
Visit Part 1

I quickly glance around my room trying to make sure that it doesn't look too messy. I definitely don't want to give Jaki a bad first impression of my room.

Thank god its not too messy. All my clothes are either in my wardrobe or laundry basket so there's no stray clothes laying around anywhere.

Sometimes when I'm lazy I do tend to just chuck my clothes on my desk or a corner of my bed. But since I haven't really gone out much due to it being exam season, all I have worn recently is my uniform.

So I don't have my usual piles of casual clothes hanging around. This might be the only time that I am feeling thankful for having school uniforms.

And speaking of clothes I was thinking if I should change into a more casual outfit but I decided against that.

The school uniform should be fine. Plus if I try to piece together an outfit now I know its going to take me forever and that's time I don't have.

Before I can even think more about the state of my room I hear the door bell ring. I quickly rush down, like an excited kid on Christmas day.

I open the door and see Jaki waiting outside. Jaki was also wearing her school uniform.




Jaki suddenly broke out a small giggle after we made eye contact.


I sorta just stand there awkwardly not really sure what is going on.

"Sorry sorry. I just find it interesting. I mean you know this is kind of like how we properly met for the first time but now the roles are reversed."

I stare at Jaki a little bit and realizes what she means.

I can't help but laugh a little as well. I start thinking about that encounter and all the memories that we made starting from that day.

"Well are you going to come in and cook me dinner then?"

I cheekily tease Jaki while holding my hand out.

"I would love to if you don't mind some gourmet instant noodles."

Jaki takes my hand and I pull her in the house.

"Haha, sure thing."

I giggle at the thought of Jaki making instant noodles but with the caliber of attention dedicated to gourmet cooking.

We walk into my room and I sit on my bed. Jaki opens up her bag and takes out her laptop.

"By the way where is your family?"

"Ah that, they went to go see a basketball game today, my little brothers really into basketball, but me not so much. That's why its just me at home."

"I see."

Jaki takes out her laptop and I pat on the bed indicating her to sit next to me.

"Yeah sorry there's not really much sitting space besides my bed, just small room problems."

"No worries, I like sitting on beds anyway. Much comfier than a chair."


Jaki sits down and opens up her laptop.

I scoot a little bit closer to her in order to see the laptop better. And maybe for other reasons as well.

And maybe I'm hallucinating but it felt like Jaki is also scooting a little bit towards me as well at the same time.

My heart is beating fast once again. But this is a sensation that I've grown to somewhere get used to so I don't panic as much.

Never in a million years would I have thought that one day Jaki would be sitting on my bed with me next to her.

And yet here we are, about to do some trip planning for the upcoming holiday.

"Shall we check out some of the pictures?"

"Yep lets do it!"

Another day and you know it another chapter! Hope everyone enjoys this one!!!

BennZcreators' thoughts
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