
Ch. 6 Part 2

" it's hard to get that and doctor Shi knows that too, so you'll have to give me some time " YanZhi said in a very serious and business tone

" That's okay, I'll be patient till you get them... what about what you brought me today? " doctor Shi asked

" ah yes, a five hundred years old ginseng and three bottles of the aphrodisiacs you asked for... 20 pills in each bottle which makes 60 pills " Xiao Ling started to cough hard as he choked on his tea hearing YanZhi mention of aphrodisiacs

" little wife are you alrighty? " YanZhi rubbed his back as he asked worriedly

" cough, cough... I'm okay, I just drank hurriedly. " Xiao Ling lied which made YanZhi smirked teasingly

" take it slow~ " YanZhi said in a mocking tone earning a fierce glare from Xiao Ling.

" ah doctor Shi sorry for the distraction now " YanZhi apologized politely

" don't say that Brother Yan, your wife's needs comes first " doctor Shi shook his hands

" back to what I was saying... it's the same deal as usually, five thousand taels of silver for a five hundred years old ginseng, for the aphrodisiacs a thousand taels of silver per bottle... Just give me ten thousand taels for everything " doctor Shi nodded in understanding as YanZhi calculated everything to him

" okay, are you going to walk in town for a while or will you wait for me to prepare the silvers for you? " doctor Shi asked

" I want to take my wife around for a while, we'll be back about two to three hours later " YanZhi got on his feet as he said to doctor Shi, Xiao Ling and Yue also got up and followed YanZhi out of Huichun shop

" Xiang Gong, is ten thousand taels of silver a lot? " Xiao Ling asked

" yes, it's a lot of money... but that's not all your husband has, your husband is richer than the King of this dynasty " YanZhi said proudly

" how many cents makes a silver tael? " he asked again

" hmm a thousand cents makes a silver tael " YanZhi answered his question happily

" wow... then you're really rich " Xiao Ling exclaimed

" of course... a tael of silver is what most workers here earn yearly, the higher paid workers are shopkeepers who make three to four taels yearly " YanZhi answered

" but Xiang Gong is it alright to give out ring space storages? " Xiao Ling was worried that it might cause unimaginable chaos in a none cultivation world

" hmm~ it's okay. Since I'm a being from the heavens I can't interfere much in the lives and destinies of the lower beings so I wouldn't do anything stupid to get a tribulation from the heavens. Tho the ring space storage can be crafted here, it's very rare and hard to obtain. There are small time cultivators and martial artists here so it can be crafted by the cultivators, but just a very small space which is 1 out of ten crafted successfully. Like me I could use the space directly without crafting it into an object but they can't and only few metres or half acre space can they cut from this entire space. So doctor Shi knows I sold it very cheap to him which isn't a loss to me, because now he'll take it as he owes me a favor, so it's okay you don't need to worry little wife, I won't do anything which I'm not supposed to in this world. Now should we first get something to eat or visit the martial arts school first? " YanZhi asked after he assured Xiao Ling

" If Xiang Gong says so then I won't worry... I'm not hungry now so let's go to the martial arts school first " YanZhi took them to the martial arts school. They walked to a young man who looked like a disciple of the school in wanting to ask for directions, YanZhi smiled and cupped his hands

" this little brother, we're here in wanting to sell a valuable item to the master of this school... might you show us where we could meet the master? " he asked the disciple politely, the disciple checked them from head to toe and sneered

" what valuable item can you sell to our martial arts school... go, go, go away from here you don't have anything valuable for our martial arts school " the disciple rudely said to YanZhi which angered Yue for his attitude towards her master.

Yue unsheathed her swords strike at him

" Yue stop! " YanZhi ordered and she stopped in time as the sword landed against the disciple's neck making a small cut and drawing a few drops of blood

" Master this insect was rude to you!... he deserves to be strike down! " She pouting as if a child been cheated.

" withdraw back your sword, we're here for business not to strike people down. " She reluctantly withdrew her sword back and sheathed it, the disciple quickly held his neck terrified with shaky legs

" this little brother do forgive my disciple's behavior... please use this ointment to treat your wound " YanZhi said as he pretended to take out a very small shaped round porcelain from his sleeves and passed it to the disciple, the disciple stretched his shaky hands and took the ointment from YanZhi still feeling terrified of almost losing his life in a blink of an eye, he didn't even see the time Yue unsheathed her sword let alone when she striked. YanZhi took out a crystal from his sleeves

" little brother please pass this to the master of the school, he'll know how valuable it is when he sees it and if he can't tell its value just bring it back to me and we'll quietly leave " he skeptically took the crystal from YanZhi before he left for the errand.

" Yue, do not be in hurry to strike the mortals.... they are weak compared to you so you must show patience and leniency with them " YanZhi adviced

" Yes master, punish your disciple for her actions " Yue got down on her knees and said dejectedly

" get up Yue, I won't punish you for what you do not know.... take this as your first warning. Only strike when someone shows intent of striking you, there are other ways to defend yourself without even using your sword. " she got up and thanked YanZhi.... YanZhi turned to Xiao Ling who had been quiet feeling down since they got to the school

" Little wife are you okay? you've been feeling down for quite a while now " he worriedly said bringing Xiao Ling out of his thoughts..... Xiao Ling faced YanZhi's gaze dejectedly

" Xiang Gong..... actually I just found out that.... I'm illiterate in this time and space, I can make out some characters but not all since what I learnt back from where I'm from was simplified characters but what is used here are traditional characters. " YanZhi noticed the pain in Xiao Ling's voice as he said sadly

" ah just calligraphy and reading right? I'll teach you... there's no need to be down because of that, we'll buy a set of learning materials later " Xiao Ling's mood soared up hearing YanZhi say he'd teach him to read traditional characters.....

" en " Xiao Ling happily nodded at that moment the disciple whom YanZhi sent ran back with his face full of smiles

" Brother... "

" My surname is Jun " YanZhi introduced himself

" ah brother Jun, master is waiting for you.... he's interested in the item I took to him, please follow me " he said excitedly

They followed him as he lead them to a pavilion where the master awaits, the master excitedly walked to YanZhi in a hurry immediately they walked into the pavilion

" young man are you the master who brought this crafting item? " he hurriedly asked YanZhi, YanZhi cupped his hand to the master in a way of greeting and Xiao Ling and Yue followed his example

" Yes I am the one " said YanZhi in very polite manner making the old master blushed embarrassedly

" sorry for my behavior now, this old man was too excited to be able to have such a good item in hand.... I welcome you to my Zhang martial arts school, I am named Zhang Jiang... you can call me master Zhang, what do I call this master? " master Zhang also cupped his hands politely to YanZhi and asked

" my surname is Jun and my name YanZhi, this is my wife Xiao Ling and my disciple Yue " YanZhi said as master Zhang showed them their seats... Xiao Ling sat next to YanZhi and Yue stood at the corner with the disciple who brought them.

" I didn't expect the master who brought me such a valuable item to be so young " master Zhang said bluntly which made YanZhi smiled and laughed lightly. Infact it was hard to get hands items which are used to craft magical weapons everywhere even in the capital city, so master Zhang had to conclude that YanZhi was a martial arts master or a master in cultivation before even seeing him. Seeing YanZhi to be this young made him skeptical.
