
Chapter 20

A hand Found

" Hi, I am B156 "

The droid spoke out, sounding so cheerful and curious at the same time. It looked at me waving it's hands like a child, for a few seconds I just stared in silence.

" What's your name?" It asked.

" Your Saviour " I replied calmly, several theories or perhaps wishes ran through my mind as I was presented with this.

" Saviour?" It said confused.

" Yes, Follow me" I replied to it standing up to lead the way.

The droid followed me quietly although its little curiosity attitude caused some deterrence during our short Journey.

I moved to show it the mass graves of B1 droids not too far from my base. My reasons were not valid enough but not stupid enough to try it.

'The B1 sounded Cheerful....too cheerful and alive. Based on their character, I'd assume their first question would be. Where am I?.'

'Yet it didn't ask me that, it's also known that droids are indeed capable of becoming Sentient or they already are but I believe my first statement to be the truth.'

'Now sentience could also mean it had achieved the means to process emotions. This little act is to see whether this droid would indeed react to the graves or simply act normal.'

" If your theory is correct?" The voice asked reminding me of it's presence, still some to ask the questions would be welcome.

Well if it is correct, I could make use of it in various ways. Mostly just controlling the droids, having them loyal to me....normal stuff.

" That's not normal "

" It is now " I replied mistakenly speaking aloud rather than in my head.

I turned to see whether I will get a reaction from B156 but was surprised to see it simply staring. Whether in horror or confusing, its metal face hid that.

Then it fell on its knees, grasping a handful of sand from the ground. Squeezing it's fists as the grains of sand escaped through whatever space they could.

" They...used us" It spoke out in pain.

I frowned internally at this development of mine, totally unforeseen to me. Quickly my mind shifted to one of the reasons organics do not like droids in this galaxy.

" Then they...abandoned!....us" It continued, raising the head of a B1. Its damage suggested a blasted shot hit it around its right side. A gaping hole was the result of such a shot.

" They treated us like Vermin, ignored our devotion to the cause " It continued, a sense of dread washed over me as I contemplated genuinely aborting this plan of mine.

'I mean you are quite expendable and dumb not too talk of annoying as well. With the most best or maybe not best fact being there are or will be billions of you and all identical.'

' Try to be more empathetic if you want this to work. '

'Or, I use a Godlike attitude since I did say I was Its saviour though that could end up having serious post consequences.'

' Like a religious droid revolution, which you won't be able to control. '

'Yes and no. I could most certainly control most of it, it's religion....not really that hard if I do say so myself.'

'Then what about when other droids go against you? '

'.....Did....has that happened before?'

' Yes, It has and will end in your death. '

' Then we won't have a revolution, the criteria for succeeding is to win. Until I have my memories, I will not rule out any path '

'....Your funeral'

After that Joyous conversation had ended, I took a deep breath internally before readying myself.

I took a step forward, slowly treading the muddy ground as I paced myself careful. Soon I reach the kneeling droid, murmuring to its self constantly.

" B156 " I said aloud to it, grabbing it's intention.

I paused, looking it in its face before continuing. I was careful with my words, each made not to incite the wrong idea into it.

" I...am not a God, I will not be your avenger. " I began, lowering myself to its level as I stared into its eyes.

" I am what you want but rather what you need." I continued, looming down at the head it held.

" I....Won't you help me save more of these lost ones. Won't you help me and be acknowledged?" I spoke to it, at first I wanted to go with the Godlike mindset but changed.

During it's murmur earlier, it did say that their devotion was ignored. Now this 'devotion' was their programming but it believes it to be their will and such, a chain to binds together.


B156 responded with silence, staying still as it looked at me. It was only a matter of time before it gave in and I would have my first subordinate.

" No!" It responded in a silent tone.

' What!' I said internally suprised at its answer, quickly my mind raced on what I could have done wrong.

" I...do not wish to be acknowledged by anyone else, I will not serve you but...I shall help save the lost ones." It said to me.

I wasn't angry at the response nor dissapointed but rather intrigued by it. Still its results were something I could work with and I got an extra hand.

" Well, we've got a long way to go. "

[Months Later]


Sounds of wiring and mechanical parts being moved and fitted into another echoed in the dimly lit cave. There were disassembled parts of droids all over the room.

From individual limbs to specific part of their inner body, components which made up their brain and system.

There seemed to be at least a dozen droids in the room, each in teams working and fixing up a droid.

In the months leading up to now, a system had been created to make full use of this planet and its resources.

From Salvage teams all the way to Scouts, Scavengers and re-assemblers. All worked to better use the available resources to them.

[Knock] [Knock]

" Wakey Wakey!"

A B1 droid, newly re-assembled switched on. Due to the lack of resources and enough equipment, destroyed or downed droids were being put back on.

Many had their memories simply refresh and issued new roles and duties. Slowly their numbers had risen and they expanded outward.

B982 was the newest addition to their ranks, he had his memories from before his reassembly. A droid amongst the ranks of those whom fought here and one of those who fell.

B982 awoke with a problem, a feeling. B982 was dissapointed and regretful, he was utterly dissapointed on how he had been left after showing such bravado.

" Move up and receive your new orders " Another droid like B982 said to him. B982 perceived that as an order, B892 was confused but followed orders.

" Roger Roger " B982 replied and walked away, B982 noticed that this was not his original body. So many things was different about B982.

B982 walked to his given objective, so many other droids that looked like B982 were also around. B982 joined a line and soon it reached his turn.

" Designation?" The droid asked B982.

" Are you...a friend?" B982 asked, B982 wanted to know if droids like B982 were friends.

" Uh, just answer the question. " The droid replied to B982. Maybe he had to ask someone else, B982 reasoned.

" B982 " B982 replied shortly after.

" Your a lucky one, here. " The droid said handing B982 an identification card.

" Move over there and get it downloaded. " The droids said as B982 took the identification card and walked away.

B982 walked towards where the droid pointed too and gave another droid that looked like B982 the card.

" Sir, over there " The droid ordered B982 and he complied.

The droid then downloaded the content into B982, B982 noticed it was also deleting things in B982's memory. B982 didn't want that but B982 followed orders.

When the droid was done, B982 knew what he needed to do now. B982 was to be amongst the newly made division for the Supreme commander.

B982 was to the commander of the division and answer only to the Supreme commander. So B982 moved to begin his new job and life.

B982 was giving subordinates to order around which meant B982 was high ranked now. No longer a lowly droid that will be abandoned.

B982 was happy that his efforts had finally been recognized, B982 has assured B982 that he will work even harder and more loyally.

B982 took his new forces to go report to the Supreme commander, B982 would have preferred a new paint job to better show his position but B982 knew the current situation.

B982 walked proudly leading his new but small forces, B982 knew that they would grow in time and simply needed to show their worth.

B982 was smart and hardworking, B982 knew that once their transport ships were fixed up that they would leave the planet.

B982 didn't want to be amongst those left on the planet but B982 knew that since B982 was in a very high position. B982 wondered if the Supreme commander was like what was in his memories.

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