
Chapter 13 The Southern Front

Alex was in the lead with the 1st corps, and the rest were together. The 2nd and 3rd corps covered the flank, and the 4th corps, which fielded the logistics, was in the rear. The route heading to the southern front was quite flat, encountering small hills, and within three and a half days, they arrived at the southern front, which was not in good shape.

Alex and Artemis rode inside the main command camp—or to be exact, it was a fortress. The citadel of the region had a small city where Alex saw the people were still calm, though a small sense of unrest lingered.

Alex met with the commander of the fortress and the Supreme Commander. After receiving a letter stating that command would be transferred to a new god with no title, the commander had protested slightly. However, after meeting Alex in person, he felt the need to remain silent.

"Tell me, how many fortresses do we have in the region, and how many soldiers are available?" Alex asked.

The commander, named Fedus, gathered the information he had received and spoke:

"We have a total of four fortresses spanning the southern front, except for this citadel. As for the soldiers, we have 120,000 troops, with each fortress garrisoned by 30,000 soldiers. However, some have suffered significant casualties. Currently, the 2nd fortress has only 15,000 soldiers left, as the Chronos horde has been attacking it, and right now they are under siege. The titans are focused on attacking the 3rd fortress."

As they finished talking, they arrived in the strategic command room, where officers were discussing and moving small figures. After looking around, Alex moved closer to the table where a map was sprawled out and spoke:

"Tell me, Commander, how is the logistical situation of the army here on the southern front?"

"It's quite bad," Fedus replied. "The titans who slip through the siege try to destroy supply carriages. They attempt to surround and destroy those that try to enter."

Alex rubbed his chin and spoke:

"Artemis, organize our troops into four groups of 7,000 soldiers with 20 days' worth of food. Send them as reinforcements for this battle. After that, I want our soldiers to prepare and ensure the camp is 30 km away from the four fortresses. Make sure they are on high alert, and send a company of medics to the infirmary to heal the injured soldiers."

He then moved some soldier figures around and noticed the terrain, focusing on the mountains.

"I also order the available cavalry regiments and companies to scout behind enemy lines. Our mountaineer troops will be sent to the flanking mountains to ensure we can immediately reinforce soldiers in the region. Any stray titans found should be killed at once. I don't want any soldiers going glory hunting."

Everyone nodded and left the meeting room to carry out their tasks. Alex also began drafting a plan to push back the titans, and it was simple.


**The Next Day**

Alex was in the commander's office, reading a report from Draconia about the sanctions he ordered to be placed upon the Grand Duchy of Athena and the Kingdom of Hades. When the sanctions were imposed, it caused an uproar in the Kingdom of Hades as Draconian trade ships left the area, canceling further trade. Merchants also left, and the same thing happened in the Grand Duchy of Athena. They attempted to kidnap some merchants but stopped immediately when Draconian warships appeared.

Soon after, other city-states followed Draconia's lead, seeing it as a forecast. The only remaining trade company was small, not very influential, and unable to transport goods efficiently. The economic boom they had been experiencing dropped, prices and demand soared, and letters and emissaries flooded Draconia and other city-states, seeking an explanation for the sanctions. Many came with gifts, trying to use their influence to lift the sanctions, but the Olympus gods' approval forced them to back down.

The four empires under the religion of Athena increased their trade, even letting their economies suffer. They sent a death threat and a privateer fleet to destroy Draconian trade ships but regretted it when a single Draconian warship destroyed the fleet. They filed a diplomatic protest to share the technology but retreated after a black dragon, unaffiliated with Alex, flew over their capitals.

Curious about this dragon, Alex began to investigate since it wasn't one of his allies, and no contracts had been signed for protection.

After placing his quill down and noticing his ink-covered hands, he muttered, "Damn, I wish there was a better pen." He felt frustrated as the pen he was using constantly needed to be refilled.

He then moved to an open window, jumped, and as he fell a few meters away from the window, he began to levitate, flying toward the military camp where reinforcements were staged.


**Three Hours Later**

When Alex arrived at the perimeter, the night sky loomed above. As he neared the camp, he could see campfires and torches lighting the area, with soldiers dancing and playing instruments.

"Commander!" one of the soldiers greeted. He was part of the division Alex had brought, equipped with a WWII stahlhelm and a dark gray uniform with body armor: steel plates, two layers of lightweight chainmail, and a leather belt holding his water canteen, rations, and bayonet combat knife.

Alex entered the camp, seeing six artillery pieces lined up near the artillerymen's camp. They were covered with green tarps to hide them. Nearby were ammo boxes filled with armor-piercing and high-explosive rounds. The artillery pieces were models of the *Canon de 155 C modèle 1917 Schneider*, and Alex noticed the artillery crew checking for damage from transit.

He walked toward the battlements, seeing the four fortresses in the distance, hearing distant shouts. The soldiers of Olympus and Draconia patrolled together. He saw Artemis leading a cavalry contingent into the camp, some soldiers wounded, and even horse-drawn carriages.

"We need medics now! We have heavily injured soldiers here!" Artemis shouted.

Alex approached Artemis, grabbing her shoulder to get her attention.

"So, how is it out there? Bad or good?" he asked.

Artemis sighed, replying, "It's stable now since we sent reinforcements. We can begin planning a counter-offensive, but the most heavily damaged fortress is the 4th. Its walls are so damaged they could break."

Alex thought for a moment and then spoke, "Tomorrow, by first light, I will march with my division and destroy the titan armies attacking those fortresses. We will give the troops time to rest so I can devise a new offensive."

Artemis considered this and then asked, "What about me?"

"You will take care of our forces here. I will launch a red flare when I relieve those fortresses of the siege. You will then send highly skilled engineers and artisans to repair the walls. When the next wave comes, we'll have stronger defenses and can plan a counter-offensive."

Artemis nodded and spoke, "What soldiers are you going to bring?"

"The division I brought is a new generation army, hand-picked from the Sigfried Empire and led by Draconian officers. It also includes 150 cavalry soldiers and 50 from the Olympus army acting as the logistics company."

"Sure, and good luck," Artemis replied.

Both retired to their respective tents, and Alex rested for the night.


**The Next Day**

Alex rose from bed, realizing it was almost morning. He put on his anti-matter armor, gauntlets, and strapped throwing knives and dual revolvers to his tactical belt. He donned his leather long coat and armored shoulder plates, which were made of iron but painted black. Grabbing his helmet, he stepped outside his tent and saw his soldiers preparing for the march—checking their supplies, weapons, and tearing down their tents for future use.

Twenty minutes later, all 10,200 soldiers filed near the gate, waiting for Alex. Soon after, he appeared in front of them, riding his favorite stallion, Bertha.

"Soldiers! Today, we march towards the four fortresses to kill every titan in sight and prepare a counter-offensive to destroy the Chronos horde here in the southern front. So let's go, soldiers of Draconia and Olympus—to war!"

The soldiers raised their weapons and roared.

"Open the gates!" shouted one soldier atop the gate.

Columns of soldiers marched out, towing artillery. Some showed excitement, others were nervous. Alex noticed the nervousness but knew it was natural. After all, facing a 15-foot titan could make anyone want to run.

**To be continued…**

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