
Courage and bravery

Arak'thor was sitting on a chair behind a large desk. Piles of documents were scattered all around him. Ulrich, the crown prince and son of Arak'thor, entered with a gloomy look. The situation was tense. The Shadows Master was gaining more and more power. It would not take long before he could overthrow the government. Nobody was saying it loudly but they were desperate.

"The second general and his squadron didn't return. We sent him and his men one week ago, they should have returned now," said Ulrich

The King swallowed and asked feverishly.

"We sent them to negotiate a peace treaty. This King doesn't respect any rule of war, if he even kills the ambassadors there is no chance to finish this peacefully."

Ulrich nodded.

"We have to prepare for the worst, father. Maybe we should send the third squadron as a last attempt before preparing the full army."

The King was reluctant to send the third squadron. The third general was his friend from childhood.

They had daughters together that became friends. The King wanted to avoid sending him on a perilous mission but the third general was also the best warrior he could have.

It was settled, then Ulrich and he would go to the border with the third general and his men. They would leave to kill the Shadows master. If the King could not participate in the direct battle, he wanted to stay as close as possible to his friend. He would be waiting for him at the border.

"Ulrich, I want you to tell him personally. Please, leave to announce to him what was decided. We will leave when he is ready."

Ulrich didn't wait, he went immediately to the third-general room. He stood behind the door, taking a deep breath. As he raised his hand, ready to knock, the door opened. He saw a smiling face in front of him. It was Altraya, the general's daughter.

"Ulrich? What are you doing at this hour?"

She asked, surprised to see him there. Ulrich had a sad expression.

"I come to see your father…"

Altraya was little, she had big dark eyes and brown hair. She had nothing special but for sure, she was very appreciated. She was smart and malicious as a fox. Ulrich had a particular affection for her and she had the same for him. They didn't admit it out loud. Altraya and Ulrich were still young, they thought they had the time to care for these matters. Deep in his heart, Ulrich knew there was no time anymore. Altraya was about to leave her parent's room. She passed close to Ulrich, the door was half closed. He decided to grab her arm and left a kiss on her cheek.

When she realized what happened she saw him wiping away a tear from his eye and coming inside the room. She had no time to understand what happened. She placed a hand on her face, and the feeling of his lips on her skin made her smile, on the other hand, she knew something was incredibly wrong.

She went to her room, hoping to learn more about it later.

The day following, her mother entered her room. She was furious so she took Altraya's clothes and started to pack them.

"Move! We are leaving!"

Altraya awakened and was still in a daze.

"Mother, what happened?"

Then she realized her mother was crying, she spoke loudly as she could not control her emotions anymore.

"This bastard King is sending your father to his death and your idiot father agreed to it!"

Altraya couldn't believe it. She tried to calm her mother but she couldn't do anything about it. She stood up, dressed in a rush, and ran to Ulrich's room. She banged at the door, she felt palpitations. Her head was turning. Ulrich opened the door and went to sit on a chair. His face was morose, he acted like dead.

"Is it true? Is the King sending my father to the front?"

Altraya was asking with a begging voice, she realized how she was weak as she heard herself. She tried to keep calm and stand. Ulrich approved without a word. He couldn't even dare to look her in the eyes. This made her particularly angry.

"Are you serious? You gave me a kiss to take my father's life just after?!"

Altraya started to tremble. Ulrich stood up, went to the door, and closed it. Then he fell on the floor and cried. After all the training, the missions, and the preparation he could do. He realized that he was just a young boy. Altraya calmed herself immediately.

"Ulrich, what happens… what happened?"

He raised his head, he could not stop crying.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to go with them. I am not ready for this."

He was in such a state. Altraya would never imagine this. The fear in his eyes was real. Ulrich was ordinarily strong, he was the best hunter in the region. At sixteen years old only, he already fought more than his elders on the battlefield. He did countless beast hunts. He was brave and solid, and he was admired for this. She went to him and sat with him.

"What happens Ulrich, please, tell me."

She grabbed his head and placed it on her shoulder as she was hugging him tightly.

"All our men are dying, when they die, the enemy is raising them and sending them to us again. Father wants me to go with them to the border. He says the men need to see us strong. I cannot do this. Altraya. Help me. Break my bones. I don't want to go."

He was so desperate as he was talking. On the other hand, she realized she should never ask to know. She was paralyzed for a moment. They stayed in this position for a while. In the end, Ulrich fell asleep in her arms. She watched the room and she realized he probably worked all night on a plan. She saw countless battle maps and strategies, they were all crossed. She understood that none of his ideas would work. She caressed his head gently. Her heart was broken.

A few hours later, the King knocked at the door.

"Ulrich, it's time. We are leaving."

Ulrich passed the main door, when he was in front of the men he instantaneously changed his attitude and smiled at the troops. Arja and their mother were there, he climbed his horse after a rapid goodbye and followed his father proudly.

Altraya followed him from afar. She went to her father and embraced him with all the love she had for him. Her mother calmed down and was there too. The third general was smiling and confident.

"Don't worry, we will come back before you have the time to miss me."

He laughed at his wife caressing her hand tenderly. Then he rode his horse and they left.

Countless people were throwing flowers at them on their way. Ulrich straightened up to appear as valiant as he could. The third squadron left the city. Altraya went to a balcony with Arja, she cried silently as she understood she would never see her father again. She locked her eyes on the column of horses, Arja had a smile watching them leave and Altraya felt a strong envy for her innocence.

She knew that was the last time he would see her father alive.

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