things" Sarah looked at some people were staring at them.

"Sancho I can see people are staring at us" Sancho saw them.

"Oh them just ignore those women never cross to them they are stupids just avoid them"

"You know them?"

"We are in same class"

"Well then I better get going bye" Sarah stood up when she wanted to walk away Sancho stood up and held her hand. Everyone was staring at them.
