
Queen & Princess

Mother and Daughter sat together in the main room, not talking to each other for a good while. Catherine realised her outburst and tried to calm down.

"What are you going to do now, Jane?" She asked tentatively, just to make sure.

"I was going to America, but I might change my destiny and go to China to visit Yang Chen." She said, fiddling with her hair as she looked at the TV with a little restlessness.

Catherine furrowed her brows slightly, 'To visit Yang Chen, huh...'

She hadn't forgotten a conversation she had with Alcina prior; having already made up her mind, she was going to China to live with Alucard, leaving this Kingdom in her nephew's capable hands.

There were two threats.

CEO of Maple Corporation Tang Wan and CEO of Yu Lei International Lin Ruoxi.

'Why don't you just get rid of them, Alcina... You're an overpowered nosferatu, use your power for something more useful than threatening me!'

'Fool! Master won't allow it, he's fond of them... do you think I wouldn't have gutted them already? I moved one card to try to get rid of Lin Ruoxi, but it won't work as I expected, that woman is secretly one of the Gods of Olympus... something like a car bomb won't kill her' She still remembers her mental conversation with Alcina during their meal.

'What do you think we should do?' Catherine was a klutz in things like love and rivalry. Here she was, discussing with her rival how to get rid of her other rivals.

'We have to beat them in their own game... do they want to play the game of rich millionaires? Then we will beat them in that game! I will start moving my cards so you should start moving yours...'

'What cards do I have?' The Queen tilted her head in confusion.

'...' Alcina couldn't believe it, 'are you only good at moving your hips!? a single one of your breasts has more mass than your brain!'

'So rude...! but thanks~'


'I also know how to navigate through facebook, any video you want to find... I know where to search!'

'Is this really my only ally? the Queen...?'

'Hey! I can hear your thoughts!'

'I wasn't hiding it, Catherine'.

'Mou~ Just tell me what my cards are!'

'You are a Queen, Catherine... A QUEEN! did you forget that...'

'Oh! Yes! I'm a Queen, but... I'm just a face you know? the Rothschild Family does everything for me while I laze around and have tea with my friends' She giggled in pride, after everything she suffered, Catherine didn't think there was a better place for her.

'You should at least show some shame while saying that!'

'You may be the face but you are still the Queen of England, Wales and Scotland, all those treasures belong to you. Use your Kingdom; the Rothschild Family and your genius daughter, those are your cards!'

Catherine gave it a deep thought and her gaze flashed to the lazying Jane by her side.



"What!? Surpass Mrs Wan's net worth in one year!? with a company from scratch...? are you insane mother?" Jane almost pulled her air as she passed back and forth in the room.

Surpass Tang Wan? Even she, the princess and a renowned international scientist; was like an ant in front of that powerhouse!

'Lin Ruoxi was hard enough, but Tang Wan too!?' Jane rubbed her temples, not knowing what to do with her mother anymore.

"Dear, you say it as if it is an impossible feat..." Catherine sat beside her daughter, her enthusiasm diminishing by the second, she wasn't a businesswoman and didn't even know who this Tang Wan was, by her daughter's expression she must be some millionaire or something like that.

"It's impossible, even if I help you! she's a multi-billionaire, her net worth is about 150 billion dollars!" Jane billowed as she put her hands on her slender waist.

Her words made Catherine start counting with her fingers.

"It's nine zeroes, mom! nine!" Jane wanted to cry.

"Bloody hell, that's a lot of zeroes~" giggled Catherine before shooting her daughter a glance.

"Come here dear, rest your head here." She pat her lap slightly and Jane huffed but rested her head on her lap nonetheless.

"Mom, I'm not a child anymore." Turning her head elsewhere she relaxed the moment her mother caressed her hair.

She closed her eyes and felt she was transported back in time. 20 years ago, to that cold church in Wales.

Her mother caressed her head like this back then, protecting her, so that she would feel at least some warmth as they escaped.

Tears hit her face, prompting her to open her eyes.

What met were her mother's pink ones, tearing slightly.

"I know dear. You have grown up so much... Even mother is surprised." The two of them never had such a moment. Jane was always busy travelling, researching and studying.

And she was the Queen of Wales, the two rarely stopped together, and when they did it was usually a fight. They liked each other quite a bit, but their mentalities were different. Still, Catherine would never claim Alucard was her number one, her number one person was her daughter.

Seeing her mother's tears, Jane's dripped out as if in a chain reaction and she hugged her mother tightly.

"Mother, I'm sorry about earlier, it wasn't my intention..."

"It's alright Jane. I believe in you, you're my pride, the world's greatest genius, there is nothing you and I can't do together~" Catherine hugged her daughter in bliss, life was perfect right now.

"You're right mom, we have been through worse. We will do it! One year, beat Maple International Corporation!" As long as she believed it, she could do it!

"Oh!!!" Catherine's enthusiasm increased and she hugged her daughter tighter!

"Ugh! Mom! I can't breathe! L-Like for real, stop!"



Check out my new fanfic! High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha.

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