
Dao of Music?

Chapter 15: Dao of Music?

"So what were you saying about a favour and school, Valerie?"

After eating breakfast, Chisato joined the group in the living room where she watched in interest as Sabrina and Valerie exchanged a passionate kiss.

Valerie who heard Chisato's question squeezed Sabrina's perky ass and broke the kiss, "That's enough for now".

"Ehhh~? Already? Come on Valerie~ That wasn't enough~! I need to taste more of your honey flavoured saliva!" Sabrina whined, as rubbed her bubbly butt against Valerie's crotch.

'Heh! No hard on for me Sabrina!' Valerie's eyes twinkled in amusement when she saw Sabrina frown at not feeling her meat stick. All thanks to [Malleable Anatomy] which allows Valerie to remove or conceal a body-part.

"I'll shower you with all the love you want soon, but for now I need to speak with Chisato-nee, and it also involves you". Valerie said softly as she ran her hand through Sabrina's hair.



Chisato who watched their interaction couldn't help but turn to Amelia and say, "Are you guys always like this?"

When Sayu heard her inquiry, she perked up as well since she was curious regarding the people whose house she was residing in. She only knew that they were perverts—beautiful, kind, and weird perverts.

Amelia who saw their interest chuckled, "Yes we are".

Chisato and Sayu's lips twitched at the short vague answer.


"Hmm?" Chisato turned her attention back to Valerie.

"You work at Hijirigasaka Academy, right?"

"That's right. I work as a nurse. Why do you ask?" Chisato questioned with curious look.

"Is it possible for you enrol me into the school?" Valerie asked, while stroking Kali who sat next to her leg.

"You don't go school?" Sayu blurted out in surprise.

"Nah~ I was too busy playing VR". Valerie smiled with a proud look.

"So you missed out on High school to play games? Did you even go middle school?" Sayu questioned in disbelief.

"Nope~". Valerie answered with a smug grin much to the older girls bewilderment.

"Valerie stop messing with her". Amelia spoke up gaining Sayu's attention, "Sayu, the reason Valerie didn't go to middle or high school wasn't just cause she wanted to play games. It's because it's pointless for her who can easily pass university-level exams".

"Eh?" Sayu was dumbfounded by what she just heard.

Chisato also raised an eyebrow in interest and gave Valerie one over. "If you are so smart why do you want to go now?"

Hearing her question, the playful aura around Valerie switched to a serious one, surprising the others. "It's because…."

"Because…" Chisato trailed, waiting for her answer.





"My favourite VR game is getting shut down". Valerie said with an expression that would make it seem as if her life support was getting cut off.



Sayu and Chisato were too stunned to speak. However a certain demoness wasn't too happy with the news.

"Ehhhh?! YGGDRASIL is getting shut down?!" Sabrina questioned as her eyes widened in horror.

"Unfortunately it is". Valerie answered with a wistful smile.

"No! We cannot allow such a sacrilegious act to happen!" Sabrina's eye were resolute as she grabbed Valerie's shoulders.

A playful smile appeared on Valerie's face as she raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Then how shall we deal with the heretics responsible?"

With a profound look Sabrina said, "We kill them and find people who are willing to continue developing the game".

"!" Chisato who noticed the vicious glint in Sabrina's eyes shot up and said, "You will not do such a thing".

Sayu, Amelia and Valerie turned to her and gave her a weird look, as if saying: Did you actually believe her?

Well, the latter two just played along, even though they knew Sabrina was being serious.

As for Sabrina, she frowned and asked, "Why? Are you going to get in my way?"


The sound of flesh colliding resounded in the room.

"Eh? What was that for?" Sabrina turned back to Valerie with a wronged look when she felt a sting on her butt.

"Relax". A mischievous smile tugged Valerie's lips, before she looked at Chisato, "So Chisato-nee, can you enrol Sabrina and I into the school?"

"Eh? Me?" Sabrina asked in surprise.

Chisato narrowed her eyes and spoke, "I can help enrol you…But why Sabrina?"

'Oh, I almost forgot that Sabrina's appearance hasn't even changed for the past sixteen years. No wonder she's suspicious'. Valerie mused, a small smile on her face as she answered.

"I need her".

"You need her?" Chisato raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Valerie nodded with the most serious expression from her book of expressions, "That's right I need her. Or how else will I be able to de-stress in school".

Sayu who heard her blushed, and her mind wondered to multiple scenarios.


Chisato's lips twitched before she just sighed in resignation. If all Sabrina would do is mess around then that's better than her killing people. "Fine. I will enrol her too".

"Thank you Nee-san". Valerie smiled innocently.

In response, Chisato rolled her eyes. She had seen her perverted actions, and there was no way she would have fallen for such a deception. It was clear that Valerie was a wolf disguising herself as a beautiful woman.

'Maybe she already set her sights on me'. Chisato thought as she locked eyes with Valerie who had a knowing smile on her face.

"I guess I'll take my leave. I'll need to call the principal for your enrolments". Chisato stood up, while her eyes drifted to the piano in the living room.


"Are you remembering the piece from yesterday night?" Amelia asked with a smirk.

"Were you the one who played it?"

"No. It was Valerie". Amelia shook her head.

"It was?" Chisato stared in surprise at Valerie who lifted Sabrina from her lap and walked to the piano.

"What can I say? The first step to understand the Dao is to understand yourself". Valerie said in a sagely tone, as she ran her hand along the keys.


"Fufu~" Amelia chuckled seeing Chisato and Sayu's confused looks.

"Oh! Are you talking about those farmers who use flying swords?" Sabrina perked up the moment she heard 'Dao'.

Valerie smiled at the word 'Farmers', "Yes. Would you like to hear a piece before you go Chisato-nee".

"Sure". Chisato sat back down and stared at Valerie's back. 'She gives off this mysterious feeling that is attractive'.

Valerie sat down in front of the piano and flitted through her memories in search for a nice piece. 'Hmm~ I guess that one would be suitable since this world has Heroes'.

(A/N: If anyone is curious, the piece is: You Say Run! Piano Version. Yep~ My Hero Academia ost.)

As her hands glided through the spaces between the keys and she gently pressed the them, Valerie slowly began to play the piano.

At that precise moment, everyone in the room could feel the air shifting.

Her hands, which had been consistently playing the same melody, abruptly changed!

Like a calm before a storm!

And along with this storm their surroundings suddenly changed.

They were now in a dome-shaped building, and in front of them was two figures who rushed at each other.

A large man with a muscular and well-defined physique with short blond hair, swept backwards, with two distinct tufts. His bright blue eyes shone with determination.

Opposite the man was a black humanoid monster muscular body and exposed brain.

Man and Monster exchanged hundreds of blows.

Blood soaked the left side of the man's shirt.

While the monster firmed the man's blows.

Valerie continued to play, then slowly the progression became slow as if the man was soon going to breaking through.

And break through he did!

The monster was pushed back!

The land crushed!

The mountains destroyed!

Valerie's hands rapidly ran through the higher notes!

The ending was near!

The monster had no chance to fight back!

It was tossed around like a rag doll and slammed into the ground!

The man was already before the monster with his fist tensed!






Plus Ultra!

The monster shot through the roof of the dome!

Wisps full of color burst in the environment as cracks appeared everywhere.

Everyone was once again in the living room.

"That…was amazing!" Sabrina jumped up in excitement. "I want to fight that yellow-haired man! Actually that black monster! It was such a good punching bag!"

"Spectacular". Amelia smiled slightly, while giving a side glance to Sayu and Chisato.

Chisato stared at Valerie with an interested look as she was bombarded with questions by Sabrina. 'It was quite obvious she was not ordinary if she lived with these two'.

"That was good Valerie, but what was that? The man and monster?" Sayu questioned with a curious and doubtful look.

All eyes turned to Valerie, with Chisato and Amelia wondering what excuse Valerie would give.

With a confident and charming smile Valerie answered, "That, my dear Sayu was the pinnacle of music".

"Pinnacle of music?"

"Umu. When a musician's understanding reaches new heights, their views change. They can use anything to play music, be it a leaf, table or pencil.

When a musician reaches the pinnacle, they can materialise the essence of the piece they are playing, the audience would feel as if they are there personality witnessing the scene.

That is the Dao of Music".

Valerie said with such a serious expression that would make one doubt that she's bullshitting.

Sayu furrowed her brows when she heard the explanation. It sounded genuine and yet it didn't.

Amelia snickered at her explanation, while Chisato raised an eyebrow, especially when she saw Sayu confused and serious.

'No point in thinking about it too much. At the end of the day it was just an illusion, a very interesting one'. Chisato stood up and made her way to the door.

"I'll be taking my leave now".

"Let me see you out". Valerie got up from the piano chair and followed her.




"That was an exciting piece you played. Would you mind tell me it's name?" At the exit, Chisato questioned with a small smile.

"As I said before, I aim to please, especially beautiful women". Valerie said with a smirk, earning a chuckle from the mature woman.

"As for the piece, it's called: You Say Run".

"A fitting name". Chisato nodded and opened the door of her apartment, before entering she gave Valerie a wink, "You're welcome in my place at any time".

Valerie laughed lightly, "Sure~ I hope you won't regret it~"



A/N: Should I add Tokyo Ghoul as a crossover?



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