
So Long, Truest Of Kings

The Old Hadal King looked at his hands and then up as he stood back up in spite of the gut wrenching pain he was experiencing.

Left with no mana to mend his wounds, he could have used his own life as a catalyst for one last spell but chose against it.

The barrier that had held for so many years crumbled down, leaving the Abyss free to move forward now that the obstacle was gone.

However, rather than bursting forward, it slowly expanded forward before shrinking back, as though afraid of the dying man.

Having unlocked the affinity for abyssal magic didn't mean anything by itself to the true Abyss, however, using it in a more aggressive way or using it to enhance his body would have seriously heightened the king's combat abilities, but he didn't.

The Abyss could only stand back in front of the one that had gazed into it and come back whole numerous times, never faltering or considering using the Abyss for power, he had weaponised the Abyss against nothing but itself.

In front of such a man, a man who was able to maintain his ideals and beliefs against its corrpupting influence, perhaps this was the closest the unfeeling Abyss had ever come to experiencing fear and reverence.

The last spell he had conjured soon broke down as well, freeing the abhorent beast from its confines and allowing it to regain its true appearance.

Although he wasn't truly dead yet, the venerer paid him no mind and walked by him while staring at the breach.

It turned its blank face toward Axiolypito, who looked back at it.

Then it went on its way, stepping back from where it had come, the rift closing behind and taking all of the Abyss it had spread back with it.

At long last, the kingdom of the deep had been liberated.

When Axio turned back to the Old Hadal King, the man had already stopped breathing.

His life was gone, he was dead.

Lifeless but still standing on his two feet, dignified even in death.

Axiolypito let out a sigh, the experience energised him but he didn't feel triumphant.

He had needed the assistance of a venerer to have a shot at defeating this king.

He had heard it from one of the other apostles, venerer's were once used to deal with whole worlds and yet, the Old Hadal King would have easily won had Axio or the venerer been alone.

Even without being able to drain it of his Abyss, he still would have succeeded, in fact, he very well could have won even against the two of them had things not gone the way they had.

Just a single change and the outcome would have been completely different.

'What a beast...' that's what he thought, before enduring a crushing defeat at the hands of Sir Solitar, Axiolypito had been convinved that no one other than the other apostles of Mov could even think about rivaling his greatness.

But now, he was well aware that there were people that could easily wipe him out.

As he remained standing opposite to the king, it was like time stopped flowing and like a dark light had been switched on inside of the room.

It seemed like the walls were melting, looking up, a dreadful and enormous eye had replaced the ceiling, its gaze aimed only at the Old Hadal King's corpse.

The eye emmited a 'Mmmh' noise, for some reason, despite the situation and despite being frozen in place, Axio didn't feel any fear or apprehension, as though he subconsciously knew that nothing could happen to him, as if he was in the presence of a good friend rather than an unspeakable abomination.

As quickly as it happened, everything reverted back to normal, nothing had changed, absolutely nothing was different.

Raising an eyebrow as he looked around, Axiolypito felt the crystal he kept on himself heat up, move and make a small noise all at once.

Seemed like everyone had invited themselves over again.

"What's the problem?" he clicked his tongue, wondering what he should do with the king's body, not even bothering to only speak in his head, he was alone after all.

"Did you feel this?! This was simply incredible!" it was the guy that sometimes spoke in another language, sounding quite thrilled about the whole eye event.

"The lazy fool up above has had his interest picked" Vlasfimia came next.

"That is only logical, this king character deserves recognition" that was the guy that had not-so subltly insulted Axio last time, he sounded overall the same but he had definitely been pleasantly surprised by the Old Hadal King.

"What are you all talking about?" Axiolypito asked, not actually expecting any sort of explanation from the peanut gallery.

However, he was in for a surprise.

"You see Axio, we all are creations of a singular being, the truth is that everything that was, is, will be is all created by this big guy whilst he slumbers" explained the first one.

"Which is generally what is believed to be the cause why worlds tends to follow a certain pattern, why certains things are almost always present and such, in any case, he isn't perfectly aware of everything, everywhere at once..."

"...But when something interesting happens, he knows, this leads to something becoming a staple or something recurring in his dreams, that's what just happened with the Old Hadal King, he was so cool, that even the creator of everything was thrilled" he casually explained as if it was all facts and like there wasn't even a lick of suppositions or theories in there.

"He is now a legendary figure that will show up in myths and legends from other worlds, and may even live again, though, for us apostles of Mov, all of this is by default" he concluded before seemingly leaving, not that Axio had any clue how one could leave a crystal.

There had appeared to be a bunch more apostles at the start but they had quickly thinned out, as if they had all been summoned without being given a choice.

He could sense that only two remained with him, he recognised one as Dramentia, as for the other, he had no clue.

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