
First And Last Time - 6

Axiolypito slashed right through her reinforced body befire landing two simultaneous collective strikes at the same spot, pushing her away, rushing in an arc, he swung a blade which was blocked.

"You look a bit surprised!" shouting like a maniac, Axio then bit the inside of his mouth and spat a bullet-sized amount of his blood.

Slapping it away, Superstes caught another of the offsprings turned projectiles, crushing it as shifted her weapon into a whip, swinging it around whilst imbued with the gold, she forced Axiolypito to retreat for an instant to think of the best approach.

It made no doubt that he would just run right through the barrage of attacks in the next instant, but that short moment was all Superstes needed to heal herself and analyse the white claws.

At first, she had supposed that they were super-heated, having experienced their sharp edge for herself, she now knew that they were simply ridiculously potent.

In fact, it had cut everything in their path, the golden energy it had clashed against had truly been cut and was now gone.

More importantly however...

'That was... Faster than before' feeling a drop of sweat travelling from her forehead all the way down to her chin, it seemed like Axiolypito hadn't quite reached his true pinnacle just yet.

Judging by the growing, warped and mad expression on his face, he had also realised this.

Rather than rushing forward to clash with her, the monster rose one of his feet up, revealing a conglomerate of spawners that had been hidden for who knows how long.

Stomping down, the sheer amount of creatures being spawned forced them to manifest all over the pillar.

Superstes didn't bother paying attention to whatever beasts he had called upon, she simply began to run through the living mass, not swinging her blade at all as she simply avoided them all, putting more of her focus on where Axio had taken this occasion to run to.

Towers and dungeons began to manifest everywhere, sending spawned creatures flying in the air as they suddenly rose from the ground, a dome of dungeons enclosed the top of the pillar in mere moments, cutting off the dark blue light of the eclipse.

Alongside the seemingly ever growing amount of spawned creatures, monsters now began to pour out from the ceiling, the chaos of beings being brought into life and killed at every instant alongside the sudden shifts in their positions due to the rising towers meant that Superstes had completely lost track of the despicable king of monsters.

Illusions that were broken as quickly as they appeared filled her vision as well, before she didn't even register them, but now they were visible for an instant before her golden eyes saw right through them.

Little bits of dark lights appeared all over the place before flares began to flash out, Axio was using every single of his techniques and abilities at his disposal.

At one point, a stretch of grey skin had grown on the ceiling, teeth and eyes protruding from the mass, it didn't take a genius to realise that this was one of his offsprings.

'What is this one?' Superstes didn't stop moving as she kept on searching for the monster, she had thought about simply breaking right through the enclosement, however, her particles could clearly feel that this thing hadn't stopped growing, it was continously expanding, even if she slashed this dome in hundred of ways, it would just stitch itself back up.

'This can't be easy for him to do all of this on such a scale...' just as she thought this, she let herself slip backward as a compressed mass of spawners and seeds of challenge went right where her head had been.

From what she had seen, Axio could only pull this off in certain conditions, one look around told her that he had found a way around this.

Multiple of those dense bullets were beings made around her, each atop of a tower, it seemed like the towers were serving as conduits for him to use this ability without giving his position away.

Where multiple towers converged, a constant stream of it erupted, the speed at which it traveled through the air might have been a problem if Superstes didn't known it was coming.

'Seriously, he has to be killing himself doing all of this without stop' she punched a falcon trying to ram into her and kicked an entire rhinoceros up to block a condensed bullet.

One tower emerged from the side of the dome, coming with its abyssaly empowered guardian punching straight from her.

Cutting right through its core, she noticed that the spawned creatures and monsters were beginning to target her with increased ferocity.

Dealing with those guys amidst the utter mess that was the inside of this place could prove challenging, especially when illusions were constantly clouding her vision.

She had already reached the limits of her body, she couldn't infuse herself with anymore golden energy.

She had to deal with things as they were.

All while keeping Golden Glow hidden.

She had already decided that she would use her other hidden card the moment Axiolypito decided to show his ugly face again.

If he could continue to go faster and faster, she would be the one in a coffin by the end of this fight.

However, she couldn't just use it now, it would do its work but the opening it would give her wasn't to be wasted.

The ground below one her talons slightly shifted as a minuscule tower arose, throwing her off balance.

The illusions suddenly grew in power as a fox leapt for her face.

Her arms holding her blade was busy slashing down a bunch of tower guardians that had shown up moments earlier.

She grabbed the animal by the throat to stop it, already in the movement of throwing it at another creature when she saw a small figure jumping out of its mouth.

Returning to his true sizes, the speed at which Axiolypito moved guarranted that he would be able to strike before the heroine could do anything.

Feeling high on power, Axio had never exerted himself so much and yet, he had never felt so good before.

"Kinship: Assemble!" he couldn't help but exclaim, forcing all of the remaining offsprings that he had in his possession to merge into one, forming them into a collective strike around his fist.

He struck as closely as instantly as was possible, landing his punch square in Superstes's chest, then another right into her weapon sending it flying as he manipulated the dungeons forming the dome to allow it to fly into the horizon unrestrained.

He only had one hit left with this before it was destroyed.

Shifting the offspring form into a blade, he still had one second of the offspring granting him incredibly sharp claws.

The blade shone a bright white as it extended beyond sight, slashing everything in its path with incredible ease.

The spawned creatures and everything else he had conjured up suddenly fell apart, giving him back the insane amount of energy he had used to maintain all of them.

The offspring was destroyed, leaving him with none of his kinship techniques.

Superstes had used up all of her healing factor to not die from that first punch, leaving her with nothing to get her left arm back, which had been cut right at the shoulder.

"Any last words?"

Next chapter