
Chapter 11: To trot at Dawn

Romulus led the way through the dark corridors of concrete. I assumed the magic was extended to the libraries patrons, as ever person we encounter lay asleep where they once stood. Even the warden lay slumped over a wooden desk, drool hanging outside her crusty mouth. We approached a grand staircase of marble, and we hurried down. Romulus had been here so long, perhaps he had learned an exit strategy. We exited through a servents corridor that led to an old barn, made of mossy wood. I dashed to a blond mare in the stables who bucked at my touch but soon soothed as I cooed to it, sweet thing and our ticket out of here.

AI looked at Romulus as I pulled the mare out of the pen.

“If we ride north, we can make it back to the city-" I stopped mid-sentence . We couldn’t go back there, they find me again, I was homeless and would be searched for once the library woke up from its slumber.

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