
Chapter 37


I've given her plenty of time.So why is she still here?I watch her through the windows. Down in the garden, she works at the flowers with Gabrielle. Gabrielle, who'd slice her in two if she knew what she really was. Anyone in this house would.

If Kyran knew, he'd lose his mind. I can just hear him now: thisis exactly what would make your father choose Octavian over you!

And he'd be right.

If my father knew, if he knew I let her stay...lether live...he'd be furious. He'd disown me, and choose Octavian as his heir immediately. All the work I've done these past months, gone.

Among the Raidh, it'd be as if I never existed. My name would be forever struck from their membership. My rank of prince, earned by my mother's sacrifice, gone, to waste on someone like Octavian.

I watch her again. Her perfect face, radiant and smiling. Her tawny hair tumbling over her shoulders in curls. The soft curves of her body, reminding me of the bond we share.

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