
Side Chapter: Reward Time (Late)

At the Eve of the Operation of Klendathu

As Alexander is on Board Armegeddon along with his fleet heading in transit to Fleet Station "Ticonderoga" to Join Up with The Fleet Command...

His System Rang up...

<Did you receive your Rewards?>

Wait, what rewards?

<You definitely Forget Me, Since you Been Busy Hunting Pirates and Doing Paperwork No matter, Here is the rewards...>

<Mission Objectives:>

- 1. Pass the Mobile Infantry Test (Passed)

- Saving Rico And Cast Parents

Secret Objectives

- Saving a Two/fifths Of Buenos Aires Population Before the Bug Meteor hit

- Forming a 4th Military Core In record time

- Assuring Sky Marshall Dienes, His fall is not a Mistake...

- Zegama Beach is Under Human Hands

- Saving Rico from Resigning

- Being Recognized as By the Population 78%

- Placing the Churches of the Golden Light in Federation Space 88% Completion

- Piracy eradication of 99.9%

Calculating Rewards...


. 100x Warhammer Gacha tickets

. 6x Command Squad Tickets

. ??? (Orb?)

. Black Library Pass (TTS) (A/N Perhaps I will crash there in future Chapters? For the Lolz)

. 1x Ground Vehicle Ticket

. Perk: Cegorach Smile

. Picture Albums of PrimeChilds

. Book Of Magnus (Roboute Heresy, Loyalist ver.)

. 50 liters of Star Wrym Extract

. 250 Tons Of Spirit Stones (That's a lot of stones...)

. Shard Of Magnus (???)

. Kalibrax V-1 Pattern Lasrifle Blueprints

Perk: Cegorach Smile

"Life a stage, and We are all part of the play, and Reality and the war we Fought is Funny"

. Most likely Harlequins Troupe will "not" Attack you? and Occasionally save you?

. Cegorach will Take notice of you...

. Pranks will be "Deadly" and beneficial?

. Gives a Aversion Towards Slaanesh Followers...

. Your Body Is Now "Flexible"?

. Aeldari Factions will more likely listen to you

Huh? that weird why is there is a Xenos Perk? I am not a Aeldari?

<I kinda.... Lost To him in a Poker Match...as the loss, he did put this perk in...>

You are Frakkin with me? You Lost a Match with "Him"? In a Poker Match No less? As my head is frowning as how a System even play Poker with the Eldar God...

<While you were busy, I been Playing games with a Version of him.... He believes that you could be the one that could saved his race by not relying on Ynnead as a backup plan.. And if Possible.... Save his Sister...>

So you telling me that I am going in the Warp Buck Naked, to Give a Punch to Slaanesh and Kill that said Entity, and to enter a Jungle that make Vietnam War like a Bloody Kindergarten to save A Eldar God Chic, that who knows if she is still alive, while Pissing both Nurgle and his pet Motarion off with my incursion? Great, I ain't No Space Marines Bs Plot Armor... And As far as I heard, A Grey Knight Was Corrupted by "That"...

Even Black Library writers will not dare to think about it, I must be insane...

<Well You Got a Choice, After we are done with the First Movie...And if you done it, the Craftworlds would be eternally grateful to you....>

Perhaps you're Right, it does give me some time to think...


Leave the Problems to Future me

Now let's see the Gacha... I thinking that this is the only one Time?

<Correct, Since it's only limited to once>

Let's Roll it all, why Spend Sparingly when it only last a minute of my time....


. Warhammer 40k Rubber Chicken

. 13x Toasters

. Malcador Hood and Cloak

. Roboute Guide to Economics and Logistics

. Avoiding Stupid deaths in Warhammer 41k Millennium Primer

. 28x Corpse Starch Cans

. Soul Merger Technique

. 10x 50 kilo of Spiced Grox meat

. Lorgar Principals on the Imperium truth (Roboute Heresy Ver.)

. Harlequin Kiss

. Cawl Guide of Making Cawl Inferior

. Blueprint of the Golden Throne (Incomplete)

. 5x Catachan Barking Toads

. 5x 10 liters of Necrodermis living Metal

. Necrodermis Armor (Imperial Ver.)

. 10x Virus Bomb (Modified)

. Emperor Class Flagship Blueprint

. Shark Assault Boat Blueprint

. Gloriana-class Battleship Blueprint

. Oberon-class Battleship Blueprint

. Nemesis-class Fleet Carrier Blueprint

. Invincible-class Fast Battleship Blueprint

. Volkite Rifle Blueprint

. WraithBone Creation Methods That even a Mon'keigh Can Learn Book

. Blackstone Pylons Blueprint

. 10x BlackStone Synthesizers

. Gothic Translated Necron Theories and Purposes to use Blackstone Pylons and Weapons Application

. Imperium Webway Blueprints (Complete)

. Old Ones Webway Schematics (Gothic Translated)

Holy...TERRA! What is This!

Ignoring Most of the Stuff, I noticed among them was a Blueprint of the Golden Throne Albeit Incomplete... As I held Carefully as I Aimed it at the Light emitting from my lamp as Blueprint was Shining in the Light as if, Time Never did Fade it's pages as the throne was seen in the background.... This Might Save... The Imperium...

As I am Heavily Breathing from the Amount of Glory and Revelations Returning to our Grace... And finished the job....

<Sadly, it will Only Barely Fix the Golden Throne and Lessen the Consumption Rate of 1000 to A mere 750 Psykers per day....And you need 3 to completely Make a full recovery> As the System Splashed my Dreams for a Better Future....

Even Better... And it's a start... Let's see the others...

As I looked at the Wraithbone Method and BlackStone Synthesizer and Pylons, It gave me a Bad Feeling, that Someone over "there" might be heading In this universe, Because if so, My Current weapons are more than enough to deter and Keep the Arachnids out....But With this Selection of Ships blueprints and the Webway Blueprint.... This is very Bad News...

Best Prepare than to Speculate, As I Made Copies of the Blueprints as Safety and Gave them to my Fabricator General to Commence Production, as much as my requisite Points I could Give them, Since this a Mechanicus that held back by No dogmas, that to learn the unknown is heresy, it would be possible we can win..., These Things Might be necessary For this universe... as Humanity as a whole...

And Prepare the Blackstone Pylons throughout Federation Space in every Cities, Orbital Platforms and Unpopulated Planets...Is a undulating task, This Might be Not Warhammer... I hope that the Fabricator General knows this is Our Home... And No Monster will take it from us...

After Hours of Clarifying, The Amount of time Needed to Make the Blackstone to at least Cover Federation space will take at least 20 years and it would be faster, if I gave one for Dissection, Which was granted.... and We Could Roleplay the Wraith Bones as a New Building Materials...

And the Webway Project... Once was Revelation Greatest Dream...Now Forgotten By the mist of time and the dust of War..... As one of his sons Broke his psychic barrier that he was empowered by Chaos.... and now Revelation constant Shame... that reminded him Every day and night below the Golden Palace that the Custodes are Fighting The Warp entities at that shattered gate...

Now... I Hope to Build it, not for being of Pride of A Person that managed to built the Webway, without being murdered by his son... But as a Person to finish what Revelation have started.... His Wish for humanity... With the Schematics of the Old Ones, we could build a New Webway, than relying on a decaying foundations....That the Aeldari and the Drukhari uses....

I Sighed of such a fact and went to the Squad and Vehicle section....

Unlike the time that you can make from the base, these are Customized Squads and Vehicle are all Personal Guards to Command and They can be accompanied to my journey there....

However they cannot be reinforced or Replaced seeing as they are a Unique Unit...

And they Can Be from any "factions" and "Era" in the Multiverse

there are some Squads that did bothered me...

. Techno barbarians Squad (Age of Strife)

. Felinid Assault Squad

. Squats Grenadiers Squads (Retconned)

. Sister Repentia Squads

. Tanith the First and only (Named Squad)

. Valhallan Infantry Squad

. Harlequins Troupe Squad

. Halflings Sniper Squad

. Grey Knights Squad

. Angry Marines Squads? (Fan Chapter)

. Reasonable Marines Squad? (Fan Chapter)

. Solar Auxilia Cohorts (Great Crusade)

. Skaven Gunners Squad (Skaven in 40k?)

. The Fabulous Custodes (TTS) (A/N: Emperor, why did I think of those Abs?)

Solar Auxilia I understand, But Skaven? Squats? I understand, but The Fabulous Custodes? Why are "They" Listed in the roster? as I calmly Asked that Single Question to the System...

<Well, That "Emperor" decided to Send his "Custodes" to assist System Users on their Journey and yours is not an exception...>

And I rather "Not" Summon them, even if they are God Emperor's Finest creations, Think of how much Olive Oil is needed to oil those Abs? By the Warp, the amount of Hedonistic Cost they make, will Bankrupt me... and all the scandals...

<Fair Enough, Which do you chose?>

As I Stared Countless Units, their History... Skills.. Among Factions that is vying for Power I choose...

As I head to the Unused Halls of my Ship, I made my Choice

1x Cadian Shock troops Squad (General purpose)

1x Hospitaler Squads (Healers)

1x Krieg Engineer Squad (Engineer)

1x Harlequins Troupe (Spy)

1x Primaris Marines Devastator Squad (Heavy)

. Saim-Hann Rangers Squad (Sniper/Scout)

(A/N: Team Fortress 2?)

Such Figures appeared in the Hall, They did at the Start, turned Hostile to the Harlequins and The Rangers that was among them, with their guns, Aiming them perhaps the Only two groups of Aeldari in this Universe...

"Stand Your Ground, Troopers and Sisters..."

As if Heeded Alexander call, Primaris, Cadian And Krieg Held down their Guns....

"This Vile Xenos will Destroy us all!!" as One Sister is Lamenting out loud

"I SAID STAND YOUR GROUND!! This is our "Ally" and We have a Mission to do..."

"It would Seem that you Mon'Keigh Have a Good head On your shoulders..." As One of the ranger remarks...

"Your God... Cegorach Sent me on a Mission...To deal With 'The Great Enemy's and He requested that, I also should Free Isha and I require your Expertise in your field... And Killing me will doom your race, Regardless if Ynnead Awakens or not... It will be slow decline to death or Faster way to out to salvation, which do you decide...and Did you felt It's gaze? or does it No longer lingers it's tendrils of corruption towards you?" As a Dagger nearly At Alexander throat...

The Harlequins and the Rangers Stopped and Sense the Warp... No Great Enemy Gaze... The Warp is so stable... So Peaceful that they never Felt in their all their Centuries of Combat saving their fraction of their race from Oblivion, Watching their people slowly fade into darkness.... like it was a Dream....

"Join me... Aeldari... So that we can end what you had Wrought... or do you wish to Forsake your Kind by Using a Method that will not only Butcher your entire race into a spirit Stone, but sacrificed them for a Chance of Victory that may or may not work? that you have no Flesh? no warm body that could raise your children in the sun in that Open skies of a planet and be free from fear, instead of your Craftworlds dying slowly and in Fear of danger from Slaanesh?"

The Aeldari Shudder to hear that name and feared the Great Enemy would be upon them and sent Pawns to deal with them, upon Alexander said it's name....


As if they waited for their doom.. Alexander spoke.

"Now do we come to agreement Aeldari?

I understand your pain...."

'What do Humans know of our pain? We have sung songs of lament since before your ancestors crawled on their bellies from the sea." Another Ranger spoke...

That why I give you a choice Aeldari, You Follow me, And You Sing Songs of Jubilation and Peace, Free from fear of she-who-thirst or You Can Wallow Forever in Lament that you will never even get your fraction of your Legacy... Don't look down upon us, that we came from the seas, We may have shorter lifespans compared to you, But We shine the brightest and we ascended toward the stars in a short period of time, While what happen to your race? You had a Empire that nearly covered the Galaxy, but you wasted its potential and All I see is fragments of that Glory that your Elders Spoken in hushed whispers, and what remains of your Glory is now hiding in a Filth that is Commorragh, Do you want to end up like that? Hiding in fear, while you torture others just to survive? Is that the Honor Code of the Aeldari's Legacy? or it that Oath you bear, a mere lies spoken to comfort you, As you Betray others as fast as you breathe, and you are thinking of betraying me?

And don't you Dare Called me Mon'Keigh, I am Alexander and I am In Equal Standing, as I am a Human Representative from Cegorach or do you deny that last Vestiges of your heritage?

And If you care About your Race, I can Make My Jurisdiction to have Some of your Craftworlds enter this Realm, without the Thirsting gods hunger for your people as well, a Deal?

After a Moment of discussion... The Harlequins Gave a Bow as they Agreed to be in Alexander Entourage... and Saim-Hann Rangers Albeit Hesitation Agreed

"You drive a Hard Bargain Alexander, But Do as you Must, And We will see if your Words are good as true..."

"If Cegorach Wills this Meeting, then We could have a better Alliance, instead of considering us "Mon'Keigh" as a Bloody Tool..."

The Aeldari Chuckle as they Knew the Implications behind those words...

"Now If you please, Your Quarters are being prepared, and I will Be in need of your Services Soon, And if you need whatever You Can Request it in this Console, and Aeldari will have a Translated Version, so feel free to Order what you Want " As Alexander held out a Data Slate

After Alexander led the Imperial in their Rooms

He led the Eldar to a Garden Suite... A lush Green grass and Couple of Houses that is Made of Wraithbone that he paid for with Points is Surrounded a Pond that is filled with Fish... and Left them there...

Aeldari Pov...

Their Minds have been on the edge, ever since they are on Recruited on board on Alexander Ship as a Guest, They been Expecting a Attack from Alexander, But none came..., What the Harlequins told the Rangers that he is indeed Cegorach Representative as he has the Essence of the Laughing God, To much of the Deniers dismay... that He is not Lying and they raised Arms against a Representative of their God, despite he is even A Mon'Keigh no less...

As they Checked the Consoles He left behind, It translated to their language, Throughout the day as they Parsing the Database, It as if they are indeed in another Universe... But soon heading to war, with a Creature that is unknown to them...A Quad Legged Creature with a Mandible so large and and two Needle that were Stabbing, they are not the Orks they know, And they read the Reports of What is the Current Trends... to their dismay, There is Not a single Craftworlds, No Exodite Maiden World in this Universe or A Webway... And Parts of the Galaxy was meant to be their Maiden Worlds are in Hands of these "Arachnids" and this world has no Imperium of man, But a Terran Federation, Upon Calming Down with this revelation...With this News hit upon them as they noticed that the Mon'Keigh they are speaking to, was a High Ranking Official in this Terran Federation, so his words did not contain a lie, as he could provide sanctuary for the Craftworlds... and they Watched a Video that is Public to Watch, From a Destroyed Universe, From a Mon'Keigh Perspective as they watched as the Ancient Enemy the Necrons is fighting alongside with the Aeldari with Humans, against a Unending tide of Chaos that shudder even the Disciplined Warriors, that it could not be faked... What the Human that watched this didn't know, is that The Aeldari emit a Psychic Wave in the video that only Eldars can Listen... And the Hymns of the Aeldari's as they Chanted as they fell could never be faked....

They watched as their last Brethren told their story, that they knew no one could listen through the songs, was Killed in another Universe... By a Outsider that his rage against life that held no bounds...

They all Hold an Agreement with the Harlequins Chuckling as they joined in that they needed to protect Alexander... and Convinced their Brethren to assist him... Whatever universe they may be...

Even If Ynnead did awake.... Could their God... Defeat that?

Meanwhile Alexander Used his Vehicle Command Ticket, now he chose a Baneblade (Dark age of Technology ver.)

Now His Command Vehicle is Unique as it has the same armaments as a regular Baneblade, however it could run at 120kph and a Autoloader and a Void Box to load the shells that seems to never end..., and It is Heavily Blessed by the Omnissiah and A lot of anti-corruption Ward was plastered all over the Internals, and the Machine Spirit was amicable towards Alexander.... Was Place in the vehicle Bays ready to drop in Klendathu

So much to do and so much to prepare...better to prepare than to regret....


Author here Some reference Fanfics is located in here and I like the best in Warhammer fanfics

. Messages for Dad, What if Primarchs can have kids?

. Surviving Stupid deaths in the 41st millennium, A Imperial Guardsman perspective on how decayed the Military standard and make a fun and two about it by writing a primer, Spoiler. he died and went to the TTS Emperor

. Rouboute Guilleman Heresy, a Perspective that The loyalists turn Evil, and The Traitors are loyalists...

Originally I was thinking of summoning Ciaphas Cain, but I thought to myself, leave the poor man alone, he done enough...

Why Summon Eldar? A Back up plan and a Insurance that other Factions within their Race would not Put a Target on Alex... and Hopefully they would not Kill him on the Incursion to the Kaurava Conflict

Well Cegorach Put his eye on Alexander? I was Kinda Sleep Deprived when making this...Chapter... I did Lost a Poker IRL by a Eldar Player and he was a clown, so it kind of makes sense? He did ask me to put a harlequins perk but that's about it...

A incomplete Blueprints For the Golden Throne? Well another Goose hunt, but with a need...a Necessary to fix the Imperium...

Plans For entering Text to Speech Emperor verse?

Possibly? Alexander got The Black Library Pass so why not? But that is another time...

That ??? orb, Dunno? Even I don't even know why I even wrote that... Something important?

Or Is it someone messed my mind?

Old Lore that Baneblade was a light tank in The Dark age of Technology and what Imperial field is just a weakened version...

In a summary this is a Backlogged chapter that I "kinda" forgot to give to Alex...

Next chapter