
1 vs 100 ( Close range)

"Shelly, I am going now, take care of the kids," Vespara said.

She made her way to the teleportation magic circle she had carefully made ahead of time.

Yet, just as her fingers hovered over the magic circle, a familiar voice echoed in her mind. 

"Don't go anywhere; stay where you are."

"Miss... Alora.. But Aizel will die like this. Don't tell me you are going to help him." Vespara asked with a little hope.

"No, he doesn't need anyone's help."

"But he will die like this..

"Just do what I said, don't make me say it twice."


[Master Master, please wake up. You can't die like this, we have so many things to accomplish..]

[Are you going to die like this without even finding your own mother... what happened to all that talk you did? YOU ASSHOLE WAKE UP..]

Sh...ut up, Sekki, no o-one is dy..dying."

With a determined effort, Aizel began to rise from the ground, his movements slow and deliberate.
