


I was raging when I found that man pulling Isabella harshly, I couldn't control my anger, I wanted to kill him.

When Isabella was cleaning my wounds, I couldn't stop myself from looking at her emerald orbs, they were so enchanting, Why this girl affects me so much?

She thanked me and ran from there. Why was someone trying to harm Isabella?

I went back to the party and suddenly there was darkness, what the hell is going on?

Suddenly someone bumped into me and there was a dim light, I was again met with her emerald orbs, she again apologized and I asked her what she was doing all alone here, she told, me that she wanted some fresh air, so she was going in the garden with a drink. I wanted to tease her a bit, I asked whether I could accompany her and she was in a mental dilemma.

Just then Noah came and started speaking his nonsense, I pushed him out and saw her running past me again. While going fast she slipped and was going to fall when I caught her slim waist and she opened her eyes.

She slowly stood up and I don't know what happened to me when I saw her chewing those plump lips of hers, she was looking so beautiful in that dim light. I caught her hands and pulled her towards the garden, What I am doing, surely that alcohol is affecting me too much I couldn't control myself. She was resisting and pleading with me to leave her hands but I pulled her and took her to the garden area.


I was pleading with him to leave me, but he just pulled me toward the garden and left my hands.

He looked at me with a strange expression, what is it, is it lust I see? No way Aiden Williams can't lust over a girl like me.

What are you doing Sir? Do you need something?

He just looked at me and at that time only slow music started to play, he held his hands out for me. Now I have to dance with him.

Sir, I have to meet Charlie, he must be waiting for me, so I can't dance now with you.

"Really but I saw your bf dancing with a pretty girl on the dance floor, so he can dance with anyone, but your Boss is asking you to dance and you are refusing him, wow, you are a good gf then."

What is his problem, he always tells me something which angers me so much.

No sir, I can also dance with anybody, he won't mind.

I held my hands out and he pulled me close to his body, he clutched my waist tightly and we began dancing.

The ambiance was magical, with those dim lights shining softly and that beautiful song, but we both were not made for this. I suddenly felt Aiden's hot breath on my neck and my breath hitched, he slowly put his hand on my naked back and started drawing small circles, while dancing. I was shocked, what is he doing, and why the hell I am enjoying this feeling? No Bella you have to stop this.

He pulled me close and I could smell the strong scent of whisky coming from his breath. He is really very intoxicated.

I pushed him back with all my strength but he didn't move a bit.

"So Miss Manners, do you still consider me My Aiden".

What the hell, he is not in his senses.

Sir, please stop, you are not in your sense, please let me go.

"I read each and every word, Isabella."

No way, what did he read, Oh shit did he get those letters, or rather that one letter which I wrote. How can I be so stupid, I had sent him all his books, but didn't check only.

"So Miss Manners, Do you still have those feelings".

That was enough, I won't tolerate any more insults, I pushed him hard and this time he moved away.

Listen MR WILLIAMS, I don't remember anything, I didn't write any letter, that girl was a stupid fool who did all that, that girl believed in stupid fairy tale romance but I am not that stupid girl. Thank you for saving me. Good Night.

I walk passed him, but he came in front of me,

"Really Miss Miller so why did your breath hitch when I touched your bareback, or why were you breathing so heavily at my presence, don't I affect you at all?"

His eyes bore into me, he was so serious as he spoke.

No, you don't affect me at all and you are no one in my life so please let me go now.

"I hope you can stick to your words Miss Millers, go away just run away from me, his words held so much pain, what the hell I am thinking? I have to leave now, I did what he said, I ran away from there and never wished to see him again.

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