
Unexpected Development

After Kita shot the guy, he carefully made sure that they wouldn't be getting back up before coming any closer. He had made it just in the nick of time.

"Huh, they didn't put up much of a fight. Are you sure, you guys are professionals?", Kita asked in a mocking tone as he looked at the guy on the ground. He gave the guy a smile before saying.

"Looks like your friends didn't trust you enough to let you live.", He said as he bent down and came to eye level with the guy.


"Yeah, You should thank me for saving your life.", Kita gave the guy a look filled with expectations.

"Tha.... Thank you.." The man felt puzzled for a second. For some reason, it didn't feel right. He shouldn't be thanking their target who had just killed two of his colleagues. But he didn't think much into it.

"You're welcome. Now, tell me about your employer and the organization you guys work for.", Kita said with a smile. But there was anything but warmth in his tone. He wasn't his friend. He just wanted answers from the guy.

"I... I can't tell you...." The man was scared out of his wits.

"Huh?!? You're still gonna be stubborn after I just saved your life? Look at them." He pointed at the bodies lying behind him.

"That could've been you. If not for me. Your friends would've long deposed you for leaking company secrets."

"But... I didn't leak anything... I didn't say anything to you."

"Ah. That's true. But what does the truth matter? Just like your friends here, Your boss just needs to think that I let you go because you've exchanged information for your life. And he'll finish the job himself. Whether you've truly exchanged it or not, is of little consequence. As long as they think this is the case, you're as good as your friends over there.", Kita pointed back at the bodies.

He gave the guy a few moments to process everything. He would talk sooner or later.

"Even if I tell you, I'm still dead. So why would it matter? Why should I tell you?", The man had found the small amount of courage he still had and made the most rational decision he could make.

"Ah. That's right. Even if you tell me everything, you may still die. But the thing is.", Kita said as he took the gun and pointed at the man's temple.

As he had deduced before. The man simply wasn't afraid enough. He was counting on his backup to get out of the situation. But now that his backup had vanished.

Let's see if he's afraid enough.

"If you're not gonna talk now, Then you might as well die right here and now. But if you tell me who sent you guys, You might as well live for a bit longer. If you run as far as you can, maybe you'll live for many more years. Who knows? Now. Tell me your choice..." Kita said with a psychotic grin on his face as he pushed the gun muzzle further into his temple. His finger on the trigger.

Although Kita had given the man the illusion of two options. There was really only one.

"C'mon. Time's running out. I still need to catch a ship out of this system. Don't waste my time." Kita pressed the gun harder as he began to laugh like a maniac. For some reason, he was really enjoying this.

"I can't tell you...."

"Huh?" The man's rejection brought Kita out of his psychotic trance.

"You're still not gonna talk, huh? I really didn't want to do this today. But well,"

"Stop stop.. I can't tell you because I don't know the person who hired us. We work for a organization and they handle everything related to our clients. Us field agents don't know the details about the clients. Only about the targets."

"Ah. I see..." Kita expected as much. But that was still all good.

"What's the name of your organization then?"

"Our organization is known as Black Cardinals."

"Black Cardinals?" Kita thought for a moment. He didn't recognize the name.

All his years in the military, he was busy researching one project after another. He hadn't devoted any time outside of research in all the years he had spent in the military. So it wasn't a surprise that he didn't recognize the name. But as he had a name, He could find out more about them.

However, that could come later.

"Why were you guys following me? What was your objective?", Kita asked in a critical tone. This was important. As he could find out what the other party wanted from him.

"We were tasked with tailing you and find out what you were doing in the Krister system. Also we were to go through your devices and find any information related to Mission V point."

"Mission V point? What do you know about that?", Kita became alarmed as he pressed the gun further.

"Nothing... I know nothing.. We hadn't reached that part yet. Things went south before were able to do that."

"Is that the truth?"

"Yes... I promise." The man completely surrendered.

From the looks of it, it didn't look like the man was lying to him.

"Well, That's all I need to know. You get to live. For now. Let's see how long you're able to live." Kita said in a mocking tone as he got up. He transformed his gun again and put it away.

"Good luck." Kita said before he walked away. This time for real.

He didn't want to stick around the Tiltuk station any longer.

He looked at the time, The ship should already be at the docks.

He quickly took a pod back to his hotel, then after settling everything, he took another pod to the docks. He showed his pass to the ship attendants and was escorted to his accommodations.

It would be another long journey back. But Kita had a lot to think about.

If the person behind them wanted information about That mission then it meant that word had leaked about it.

If that was the case, then there was a much bigger problem at hand.

Maybe it didn't concern Kita that much as he was out of the military. But he couldn't help but fear what future would hold for him next.

Hello again! Here's today's chapter. Thanks for reading my work. As always, let me know your thoughts and comments down in the paragraph or chapter comments. I'll read em all! And if you have any spare power stones, do send them this way, it helps the book reach more people. Thanks <3

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