
Do not leave me. Part I

All of the villagers who met Cass Bedivere were killed.

That was the information Hareve was given prior to visiting the village.

By the time he arrives, everything is filled with overlapping curses, and no one else can enter except Hareve, because this place has turned into a cursed village.

This could have been done by Prince Salzaal.

Gilbert Bedivere's lover is Prince Salzaal. Gilbert, according to what he knows, is not a very powerful person, but with such a relationship, he would have asked the prince to do it on his behalf.

Hareve Lancelot is perplexed as to why King Arthur thought he loved such a person.

However, such a thing does not need to be considered because it is irrelevant.

Things that have already been destroyed indicate that they are no longer required. Hareve does not bother to hold that in his heart. He looks around, noticing dead bodies from suffocation. The curse that Prince Salzaal cast before they all died is far from simple.

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