

In front of him, Malachi held up the mangled body of the lieutenant responsible for Anna and Joanne's capture.

The serpent headed tails that swung from behind his back were biting down on each of the four limbs that were already broken and mangled horribly.

Out of his one good eye, Lieutenant Russel analyzed the world around him for the very last time.

Complete and utter destruction.

The millions of dollars funneled into these defense vehicles and personnel was utterly wasted and provided no aid in stopping the nightmare in front of him.

A sea of fire encompassed almost the entire base, and there were crumpled pieces of metal and mangled bodies everywhere.

The blood in the air was so thick that red liquid could have accumulated onto every wet surface in sight.

It was an unholy nightmare of a scene, right down to the core.

"We were right about you… You really were a damn monster.." Russel said weakly.

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