
Sister call (153)

Nakada sigh a bit to himself as he sat down in the changing room.

He had a towel wrap around his waist.

The moment of the game playing in his mind, he remembers the exhilarating rush of dribbling past defenders, the exhilaration of those breathtaking goals, and even the tense encounters with the opposition's star players all unfolded before his mind's eye.

The atmosphere in the stadium, the expression of his teammates, and the exhilarating tension on the field were all etched in his memory.

He meticulously analyzed each play, deconstructing it to understand where he had made the right moves and where he could improve.

The memory continue to play in his mind over and over again until he was brough out of his thought by a call from someone.

As he brough the phone closer to his face,he saw the name of the person who called him....

It was his sister....

Nakada hesitated for a moment, his contemplative mood shifting as he accepted the call from his sister. He wondered what had prompted her to reach out at this time, knowing that he wasn't one to often discuss his matches with family.

Perhaps it was something important. With a sense of curiosity and a touch of concern, he answered the call.

"Hey, sis," Nakada said, trying to keep his tone neutral, but curiosity clearly in his voice. "What's up?"

He was trying his hardest to be nice and not sound annoy which he frankly was..for all the time he could have expected a call..this wasnt it.

"Sup, little bro" his sister replied, her voice sounding cheerful. "I just wanted to check in on you. How's everything going? How was the game?" She didn't seem to pick up on his slight annoyance, or perhaps she was choosing to ignore it.

It was more than likely that she chose to ignore it for now...

"Adriana,what do you want" Nakada responded, now trying to sound a bit more cheerful but failing miserably.

"Oh..why do you have to be so mean to your nee-chan" Adriana said in a cheerful voice.

"You know exactly why"Aaron answer bluntly to which Adriana replied.

"Dont be such a meany"

"What do you want"Aaron said bluntly.

"So mean..anyway how was your game"Adriana said in a cheerful voice

"The game went well. We won, 3-1. It was a tough match, but you know how it is. It's my job to make it look easy. I expected you to know that as you usually watch the games" He said quite bluntly.

"That's amazing, Nakada!" she replied. "I knew you'd do great. But, you know, there was this one moment when I thought you were going to mess up, and I was like, 'Nakada's slipping,' but then you just showed them who's boss." She was clearly enjoying teasing her brother.

Nakada sighed inwardly, familiar with his sister's banter. "Yeah, yeah," he replied with a hint of annoyance. "I wouldn't be here if I messed up every time, I faced a challenge."

Adriana chuckled on the other end of the line, clearly reveling in her brother's exasperation. "Oh, Nakada, you're no fun. I just wanted to congratulate you, and here you are being all serious. Lighten up, little bro!"

Nakada couldn't help but feel annoyed when she called him,little bro...the balls.. "You are a pain in the ass you know that"

"And that's what sisters are for, right?" she quipped, her tone as mischievous as ever. "But seriously, take care of yourself, and don't forget to enjoy the journey. You're making me and mom proud."

"You know when you not being a tease,you are actually a tolerable person"Nakada reply as his face seem to be heating up...was he blushing..

It was a good thing that she couldnt see it or she would have teased him into narnia.

Adriana laughed heartily on the other end of the line. "Well, I can't be a tease all the time, right? Gotta keep you on your toes. And you're not too bad yourself, Nakada. Just remember, even when I tease you, I'm your number one fan, and nothing will change that."

Nakada cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Yeah..keep me on my toes.."

"No problem, big bro. You go conquer the world out there, okay? And, next time I call, try not to sound like you'd rather be anywhere else," she teased.

"i will try but i make no promises"Nakada said bluntly.

Just as Nakada was starting to relax a bit from the teasing, his sister, always the curious one, decided to tread into potentially uncomfortable territory. "Oh, by the way, Nakada, how you and Anri going"

Before she could even finish her sentence, Nakada swiftly ended the call. He knew Adriana's inquisitive nature could sometimes be a bit too much for him. And when it came to his personal life, he preferred to keep things private.

A/N meanwhile with Aaron

"Don't drop the soap," Aaron quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Pov shift

Michinaga open his eyes to see himself in a prison cell.

He looks around frantically trying to escape to see he himself is in a jail cell. As he tries to make sense of his situation, he turns to see a big buff black man with veins all over his body.

"Oh a new guy, what's your name?" The black man said in a commanding voice.

"Why should I tell you?"Michinaga shot back to which the black man just smiled predatorially.

"A tough guy huh, I love them the most." The black guy said before Michinaga had enough of it and picked up his driver and with a "Henshin!" and the driver saying "ENTRY" He transformed into Buffa to attack the guy.

The man blocked his attacks and in one blow caused Michinaga to detransform, his driver turning to a bar of soap, before saying "So you're a bull huh, let me show you a real bull"

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