

That nighttime during dinner, Lea stared at the assorted of dishes in front of her. She gulped her throat, feeling the scars on her back ache more as Carcel didn't allow medicine for her wounds. She could only endure the pain, hoping that it wouldn't bleed over her dress. But then again even if the back of her dress turned red, no one would know. It was why Valentine and Carcel had chosen the red dress for her dinner. 

This always happened. She had never a choice by her own hands. Her two brothers would control her, starting from what kind of hairstyle she should do that day, if she should wear jewel of which kind, and what kind of dress to adorn her. She was always their dolls, following their wish as if she didn't, she would face consequence. 

"..That's how I cut through those monster's neck!" Crius who had been talking throughout the dinner smiled beamingly. 

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