
Side Chapter: Trazyn? Bargain? [Canon?]

As Kaurava I is Filled With Vigor, another Day passes by, a Day in Hard Labor, People regardless of Stature entered the Former Slum District for food that is beyond what they ate, Corpse Starch and the Occasion Grox Meat, Now replaced with Scents of meat and vegetables flooded the Street, Such Music and Fanfare started Afternoon till the Night, until a Certain Necron was Curious of the Food Trees created by the Humans and Procured some for himself...

As he Knocked out the Night watch and entered the Orchards, he stood in wonder, how does a Meat from a Animal can grow from a Tree, as he Reached out to pluck a Piece of meat, a Necron language was heard behind him...

"You know Trazyn, I could always Give it to you, please do mind that I prefer my People safe, as I am aware that what I done to create this marvel, was to bring you here..."

As Trazyn Turn Around and Saw a Human just Staring at Him, bemused with the Grin on his face...

"Hmm it would seem that someone in the Imperium knows how to Speak my Language... and your Syllables is Decent, tell me Stranger... Who Taught you?"

"Let just say, Not everyone in the Imperium is a Raging Xenophobic race.. and What I learn is from A Necron whose name is long forgotten He called himself "Hermit"..."

"And Now no More about me Trazyn, I have come to seek a Trade..."

"A trade you say? What is it you require? And What is it?" Trazyn wondered as the Human Check on their Pulses and Let them rest under a Shade...

"I will Show you, but follow me." as the Two head deeper, Hidden in the Orchard was a Portal like Structure that is Made with Blackstone and metals that he is Unfamiliar with and the portal Glow Gold... He didn't mind about this body being destroyed as he could always replace it, Trazyn Felt a Tinge of Excitement as he stepped into Portal...

He Sees stacks of Metals that is not Existed from his search, he held a Block of Metal that is a Blackhole compressed into a Block, Machines that defy reality just in his grasp, A Machine that made him invulnerable for a short period of time, a Teleporter that does not use the warp nor Necron tech...

He was Led to a room with Chairs that was Made of Fabric made of Stars, that he doesn't know, he is curious why such a Being works for the Imperium...

"Come Sit Trazyn, why not make yourself Comfortable as we discussed the trade..."

He was Amused that such Human is Cordial enough for asking him to sit, most of the time they will shoot him on sight without question...

"Now Human... What are your terms of trade..."

"I want the Clone of Fulgrim that Fabius Bile had made and the piece of the Golden Throne Schematics in your Vaults, Everything in here is Yours, except me of course...." as the Human Bluntly stated...

As Trazyn weigh in the Cost and Benefits of this Trade...

"Hmm Why is that? And he is too valuable...."

"I will make a Complete Replica and replace it..."

"If you can make a Complete Replica what not do it yourself?"

"Because I couldn't make it have the Full memories of the Original, Fabius Bile is a Genius, that I will admit... I couldn't place a Soul into the replica..."

"And the Deal is not enough...."

"Fine, a Machine that will turn you back to Necrontyr"

Silence was the only answer of Trazyn as his Green eyes burrowed into the Human in front of him... seeing if the Human is speaking lies, but he held up with Truth in his eyes...

"Tell me.... is that true?"

"It's not perfect, but when you die in that Body, it will return you back to the Necrodermis shell of a Body... and you can Send your Consciousness like what you are doing now, Cuz I am aware that is not the Body you inhabit Trazyn..."

"Then Show Me.... what is that..."

"Fine here Follow me..."

As they left the Room and Headed down below as Massive Machines and Botanical Gardens filled the Landscapes, A Garden of Mechanical Flowers, a Forest of Blackstone, A Garage of Vehicles that he noticed is almost as the Golden age of Terra... They Headed to a Lake and on the lake is Two Blackstone Machine that Contains a Seat, and the Human was Prepping up the Machine...

"Here Sit there as I Prepare it..."

As Trazyn Sat the Machine closed it's doors... a Light glowed Green as Trazyn managed to returned to his Flesh... after the Completion, a Flesh filled Necrontyr appears in the Other Machine... as it's eyes slowly blink to let in the Light, He no longer felt the Cursed Star Sending Radiation to him... He Exhaled the fresh Air in his Lungs long Forgotten... as he held his hands long forgotten the sense of Touch...

The Human Handed him, His Walking Stick that he Lost Long ago...

"Trazyn? You Doing alright? Can you Transfer your Mind to your Counterpart?"

He Nodded, as he Transfer his engram to the Necron and Return Back again... as A Skeletal Necron he knows... and he spoke...

"Is this the Way? Human? Why do you want me to have this?"

"I would love to give it to the Silent King, but I pretty sure he might not want a Human in his vicinity right now, and He is Unavailable to be contacted... I Trust in you Trazyn, You Kept Countless Species, Countless Races, Relics that are under your Vaults, And in a Sense I Respect that .. "

"But now is not a Time for making your Race reborn... A Time is Coming for the Necrons as a whole, a Different path, from Absorbing all Life on this galaxy to be Reborn as Necrontyr... and the Empyrean ones are Now plotting their course... Even if your Race did Return to Flesh, you will face the Mistakes of our Past... and the Empyrean will take you seriously as you are one of the race that is close to defeating Chaos... And Your Necrodermis will shield you fo the time being, but those of flesh? will you be free? Only when the Time comes when the Empyrean one are destroyed, you can bring this Machine out to your Brethren, I seek a Partnership with you, and I desired a Military Cooperation and a Ceasefire with the Necrons... preferably those that is not a Pro Exterminate factions like the Destroyer Cult, Soon even Humanity will need to make a Path, and I need that Clone Trazyn."

Trazyn Saw the Eyes of the Human, Not only he was Worried about the Race if his own.. but concerned about the Future of the race of Necrons...

"Fine... As Your Deal is Settled, I will Agree to your Choice, and the Items will be Sent to you... within 5 Years.... Now... Can I Returned to the Flesh?"

"Okay, There is the Cabin Nearby you can use...

Just don't forget it!! and the Name Is Alexander Hyde!! When you are done, There is A Portal that leads in the Outskirts of the city in a Mountain pass for you to get away...."

as Alex Pointed a Green Portal that leads outside the City

The Human... no... Alexander took a Portal and left the Place... Trazyn found a Cabin and Saw a Bed that Fit his stature...

As he Laid in Bed, Feeling a Soft Comfort of the Sheets and Pillows, not the Hard Blackstone bed he pretended to sleep in... For the First time in a Millennia.... He finally got A Rest, as he Closed his eyes, as Darkness takes him to dreamland... Finally freed for a short time... of being A Necron... a Short time that he no longer needed to Search Relics to pass the time...

"I wonder... Orikan... First time I managed to win hahaha..."

As a Necron With a Single Eye Felt a Shudder and Felt that his Rival one upped him, but he did not know about it...

As the Morning Came, Trazyn Woke Up From his Sleep... Refreshed From a Long Sleep... He returned to his Necrodermis Body and Left... while Taking all of the Items in that Realm as "Payment" and The Machine, His Flesh Body that was sent into Stasis, as he returned to his planet to prepare...


As Orikan the Divine watched as Trazyn the Infinite almost disappear from the timelines for a Short time, and Somewhat Panicked that his Rival Trazyn kicked the Bucket, He Searched Countless of Timelines to see who was the Being that had Killed Him... But regardless of Countless of Timelines he couldn't Find the Killer....

Later On Trazyn went to Trolled Orikan, after the Imperium has Won, With His Flesh Body as a Bragging Rights... while Orikan Nearly toss Trazyn Now in a Flesh Body out of the Window.... that is a Story for a Later time...


Empyrean ones: Chaos Gods

Orikan: Orikan the Divine, Chronomancer In the Infinite and Divine book.. What a Lolz fest
