
Chapter Five Wave

After Jasmine's departure to the magic tower, the villagers were lazing around. It had been a hectic season and now, with all the harvesting completed they could finally rest.

Some days after Jasmine left the scream of a woman in pain echoed through the village. In a room were three grown men stood next to a woman laying in her bed, screaming in pain.

"Push!" one of the men told the woman, as she grabbed his hand.

"Damnit, it's coming out legs first." another man yelled, as he started to work around the woman's lower parts, attempting to save the young baby's life.

It took the full effort of three grown men, working for hours for the baby to come out. At the end of the labor the mother couldn't even hold her child for more than a minute before she fell asleep.

Outside of the house the woman gave birth, the five children of the village had gathered. But they were quickly noticed and moved, to not disturb the delicate process.

I watched all of this with interest, the more children born in the village the better. I need worshipers after all. If I can brainwas….. ahumh ahum, I mean convert them to my faith at a young age, I'll have a bunch of worshipers.

As I was contemplating my plans I got an ominous feeling. So without further ado I used my powers to the maximum of my capacity and I traced my bad feeling towards the forest. Without hesitating for a second I strained my energy and looked into the forest, that's when I saw it. Hundreds of monsters, goblins, wolves, kobolds and all kinds of weak monsters. Hundreds of them were running towards the village, in a straight line. Fear consumed me, as the young deity in me panicked, but the old human in me told me it would be fine. He instructed me what to do to save everyone. The first thing I needed to do was talk to Lenart.

"Lenart, there's a monster wave coming towards the village!" I said and cut the communication between us. The more energy I save, the better. He reacted quickly and said "What do we do?" and that was a damn good question.

"Bring as much food as you can and all the villagers to the lodge. The less spread out our forces are the better. They're not coming here to destroy anything, they're running from something and we're in the way." I said and cut the connection again.

I started using the little energy I had left to strengthen the wood of the lodge so it could withstand the attacks of lesser monsters.

Panic had consumed the village, as I finished my last preparations. The first villagers entered the lodge, a bundle of housewives. The husbands were preparing as much as they could. When the housewives came, they brought as much food as they could. The five kids and the newborn baby came inside at the same time. Some minutes later the men came with all kinds of tools and weapons. The hunter even brought his bow.

"Barrikade the door retards!" I said to them aloud so everyone could hear it, young or old. First they flinged hearing my voice, but Lenart did as told. He laid all the food and gadgets they brought with them in front of the door, while keeping the weapons.

What followed was a minute of silence until they heard footsteps and a lot of them. Then they heard a crash as something broke and animal screams sounded throughout the village.

The noise lasted for minutes and the villagers grew more and more fearful. At some points the door received hits, over and over again, as scary screams of anger came from the outside. But half an hour later it was finally over. The less brave were in fetal position praying to god, that being me off course. Ha, the benefits. Anyways, holy fuck. The village is a mess! All the houses except for the lodge are in ruins and all the farm animals are gone. Thankfully the monsters failed to locate the food storage. If they had found it we would have been in serious trouble.

Some monsters were still lurking around, but it's not dangerous to go out for now. But the question is, why did they come here. What were they running from? I could feel an overwhelming fear from them. Forcing them to run from their homes.

"Lenart, grab your weapon and go out with the strongest men as a team. I will guide you to all the remaining monsters! You will kill them in my name and sacrifice them to me!" I said to him only this time. I didn't want everyone to know that monsters are still here. If they did, some would likely panic.

"Yes nature deity!" Lenart said and got to work. He recruited the hunter and five other strong men. Leaving the rest to protect the woman. A good and bad thing was that there were only nine elderly people in the village, most had starved to death last season. Meaning food won't be wasted on people that can't do anything.

Lenart removed the blockage and walked outside with a wooden spear raised. He seemed stiff, afraid of what's outside. But his attention was shortly changed to something else.

"How can this be?" he said, as he saw the village. The grass was uprooted and the gravel roads destroyed. The houses were all in very bad shape. some not even keeping their original shape.

"Stay sharp men, the first monster is inside of your old house Lenart. Go kill it and don't get distracted! Houses can be rebuilt, people can't!" I said to him and the rest, bringing them out of their shock.

The team entered Lenart's and was greeted with a sight to behold. The furniture was ripped to shreds and the kitchen table was upside down. A hissing sound could be heard, as the monster noticed them. A small green ugly creature 1,2 meters tall stood in the hallway with a stick in its hand.

The little creature jumped at Lenart, but he held out his spear. So through its own force, the creature died. That second it disappeared and I felt energy like never before. To think living sacrifices would be so much.

I sent them to their new objective after Lenart was done reminiscing over his first kill. I decided to use a fifth of the energy I received to bless Lenart with a bit of strength and he fell down on the floor of his house spasming. His muscles started to grow in front of everyone's eyes and some seconds later he was a completely different person. He didn't look like a farmer, but like a warrior who fought his whole life.

With this I got a great idea. I will give them a fifth of the energy each time they kill a monster and use the rest to strengthen myself and the village!

While I was thinking about my next course of action they already found their next monster.

Like it ? Add to library!(Author here: Hope you like the chapter, Reincarnated as a god of water will also get a chapter today, but at a much later date. Have a great day till then author out :)

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