
9: Fighting pokemon Trainers

Stephanie started off the battle immediately.

"Eevee use tackle" she said.

this was probably the only effective fighting move Eevee knew currently.

"Scorbunny, evade the tackle and create distance" Jayden prepared for the attack.

Scorbunny could probably dominate this battle, but he didn't wanna hurt the poor girl's Eevee too much.

Scorbunny immediately hopped away before Eevee could even get close to it.

Scorbunny's speed stat was higher than Eevee's, there was no way for Eevee to catch up.

"now use double kick"

Scorbunny shot towards Eevee like a slingshot, since Eevee was already close to it there was no way It could dodge the double kicks.


first kick, Eevee staggered back a little, it tried to run back to Stephanie but the first kick was followed by another kick only seconds after.


Eevee was sent flying while Scorbunny calmly landed back down.

Jayden noticed Scorbunny's fighting spirit, it wanted to continue with an ember but Jayden stopped it.

he promised to find some stronger opponents for Scorbunny in the future, the little guy seemed to have awakened a joy for battling.

"Eevee" Stephanie shouted.

she was surprised, the little bunny didn't look so strong, yet her Eevee was sent flying after two kicks?

"are you giving up?" Jayden looked at her calmly and asked.

"i- no of course not, Eevee can still continue" Stephanie said hesitatingly, she only sighed in relief when she noticed her Eevee nod after getting itself together.

"we'll get ready then"

"Scorbunny use ember"


a blazing ball of flame was sent flying towards Eevee.


it splashed on the ground as Ever barely evaded it, but some parts of its tail were burnt.

before it could land.

Scorbunny immediately appeared under the Eevee, like a stealthy ninja.

"now, Quick Attack"

Scorbunny's speed increased for a quick second before it turned into a white blur with a golden glow.

it shot up towards Eevee and landed a devastating quick attack on its stomach.


The sound of the collision was heard all throughout the field, Eevee was once again sent flying before landing right next to Stephanie.

this time it was completely unconscious.

"I lost" Stephanie sighed, she kinda accepted her fate when she realized Scorbunny was already a few levels stronger than her Eevee.

she put Eevee into its PokeBall before sighing deeply.

"if I knew you were this strong I wouldn't have asked to fight you" she pouted before giggling.

"haha, My partner and i have just been training for a long time that's why" Jayden lied.

in fact this was his first week actually training Scorbunny.

the old Jayden wasn't too into pokemon battles, so Scorbunny could only stay at home with him.

"oh yea I meant to ask, that's a unique pokemon, I've never seen one like it in Kanto" Stephanie said as if she suddenly remembered something.

"That's a given, it's the fire type starter Pokemon from the galar region" Jayden replied while patting Scorbunny.

"the galar region?, ah, didn't their championship league just end, their new champion is ash Ketchum right?" Stephanie looked surprised.

"yup that's the galar region's champion" Jayden smiled.

"I'm a big fan of ash, I have his posters all over my room"....

Jayden exchanged a few words with Stephanie before bidding her far well, she seemed like a cool person to befriend, so they exchanged contact information after.

the whole day went by in a flash for Jayden.

he continued to challenge many other trainers around his level and swept through all of them, each battle could only end in his favor.

in just a few hours he already built a reputation among these young pokemon trainers.


"thank you for shopping, come again" a receptionist lady said to Jayden while he left one of the stalls in the training area.

he had bought some small snacks for himself and Scorbunny while waiting for his mom to come pick him up.

"18 with no car is crazy" he joked and laughed to himself.

it wasn't long before he got a text from his mom, she had also just finished her book club meeting.

"I'm on my wayyyy :)"

was what she texted him.

while leaving the building, A few trainers that Jayden had battled with bid him farewell.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jayden"

"bye Jayden"

it was crazy how fast they remembered his name, his unique pokemon plus his battle instincts was what stuck to them.

"making friends already?" a black car pulled up beside Jayden, his mom laughed while watching the young trainers bid him farewell.

"I guess so" Jayden replied befire calling down his thoughts, coming here was worth it.

not only did Scorbunny level up to almost level 15, it's battle experience was going up at an insane rate.


Type: Fire

Level: 14

Bond: 95%

he was already guaranteed to get his Pokemon training license in a couple more days.

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