He ordered a strong cup of coffee and when Alex woke up, he bought some fresh bagels and muffins in case he wanted some, then hurried off to the park to wait for Ace.
He soon saw his cousin walking down the path in the opposite direction. The man had some flair…he wore a fitted trench coat over his sewn suit that fluttered around his legs as the cool breeze blew and tugged on the long tails of the jacket. It would have been a great effect if Ace had been walking upright and proud.
Instead, his cousin was walking with his head down, his hands in his pockets. His shoulders were a tense, tight line, and even at this distance, his entire body seemed to be screaming "fuck you" in bright neon lights.
Ace waved as he approached, and his cousin straightened up and ran a hand through his dark blond hair. He immediately sat down, showing his true height, and moving haphazardly so that his jacket fell neatly from his shoulders to his knees.