
Oldie and the Kids

Aizel cooked a hearty breakfast of eggs and toast, which he arranged for Daisy and Vespara as they sat down at the table. However, Aizel could clearly feel an underlying tension in the room.

"So where are the kids?"

"They are with the oldie now, we were just heading there to pick them up," Vespara replied.

"Okay, I will wait here then, I will leave once I meet them."

"Where are you leaving?" Daisy asked.

"I am leaving to clear the Fangspire mountain."

"You know there is more than a 90% chance that you will die there," Vespara reminded him again.

"Yes, but I had already made up my mind before I even came here. When I heard that it held a treasure that could advance the core, there was no going back.

"It's just that I am heading there a little earlier than I had originally anticipated."

"And what about the memories you spoke of? How is it affecting you?" Vespara finally asked what she wanted to know the most about.
