
That dignified man is my father, and that graceful lady is my mother. Part II

When he arrives at the execution yard, the ceremonial leader is describing the reason for Duke Bedivere's death penalty.

It's difficult to get through because there are so many people, but Cass manages to appear in the middle. This vantage point provides him with a clear view of the yard. He can see his father, who is unfazed despite being shackled. He notices King Arthur, the Dukes, and other Future Dukes standing nearby.

Too much for him to handle...

But there is not much time for him to come up with a complicated plan to help his father.

His father... The man who should stand tall and gracefully is kicked to his knees, but his face remains dignified. He is yanked up to be crucified until all the declarations of guilt are completed...

He cannot… wait any longer.

Taking desperate action... In the middle of the yard, the dark power is unleashed. Explosions and black flames leave everyone perplexed and screaming!

“D... Dark power!”

"Prince? Or it’s Prince Salzaal!!!”

Next chapter