
Greninja: The Power Of Bond Phenomenon Unleash

Frogadier starts to glow, that means he started to evolve. I was always curious that why frogadier didn't evolve earlier as he was training more intensely and way harder than my other Pokemon but he didn't evolve. Maybe I will find the answers to those questions now or in future as my Frogadier is fully evolved in Greninja.

'Greninja, Oh gosh I am so excited as greninja is my all time favourite pokemon.' I thaught as greninja free himself and used his new move, Water Shuriken and it looks like it's super effective.

"I am all right guys, focus more on the battle" I say as all of my pokemon now have surrounded me and are pushing the Symbionts back

We made all out assault form our pokemon, but even than we were not able to remove all the Symbionts from our way.

"Go back, I want to be here" Lusamine said

"Mom, please come back with us" Lillie says

"No, go away" Lusamine reply

'Ah, I don't like family drama' I thaught while listening to the mother-daughter duo

"Lusamine, you are coming with us" I say rising my voice as this family drama got me a little irritated. I know that it's emotional but I don't like these type of emotions, I have them so let's get this shit done fast.

"I am not coming with anyone" Lusamine says, looking towards me

"I am not asking you" I say as a little staring compitition happen between us

"And how do you think you are gonna take me?" She asks

"By force, with our pokemon"

"No one can beat me"

'What the hell did she say? Did she just told me that she is supreme than all of us. Alright then, now it's not only about my promise but my rules that are- never look down on anyone and never let anyone look down on you'

"I made a promise to Lillie and I am gonna fullfill this so we are definitely gonna defeat you" I say as I feel my heartbeat rising as start seeing thing like I am the one battling

"How are you gonna beat me?" Lusamine asks, making a smig expression

"Together with my pokemon, let's go greninja, use cut" I say as I feel me and greninja becoming one as we are battling together


"What?" A look of shock come on everyone's face as greninja get's covered in a vortex of water and his appearance changes




Loud boom sounds are encoded in the Ultra Deep Sea as greninja cut's through the Symbionts like hot knife cutting butter.

The huge number of Symbionts are changed. Before we were surrounded by the Symbionts but now, most of them are being cut by me and greninja while the others started to run to survive.

After cutting through the Symbionts, I notice that Lusamine has also left but the wall she created is getting in our way and the others can't damage it, other than Olivia but her damage is still not enough.

"Greninja use quick attack, agility and aerial ace" I say while still maintaining the bond evolution with Greninja


"Ouch, it hurts" I say shaking my hand, the same which Greninja used to destroy the wall but that wall is pretty powerful as even with our full power, there is only enough damage that only one person can go through at a time.

"Let's go guys" I say as they look me with pure shock written on their face

I would have enjoyed it but we don't have enough time so I start to take the lead.

"Wait we are also coming" Olivia say as she follow me quickly

"Greninja, use water shuriken" I say as greninja sensed some attacks coming towards us. I guess our bond evolution also heightened his senses

"Those are..."

"Mother's pokemon" Lillie says, completing Gladion's sentence as a Milotic, Mismagius, Salazzel and Lilligant with dark eyes stand infront of us and from their eyes, it looks like they have gone through some serious brainwash.

"Can I leave those three to you guys?" I ask looking at the group

"Of course" they all say in unison

"Ok then, Olivia and Wicke, I may need your help so come with me." I say as me, Olivia, Wicke, Lillie and Gladion separates from the group.


As we continue forwards, we soon notice a Absol blocking our way. It looks the same way the other Pokemon looks who we encountered earlier

"You guys move on, I will handle Absol. He was training partner of my Umbreon." Gladion says, coming forward

"Ok then. We will leave it to you" I say as now me, Lillie, Olivia and Wicke continue foreword.


As we continue to chase after Lusamine, we come across other brainwashed Pokemon. This time it's a Clefable.

"I will take care of Clefable" Lillie says, coming forward

"Lillie, are you sure?" I ask as I know that Lillie and Clefable had a bond and Lillie might not be able to hurt her but Clefable is currently not in her right mind and she can injure Lillie.

"Sid, from the starting, everyone was helping me but I feel like I didn't do anything. If I am not even able to do this, I won't feel like I helped my mom at all. So, let me do this" Lillie says in a confident tone

"Ok but I will leave Golisopod and Venusaur with you" I say taking out Golisopod and Venusaur. My Golisopod just evolved recently. It came to a surprise for me as well because I didn't thaught that my Wimpod would evolve so quickly. I guess it was because Wimpod was a wild Pokemon.

Anyway, leaving Clefable to Lillie and Lillie to Golisopod and Venusaur, I continue to chase after Lusamine with Olivia and Wicke.

Next chapter