With it being the end of the day, I quickly rushed to leave in hopes of avoiding anyone wanting to stir trouble. The last thing I wanted was to be dragged to the back of the school and beaten again.
Luckily the mob of students that were trying to leave made it a nice cover from anyone trying to find me. Some students treated me like a plague, but if anything, that made it easier to get through the crowd.
Finally reaching the front gate of the school where there were guards I felt safe enough that I didn't need to rush. Many extremely high-class students were seen being flown away or teleported. It went to show that despite how snobby nobles may be, they did have some serious power.
'Good thing I refrained, the last thing I want is being decimated by one of the noble students' parents.' It reassured me that the choice of not fighting back was the right one at least for now.
As I walked through the gates I noticed Lyra was standing by one of the brick pillars at the entrance. She also noticed me and quickly ran up with her arms outstretched like she was going to hug me.
I froze not knowing what to do and before I knew Lyra wrapped herself around me. Many nobles looked on with disgust, which didn't surprise me. At this point, the face of disgust was just how they regularly looked to me.
"Thank god you are okay Saki." Lyra squeezed me tight pressing right up against the bruises I received from Raja.
"Yep, I lived." My voice was strained as I tried to contain the pain, but Lyra was quick to realise she was hurting me.
"Wait did somebody else hurt you?" Lyra's mind straight away thought of the worst-case scenario which she was correct, but I didn't want her to find out.
"No, no the practical class we had was very extreme and my muscles are still aching." I let out an awkward chuckle hoping that was enough to convince Lyra.
"Hmm okay."
She definitely is suspicious, but it seems that I have gotten away with it this time.
"Anyway, what happened to you? I heard you would get suspended for hurting that noble." This was going to make and break the rest of the week, I prayed that she was let off the hook especially since she was protecting me.
"Tch, I almost got a week-long suspension, but after they learnt that the student harmed you they reduced it to 3 and the other kid got one as well." Lyra didn't like she was suspended, but luckily it was not as long as I thought.
"I see, well I'm glad." Despite what I said there was a growing pit I felt in my heart as realistic I was the reason why this all happened. If I hadn't come to this school let alone be born of such a status then Lyra wouldn't have to suffer so much.
"I need you to hang in there for those few days alright, I know people disapprove of your presence, but I'm sure once you show them that you are just as smart and good then things will turn around." Lyra's optimistic attitude was almost blinding as to me there was no possible way for that to happen. Unless I got some godly powers then I doubt people will ever stop looking down on me.
"I hope so, but how come you are here? I figured you would have headed home." Eventually, I would have found out about Lyra's suspension, but now I wondered what she planned to do now.
"Well, if it isn't too much to ask, I wanted to know if we could hang out a bit." Lyra slightly blushed when inviting me which was a surprise. I knew that she was quick to be my protector, but we had only known each other for 7 hours.
'Why am I even trying to think of an excuse, if we don't hang out how else are we meant to be friends.' I realised how negatively I was thinking and if it kept up then I would be the reason why she stops helping.
"Sure, my mother shouldn't mind." If anything it would help put my mother's mind at ease if she found out I was hanging out with a friend.
Lyra's face instantly lit up when I accepted her request and without any regard to the onlookers grabbed my hand. She already started rushing towards what I presumed would be the town. I stumbled behind as I wasn't expecting to be dragged along, but for a moment I forgot all the torment I went through.
"Where are we going?" Catching up to Lyra's side, I still held her hand not wanting to get rid of the warmth it provided.
"Let me ask you, have you ever been to the central part of town?" The question instantly made me stump as I hadn't received any memories of this body, so I couldn't say I have. I thought back to when my mother was alive in my past life and tried to think if she would take me out. I could only remember staying home most of the time, so I guess it would be a no.
"I don't think so?"
"Hmm, looks like I get the honours of showing around then." Lyra had a mischievous grin on her face which worried me, but in a good way, there was an element of excitement behind it.
"Please do, I haven't had the chance to go out like this." Having been surrounded by nobles and my own negative thoughts, it was weird to feel that all wash away. Even though it may be temporary being able to actually enjoy a moment in this new life, made me want to punch myself for wanting to push Lyra away.
"Sweet, I'll make sure to take you to the best spots today." Lyra smiled noticing my mood had been lifted.
With that, we continued at a walking pace enjoying some of the sights, especially for me as I severely underestimated the capabilities of magic. We were closing in on the city and the atmosphere from the school completely changed.
I witnessed flying vehicles, magical beasts that only existed in fantasy stories and some of the odd landscape in the distance. I felt like I was on the verge of geeking out as this place was exactly the kind of world I want to be in.
However, I felt like if I mentioned my lack of knowledge of the world then Lyra would look at me weird.
'I guess I am a peasant, so maybe I can get away with some things.' Thinking about my status, it might actually be reasonable for me to not know as much or have at least not seen them.
"You really haven't been to the central city of Karroth." Although Lyra would be the one to open the chance to ask questions, so I quickly took the chance to ask.
"No, I haven't, where do the beasts even come from? How are such big objects able to fly? I've heard about them, but I've never seen them." Hoping it wasn't too out of the blue, Lyra gave a quick chuckle before thinking for a moment.
"It's a shame you haven't been able to see this kind of stuff, but to answer your question. Outside of the city, there are wild beasts but there are also dungeons that act as nests for some of the stronger monsters. I believe that there is a course in our second year where we enter one, but for now, it's not something we have to worry about."
"For the massive flying objects, they use magic crystals and circles to stay in the air, but it's extremely expensive so you can assume anyone in the air with such a thing is a noble." Lyra explained clearly how things worked, giving me very important context clues. Knowing that there are dungeons, and crystals as well as the use of static magic like magical circles was important to figure out how this world operated.
My geek knowledge could fill in the gaps, and even though they might be under different names, it was a lot easier to adapt.
"I see, kind of excited for that class." Thinking about dungeon crawling with a squad of people and having no restraint on the amount of power you can use sounded like a dream.
"Same, I hear if you get permission from the school you can enter it for extra credit, but you need to have exceptional skill before they even consider it." Lyra gave me a wink clearly insinuating I could do it which made sense since I made quite the display during homeroom.
"We should definitely try that, I reckon you could do it from what I've seen." If I planned to go in, I definitely wanted someone to come with me.
"Sure, but I don't know how they will feel with me having a suspension already." Lyra contained her excitement trying to stick close to reality as her school record was already tarnished.
"Ahh it will be fine, but we can think about that after you serve your time." I figured there was no rush since I haven't learned to control my magic, so it would be a while before we even try to sign up.
"True, well anyway, I have a place in mind now, so let's not waste too much time." Lyra seemingly had a place to pop in her head, so she picked up the pace as we only had so much time before we headed home.
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