
Chapter 32

Sparks fly as blades clash, the Manifestation pushing Ryder back with a surprisingly heavy attack.

The attack was so strong that he could barely stop it, the weight behind it was larger than what he could've ever predicted, it was as if he'd been hit by a semi truck going at full speed.

His sword held up to the attack but felt as if his arms would've broke if he had stood his ground, being glad he got pushed back the way he did.

Ryder's mind raced as he was trying to process both his and someone else's thoughts, he wanted to fight but the host, her memories, she didn't want to kill this Manifestation.

He could feel her thoughts, her panic, her hesitation.

He hadn't become her, no he'd prevented that.

He'd become one with her, feeling every last thing she felt.

This wasn't just Ryder's fight, or the host's fight, they were together.

Their hand hesitated as the Manifestation moved closer and closer, raising its weapon to attack once more.

"Fight…" Ryder's voice came out, snapping the host out of her hesitation.

"Fight back!" Ryder yells out, spurring the host into action, the two of them raising the sword together to deflect the oncoming attack.

The attack was heavy, but not as heavy as before, together they managed to push the blade aside and throw out their own slash, hitting the armor and pushing the Manifestation back.

It was a strange feeling, not bad, quite the opposite.

It felt… good, intoxicatingly so, melding with someone so completely, having the deepest reaches of your soul tie together.

They were no longer two people in one body, they were truly one at this point in time.

Not wasting a moment they burst forward, ready to bring the fight to the Manifestation before it can recover.

In one swift motion they bring the sword down on it, the sword actually cutting into the armor and letting the shadows spill out.

Reacting quickly the Manifestation pushed them back, a wave of shadows washing over them in the process.

Yet they wouldn't stand down, once again they ready themselves for a fight.

The blade cutting through the shadows and deep into the armor, knocking the Manifestation to the ground.

Shadows sputter and try to escape as the figure seems to recoil in pain, its empty face gazing up at them, the shadows twisting and contorting into what almost looked like a face.

"Forgive me." they said in unison, a swirl of sorrow and resolute determination filling them as they thrust the blade into its- no, his chest.

Now that the final blow had been dealt Ryder could see the hosts memories and vision clearly, this manifestation wasn't just shadows, it had been a person.

A knight with blonde hair and bright green eyes that were now devoid of life, his veins pronounced with a strange purplish color.

This had been her partner, her lover… a righteous man now lost forever to the corruption of darkness, the darkness she brought him into.

Frederick Frost.

Holy Knight and Crown Prince of Eltherum.

He'd given up everything to be with her, yet this is how it ended.

With broken promises and a sword through the chest.

Ryder felt his connection with the host waning, her sorrow only growing as the vision faded away.

He heard someone collapse to the ground, their soft muffled sobs echoing through the room.

Cautiously he looked down, now seeing the host on her knees, processing what'd happened.

She was the woman he saw in the reflection, her red hair was beautiful yet haunting now, her cries burning into his mind.

Slowly Ryder reaches out, putting his hand on her shoulder, causing the woman to freeze up.

Quietly she turned around, looking towards Ryder, her tear stained face making his stomach sink.

This was a woman who'd seen the depths of evil in this world, time and time again, losing everything but not giving up, and now… here she was, losing the one person who'd still stuck by her side.

She couldn't even fight back if she wanted to right now, she'd been broken down by the world around her.

It was funny, though he'd been so closely connected to her it was still impossible to know her name, a detail so close yet still out of reach.

Though he couldn't help but feel her sorrow, that connection still lingering even after being separated.

Without really thinking he lowers himself to her level, pulling her into a tight and comforting hug, wanting to help ease some of the pain in her heart.

Confusion shot through her mind at this point, her hesitation melts away as the tears well up more and she grabs onto him.

All she could do was cry out at this point, letting out all the pain and suffering she'd bottled up inside.

Ryder never letting her go, just comforting her as it happens.

The two felt closer than anyone, despite this being their first meeting.

She couldn't help but lower her guard, having felt the depths of his soul as well.

As her tears and cries began to die down after a long while, she rested her head on his shoulder, refusing to let him go, her memories now returning and mind becoming clearer.

She knew that this would not last, she was still doomed, but for the first time in many years she felt hope once more, a bittersweet smile finding its way onto her face.

The vision of this time begins to fade away from Ryder's view, his worry beginning to build as she vanishes in his arms.

Before she could fully vanish she leaned into his ear, whispering one thing.

A simple and quiet thanks as she tried to stay with him longer.

Ryder glanced at her, seeing her pained smile as she faded from his sight.

It was a hollow bittersweet smile that struck fear deep into his heart, it was a smile that held a world of pain behind it, a look that screamed they were in pain.

Desperately he held onto her form as the scene changed, the room turning back into the main entrance of the mansion.

Tears brimmed in his eyes, yet he couldn't give up, this wasn't just about saving his friends anymore.

He had to save her as well.

To save the person who'd never once been saved before.

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