
Avoiding Problems 1

After a long time, Jack had a strength of 300 tons as he always wanted. He gained 15 tons of strength per month because of his energy absorption ability and the two Infinity Stones.

Now Jack could finally say that he was the strongest on Earth after Hulk, but without making Hulk too angry, Jack was stronger. With this strength and the Raiton Chakura Mōdo and the Mind Stone, Jack knew he could make Hulk pass out if he lost control.

If Jack used all his strength with the Stormbreaker, he could have a chance to kill Hulk if he used magic too, to prevent him from regenerating the cut limbs, but that would be almost impossible.

That's why Jack just wanted problems to stay away. If it took more than 10 years for Thanos to appear with Jack having some Infinity Stones, he wouldn't be afraid, even if the Thanos in his universe were much stronger than the one in the movies.

Jack was eager for the Dark Elves to appear soon so he could get the Reality Stone and become stronger quickly, and thus help Anna heal the mental problems she had.

Jack put some locks in Anna's mind so that now no mutant could read or control her mind. After doing that, Jack was able to use the Mind Stone to clean Anna's other personalities from her mind.

Now she had Captain Marvel's powers, but without the personality in her mind to interfere. Anna was shocked to see that Jack had powers to control the mind greater than Jean and Professor Xavier.

But as Jack trusted her and used this power to help her, Anna promised never to tell anyone about his powers. Of course, she did not know that Jack had used the Mind Stone to ensure that she did not reveal his secret.

Jack trusted her, but he could not risk anyone knowing that he had the Mind Stone. After all, everyone knew that he was not a mutant, and some might suspect that he could have the Mind Stone since Loki's scepter had disappeared in the battle of New York.

After a great problem was removed from Anna's mind, she became much happier and more reliable for other X-men. After all, most mutants had some kind of mental issue or trauma, and Anna was now one of the most normal ones.

Someone who greatly benefited from Jack's presence in the X-mansion was Iceman. Bobby was now much stronger than in the past; he had gone through some mutations and advancements and could turn his entire body into ice.

If Bobby continued to improve, he would soon be almost invulnerable to attacks, as he was in the comics. Jack knew that Bobby still had much to improve, and that made Bobby always aware that he had not yet reached his limits.

The other mutants who were not as talented also improved greatly with Jack's help. Now the X-men trusted Jack completely and knew that he really always wanted to help. Even Professor Xavier and the older mutants knew this.

Jack also kept an eye on Jean Grey to see if the Phoenix would try to take control, but he was relieved to see that the Phoenix was still dormant. Jack would wait to acquire the potential for unlimited magic and the Reality Stone to help Jean suppress the Phoenix.

So this year, Jack became very close especially to Anna, Bobby, Kitty, Hank, Wolverine, and Kurt. Jack helped Hank improve some technological things in the X-mansion and the X-Jet. After all, Jack was one of the greatest geniuses on Earth, and his clones were always learning new things.

Kurt became friends with Jack because he never showed prejudice towards him and even helped him with his teleportation abilities. Bobby was grateful because Jack helped him become stronger, and Wolverine liked to train with him sometimes.

Jack just didn't understand why Kitty became so close to him. He couldn't help much with her abilities, only a little with martial arts. It seemed that it was because Kitty was a close friend of Anna's, and they were always together.

As Jack relaxed, his clones warned him that the Mandarin had appeared. Jack told everyone at the X-mansion that he had to leave and went back alone to his apartment in New York to receive information from his clones.

Jack didn't know if this Mandarin was the real one or the fake one, but as soon as he saw the images that the clone sent him, Jack saw that it was the fake one and it was the story from Iron Man 3. Jack called Tony to give him some warnings.

"Hey, Tony, how are you?" said Jack.

"I'm doing great. Did you see how the sales of my companies increased with the new cars and motorcycles powered by clean energy? I told you I would earn much more than that $1 billion I gave you," Tony laughed.

"I saw it. I knew you would be able to recover that money. I just didn't want to accept payment, but I have to say that the money you gave me helped me a lot, and now I made some investments and increased that value a lot," said Jack.

"Of course, I know you're also a genius. That laboratory you made is a stroke of genius. Only you could pay high salaries and invest millions of dollars in many genius scientists. Now they feel grateful, and their research is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, which are yours," said Tony.

"Anyone can do that, Tony. With your money, you can do the same and even help some scientists who don't have opportunities. I didn't even help in their research," said Jack.

"You're right. Anyone could have done that before. I could have done it, but neither I nor anyone else did it. Research is risky, and millions of dollars can be lost. A laboratory is expensive to buy."

"Only you decided to do it to help your friend Peter and give him an opportunity, and now you're making hundreds of millions of dollars for it. I heard that some research didn't work, and you lost some millions."

"But you didn't give up on those research projects and invested again, and then they made a lot of profit. Companies can't lose money like that, even if I have to explain what I do to my shareholders," said Tony.

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