
chapter 74

--3rd person POV--

"Who are you?" asked Barrow as he looked at his captor, if someone ever told him that one day he would have been caught by a sexy woman and dragged into an empty building he would have never believed him, but now that's reality.

"Why do you ask such a stupid question? Would it even matter? The whole world thinks you are disgusting and that you should die, so what does it matter? I'm just one of the many people who wants you to disappear" Stated Ann as she cleaned her jacket that had been dirtied while carrying the man.

"You are with the other girl, right? You too are one of the guys with the glowing eyes! I knew it that you were evil, you won't be able to go unpunished you will pay for your existence" shouted Barrow.

"Oh please, I won't say I'm a good and innocent girl, but you are a famous murder, who is being hunted right now! If the police was to arrive here and see us, all I would need to do is to scream and you will be shot instantly" said the girl as she lowered herself to his eye level and smiled.

"Put away that fake smile I know that you are always complotting, you'll paralyze the word! It's just like in the movie "village of the damned" beautiful kids with glowing eyes, who goes around doing horrible things" murmured Barrow.

"Thanks for calling me beautiful, but sweet talks won't save you" said with a soft tone Ann as if she was speaking with a kid.

"They should have believed me. I told them that I saw children with glowing eyes, but they said I was mad and when I tried to show them who were the real enemies they treated as the monster" cried Barrow.

"Oh, you tried to do the good thing, but you see rarely good guys goes unpunished, because when you provoke bad people like me we get very, very angry. It was an error to go after my sister, because now mom has given me the permission to do what I want with you and it won't be good, it will be long and painful, but I'm going to enjoy every second of it, so try to last as much you can, ok?" said Ann with a concerned look as she caressed Barrows' cheek and for one moment the murderer tried to forget his situation and enjoyed the soft touch that reminded him of his mother.

"Yes, be good. Before starting why don't you tell me who told you about my sister. It wasn't a coincidence, right?" asked Ann.

"It wasn't, I don't know who it was, but someone left a message for me that told me to go after your sister. You must pay attention I fear he is a monster too" said Barrow forgetting that he was speaking to his mortal enemy, but something in his mind was telling him to just let go.

"Oh, what a sweetheart you are. You know differently from other I truly believe you saw children with glowing eyes" said the woman.

"Really? I though no one would have ever believed me, thank you! Tank you!" said the murder while crying.

"Yeah, so tell how they looked like, were they like this?" she said as her eyes glowed of a bright yellow color and the murderer remained stunned for a second.

"Or were they like this?" asked again Ann as her eyes became bigger and red, Barrow stopped seeing anything.

He could only see darkness and different types of glowing eyes surrounding him, but the scariest part was when they blinked, because for one moment they disappeared into the void and he couldn't know if the next time they would reappear nearer him.

"AAAAhhhhh" screamed Barrow, but it was night and the building was empty.

On the side as Barrow kept contorting on the floor, Ann looked at him with a smile.

"He was someone with a weak mind, who had already been tampered with by the other nogitsune, he was too easy for my tastes. At least he got a nice taste for movies, I liked "village of the damned" too. A group of children born through unexplainable means with powerful powers, that allowed them to mess with other people mind and because of this the word feared them. They just wanted to survive and used their own means to defend themselves, but people feared their existence and because of that they killed them all. I liked this movie, because it reminded me of my story, likely I had a mother who loved me and believed in me. She thought I could be someone good too, even if she knew how cruel void kitsune are. Maybe I should go and have fun with her tomorrow, it has been a long time since we last did a girls outing, or maybe I should wait that mom reveal to Kira the truth so that we could have fun with her too! Ah no, she is still a minor, mom will never let her drink." Said Ann, while in the background resounded the screams of Barrow who seemed to be breathing with difficulty.

--MC POV--

"What do you hear?" we had just seen a few moments ago Scott, who had been knocked out and Kira was tending to him.

The ambulance was about to arrive, so Scott couldn't follow us and it was still just me, Lydia, Malia and Laura who were looking for Barrow.

"I keep hearing a man screaming" replied Lydia.

That doesn't sound good.

"Do you think he targeted someone else?"

"What happened to Kira's aunt then? Kira said she run after Barrow" A woman chasing a murder sound quite strange, maybe she had a gun with her, but that wouldn't explain the screams that Lydia is hearing.

"You can't hear anything else?" I asked her.

"No, but maybe if I scream it could be better, I feel it" she said.

"Then do it" I said as we all covered our ears and after letting out a powerful scream worthy of Godzilla, Lydia closed her eyes and tried to concentrate.

"I can hear a buzzing, but it is different from the one that flies makes. It's like… the current! It is the sound of electricity. It must be the power substation where he worked!" said Lydia and we immediately got on the car and left for the central.

It didn't take long as it was only a five-minute trip.

"Do you still hear anything?" I asked Lydia.

"No, the screams stopped just now" she replied trying to concentrate on her hearing, but she seems to be unable to feel anything strange anymore.

"Let's be fast then" I said, and we directly entered the building.

Inside we found a woman with a satisfied expression on her face and Barrow who was lying on the floor.

His eyes were red, and tears were still flowing out of them, but he wasn't breathing anymore and that made it clear that he was already dead.

The woman looked at us and said "Oh it seems that I lost myself in the moment".

She was hot, but the moment was too creepy to enjoy the sight.

"You are the girl from yesterday at the pub and you must also be Kira's aunt" said Laura.

"Ah! You are the bartender! And the man on your side seems to be the source of your good smell. I knew you had it in you the moment I first saw you. Younger men are the best, right? Especially in my cases since if I were to look for men my age, I should go to a retirement home" she said laughing at her own joke, with a very feminine laugh.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Oh… it is because of the dead body, right? He died because of an heart attack, I could do nothing to save him. Sorry if I'm like this, but I'm a little drunk at the moment" she said.

"I couldn't get you drunk yesterday after emptying two bottles of gin, one of tequila and one of rum." Stated Laura.

"Well, I need something more than alcohol to becomes drunk. So, do you have some question for me now that I am truly drank? I know you tried every possible way to know more of me yesterday, here is your chance" She exclaimed in a very drunk way.

"What are you?" asked Laura.

"I'm a void kitsune" she replied and Laura made a scared expression when she heard it.

I know what a kitsune is, but I have no idea what it means to be a void kitsune.

"Were you the one who caused all these troubles" she asked.

"No, that's another void kitsune, which happens to be my father, but don't worry we are on the same side, I want to end my father too. He is not a nice person" Replied Ann with a smile.

"Two void kitsune in the same place!" exclaimed Laura.

"Another crazy dad and a daughter who wants to kill him, really?" I asked and Malia seemed to have a better opinion of the crazy woman now since they shared the same problem.

In some way Lydia too was not that adverse to her anymore, after all she too didn't like her father, and maybe the fact that the woman was hot helped in building a favourable impression.

"See we are all friends now, so let's be happy! How about we go to your pub to drink. It's on me"

"First we need to do something about the body" said Lydia.

And Ann, who heard her threw a kick to the body.

"What a party pooper you are, even in death!" she said, and I somewhat pitied the man.

(I enjoyed writing this chapter, I truly like Ann's character that I'm making. I know i failed in posting saturday chapter. For now let's just say that I'll try to post a second capther when i can, this period has been truly exhausting)

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