
Tension and Conflict (2)

บรรณาธิการ: Dragon Boat Translation

"Therefore, I would like to request your help in returning to the Lienhardt Grand Duchy. The Valencia Family of the Lienhardt Grand Duchy will surely not forget the helping hand you extend to us."

"My Lady!" The captain and the chief guard were both startled and alarmed, their expressions turning sour. How could they directly reveal their names and identities like that?

Even though the Lienhardt Grand Duchy was only one of the several duchies and kingdoms along the northwestern coast of the central ocean of the Northern Continent, it wasn't the most powerful presence.

Nonetheless, being a noble daughter of a grand duke made her a distinguished figure next to the grand duke himself, a cherished jewel in his eyes.

If the other party were to know about Your Highness's identity, would they harbor any ill intentions?
