
Chapter 14; Hubby, you missed me?

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In the office, Mu Zhen finally felt better and didn't feel any pain, he leaned back on the seat comfortably closing his eyes, Wei Lin has been in a distance and just watched.

"Wei Lin, did you see Wei Tang?" His voice was low and rough.

"Yes, I left them around the camp but they said they were to go to the South coast." He responded lightly frowning, he hadn't received any news yet, it was almost two hours since they parted ways.

"Why didn't you accompany them?" He inquired curiously, if he didn't have anything urgent, he should have accompanied them.

"They didn't request so I didn't dare tag along.." he innocently responded gazing at his Master who seemed to be asking too many questions today.

"All right, you can go on... I don't have any work for you.." he dismissed him, he had to wait for them here, if they were in trouble, he could have gotten information from Wei Tang.

"Master, let me take you home.." he suggested seeing him in this terrible condition.

"No, I will stay here.. you can go on.." yes he had to see her first before his damn heart could calm down.

"All right then, let me stay here to accompany you.." he settled down on the couch and await the good news.

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"Xiao Mei.. we have to go..." He got up from the ground and finally packed the remaining ashes before going back to their car.

They sat down buckling their safety belt, and Wei Tang drove the car into the highway, As Wei Tang drove faster, she placed the ashes on the window and let the polythene paper lose at the opening, the ashes sprinkled out while spread out with the blowing window until it was done.

She threw the polythene paper away as she closed the car window and Wei Tang drove into the main highway, the other small highway was empty and had a few cars as it connected to the village.

They didn't mutter a single word knowing someone somewhere must be listening into the hidden cameras.

After a twenty minutes drive, they arrived at the checking point, normally only public vehicles could be stopped but they were stopped.

Wei Tang was surprised and gazed at Ye Mei before pulling aside, he hadn't anticipated this.

He withdrew the windows down as the police officers came over closer.

He got his driving license and other documents, "Yes officers, what can I do for you?" He inquired curiously while Ye Mei was curled up in the passenger seat.

The police officers glanced at him, "open up the boot, we are doing an inspection.." one of them spoke out coldly.

Wei Tang pressed the button and the boot opened, they went around to the back and check it but there wasn't anything they anticipated to see, their eyebrows curved upwards surprised.

Ye Mei noticed that look in their eyes and knew, those bags were a trap, "hehehe.." she giggled lightly.

"Open the backseat car doors.." they requested and Wei Tang opened them, after checking around, they couldn't see anything, eying them, they seemed to be strange.

They couldn't arrest them without any valid reason, "you can go.." they dismissed him and Wei Tang drove away but he never expected Wei Lin to be a snitch.

His hatred and animosity for him deepened, he had to find a chance and get rid of him.

"Don't worry, we will fix that.." she muttered knowing what he could possibly be thinking about.

They turned several corners before driving into the company parking lot and he parked the car exhaling loudly.

They alighted as they walked into the company, took the elevator up to the top floor, exited, and walked into Mu Zhen's office.

Mu Zhen whose eyes were closed snapped them open as he jerked up from his chair and walked over pulling her into his arms.

"Hubby, you missed me?" Her voice was soft and mellow but her uniform was torn and looked dirty overall.

Above all, Wei Lin seemed surprised, maybe this wasn't the outcome he anticipated, he gazed at Wei Tang who was all dirty and his clothes torn just like Ye Mei.

It took a few minutes for Mu Zhen to calm down as he tightly hugged her, he just couldn't get enough of her, he released her but his eyes saw what he hadn't seen.

"What happened to you?" He inquired worriedly gazing at her scratched skin.

"Humph! You haven't answered my question, did you miss me?" Her lips pouted in tsundere as her dirty cheeks puffed outward.

"All right..." He just spoke out that not confirming anything but dragged her into his private lounge.

"Clean up first, then we will start having a serious conversation.." he glared at her, that earlier pain wasn't for nothing but because she was in danger.

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