


Man has a limited biological capacity for change. When this capacity for change is overwhelmed, the capacity is in future shock.

Just as the body goes into shock after a physical trauma, so does the human psyche go into shock after the impact of major change.


Ketu and I started walking towards where my car was parked,

/"Is this your car or that one, Sesh?/" pointing to the next car which is Honda city and then the other car seltos, I just smiled.

/"This one/" as I stopped, unlocking my BMW.

/"Nice car, Dad’s?/" I just didn’t expect a question like this from her though as she inspected the car.

/"Dad got for me/" I just wouldn’t stop smirking seeing her reaction, like she can’t believe it’s my car.

/"Good for you and great for me that I know someone that has a BMW 5-Series, he happened to be my brother, who I can use as my driver or better his little sister may steal his car if She wants to show off !/" She asked, trying to look innocent.

/"How are you coming with these schemes?/" She pouted as if she was not scheming anything. /"Sure, I guess?/"I just got what Varin and nadan said.

/" Thanks and that's ketu’s talent./" I laughed.

One of her cousins rang her, she asked me to maintain pin drop silence, spoke with and smoothly lied that she came to collect the dinner from nearby hotel, to speak with a friend, and saying let’s meet tomorrow kept the phone. Quickly she ran her brother to follow the lie she said.

I looked at her and she said it’s her sweetest cross cousin yonita/ yoni, her mother's second younger brother's (ganapathy) daughter, who happened to have a school test that she can’t take leave, so she doesn’t know about the hangout today and asked me to keep my mouth shut if I see her on marriage.

Also to her mom's first brother ( saravanan) 11 years old twins anish and anisha too or they will kill her for not inviting them than their sweet Varun bro.

/"That’s all the cousin you guys have or anymore that I have to keep my mouth sealed too?/" Not getting the sarcasm she is going on and on about their incidents too.

she continued that there is her father’s younger brother’s (Ranganathan) son Karan, her parallel cousin, he is a year younger than her, But he is not close with them or he is just more of an introvert, who is doing B.E.

She said she will introduce them all to me in Yash marriage as my dad has invited them all too.

/"I will introduce my cousin Deepa too, I am sure you both will click with your talkative natures./"

I just don’t know whether I should be jealous of her kin bonds or not, said the only cousin I am close with is my parallel cousin sister Deepa, but with my other cousins? Maybe Eshi and Zavi are cool to speak with, I came out of my thoughts as the security guard stepped in front to confirm It’s me in the car. I lowered my window, and he signaled to open the door.

I smiled seeing sleeping, getting how she maintained to be silent for a while now.

/"ketu…. ketu./" I shook her to wake up.

/" We reached!/" She looked around confusedly.

/"oh/" as the doors were opened,I was about to enter inside, I called the security and informed him to let the duster car in, not remembering the number of his car, and said Varun will be with them.

I smiled seeing her looking at our garden, she does have good aesthetic sense to appreciate the beauty.

/"nice mason home./" She said as I stopped at the entrance of the house.

/"thanks./" We got down and I gave the key to the driver in the stand to get the car to the garage. Usually I myself would park, but I wanted to take her in through the main door from the way she looked at our garden.

I signed can we go in, she sighed looking out the fountain.

/"I really need a tour, you can show me the inside now but I want you to show me the garden outside in the morning./" She said as I guess her love for our garden.

/"Sure, Can I show you around when others come too?/" She nodded okay.

We went in, welcomed but her mom with a hug. She asked how our day went and I said to her it was good and fun, but our story teller started to tell her she enjoyed a lot and bought the things she bought too.

/"where is dad and uncle?/" I asked aunty.

/"Yes, where are they ma?/"

/"They went inside, don't know where and I think it would be helpful if you bring them down for dinner, Sesh?/" Aunty said looking unsure.

/"Varun, nadan, preethi, bhanu and Gokul have to come too../" aunty looked like she forgot it.

/"If you are hungry, I will ask Gopi Anna to set the plate for you aunty./"

/"No, I am good to eat with all, it’s just Ram waiting for you all, can you inform them about your arrival?/"

/"hmmm…./" I got up from the sofa.

He must be looking for his favourite daughter more than me, /"Do you want to come with me?/"

Before She can say something her mom holds her hand. /"I want her to accompany me to have mom and daughter time, you all had her the whole day./"

Smiling like I am thinking about it replied her /"Sure, you can have my sister for now/" and we all laughed at my poor acting thinking capability.

As Lakshmi aunt doesn't know where my dad and uncle Krishnan went, I am on a search mission. My eagerness to meet ketu is also because of my dad. He likes her so much, I heard that my mom used to adore her too.

I still can't stop wondering how she can quickly accept the offer of being my sister without wanting anything in return or thinking much.

I was a stranger to her till this morning, but it is so easy to treat me just fine like Varun and nadan. I can understand why my parents like me now. She can make the stranger feel comfortable with her.

Varun knows me well, Warned me to not upset her and be a good brother to her as he won’t think twice to hurt me with her other cousins, Though joked around it’s hell of being her brother.

I think how they are going to threaten his husband. whoever he is? you have me also to deal with man as I like her too, you are in deep shit Poor Guy.

I liked everybody though everyone is older than me except Ketu, all of us are around the same age group that eased things.

By the end of the day, I am brother to many now, thinking about the day brought a smile to my face.

Finally, I found my dad in his office. Really at the office? tried to hear what they were saying but couldn't hear and remembered my dad's office room is soundproof.

As I opened the door, they stopped whatever they were speaking.

I went inside raising my brow and getting no reply, I said that , uncle just asked how was our day

I asked shall we go down?

Uncle asked me to call yash to here. I called Yash and put him on speaker and as he said he is home, dad asked me to ask him to come to the office.

As he reached, he had a glint in his face, I don't get what is this shine on my brother? Marriage does bring shine, I guess. But, got cleared that guess is wrong from his question

/"Who are the ladies that were laughing happily downstairs.?/" Yash never asks about guests, he actually dislikes having guests. Laughing out loudly? I think that made him eager about the guests. It's been really a while, we heard sounds of happiness in this house.

Mostly, We all use the house to sleep or take rest and occasionally to have meals together in the home, if we have guests.

/"Ketu and Lakshmi aunty, Laughing about the revert incidents I think?/" I left ketu as she started narrating the story of what happened today like a K.G girl to her mother.

/"What reverts?/"

/"Say you later, it's a long funny story.

Come let's all go down, I have even invited varaun's cousins and they are on their way. You will like them too. They are just as good as Varun and ketu, yash.

Would you believe I am their brother too now?./" I just wouldn’t believe the fact.

/"when did you meet them?/"

/"Oh! today, I went to hang out with them. /"

/"Oh! why did you call me here?/"

/"Dad!/" I looked at dad as it’s him who asked me to do.

/"I am sorry, Yash!/" His eyes teared up and a drop fought out as his voice struck.

uncle Krishnan asked us to sit down on the sofa, said my dad something, that dad wiped the tears. Uncle giving a nod to us, went out.

/"I am sorry yash/" and took a deep breath as if he is finding a voice or strength or words to continue.

/"what happened? please never say sorry to me dad./"

/"but, I am in the position to ask forgiveness/" Yash was about to Open the mouth, dad lifted his hand asking him to wait and continued /"because, I failed to be a good father. And now, I was wrong in my selection of your bride, yash. Chandhini ran away from the home with someone/" ah!

I just don’t know what to do, I am shocked to see my dad crying, he is the strongest person I have known, the last time he cried was when mom died, he never cried for ever for something else.

Yash stood up, consoling him that’s okay and not to feel bad for it, he is always his best dad. I just don’t get who is father and who is the son between them ever. Sometimes, I think yash is my father rather than my brother.

someone has to man up, as dad is crying and you didn’t get shocked, he has to without a choice even if it hurts him, isn’t it?

I went and hugged them both, saying he is our great dad, always been and will be ever too, it’s her loss to miss someone as good as my brother. Dad agreed, calming himself and made Yash sit and listen to him.

/"Actually your mother and I always wanted ketu as our daughter in law from the time ketu was born.

That lakshmi aunty says to her, she is still a baby and she needs her mother’s warmth still, asking your mom to wait till she grows up to decide who she wants.

It’s just Krishnan is not interested in marrying her off this soon, said sorry as he was not ready to let her go to her in-law home in near future when I asked, told me to understand that we are from different castes having different practices, loving at different societies having different status.

Thinking Pooja wouldn’t accept his reasoning, and put up a fight with Krishnan to get Ketu as your bride, I tried to explain that won’t be a problem and he knows that never stopped our friendship, so it wouldn’t break this relationship that he knows, we wished for nearly twenty year too.

I got those were all excuses as he knows what my sisters are like, I couldn’t push him too understanding he is trying to be polite by avoiding as he can’t say no for you.

Now, he accepts to give his daughter's hand in your hands, but on conditions that you try to have a life with her and won’t hurt her ever, Also to promise that we all treat her with respect and love she deserves.

As you already know that I see her and treat her as a daughter, I wish her husband to take care of her well and protect her away from sadness too that I don’t feel any wrong in what Krishan asked us to promise as he is just looking out for his princess.

If you really would try to have a life with her, then the Engagement and marriage goes as planned with ketu as bride


We can cancel the arrangements


If you have someone else in your mind to be your bride, We can even have that way too.

It’s now your time to say your answer, I will be waiting for your answer yash.

I am really sorry, Yash! I wanted to enjoy your wedding but here I am making you stressed. Please try to decide before midnight, as only after your answer we can ask ketu’s or even cancel the arrangements too.

Just know that I will support and respect your decision whatever it is with my life./" Dad said last line looking at him that Yash nodded at him.

Dad smiled weakly at him, he looked at me, opened his mouth to say something but got up from the sofa, left out of the room patting my shoulder.

That’s when I realised what he said, I am happy that ketu will become my sister in law but Yash? I saw him with a shocked face that shaken me up.

He was not affected by Chandini running away, But he was shocked when asked to marry ketu?

/"yash/" I nudged him and he looked at me /"are you okay?/"


/"Because of chandini? I will search for her and make her pay . Please don't worry./" I took my phone to make a call.

/"Not because of chandini, Sesh. She left on her own and I don’t want to do anything more with her anymore,

It’s because./"Yash is stammering oh god


/"because dad spoke about mom, he said they wanted ketu to be my bride.?

Sesh, what am I supposed to say now?/" That's right, dad never spoke about mom in front of us after she died and what he is supposed to say about a girl he never met.

/"There is no one except you to make the decision, I guess We all can just assist you or give you advice, Yash. Do you have someone in your mind to marry right this instant except ketu?


/"We are cut down with two choices, either you can cancel or marry ketu./" He sighed as if he knew it too, looked away.

/"Yash?/" He looked at me as I took a seat before him.

/"Ketu is really a good girl, she makes people smile, guess what? I understand why dad always admires her and mom liked her.

She has this charm that makes you comfortable around her. When I brought her home, I felt our home felt nice.

As you see Many came to our home, never anyone made this home smile in happiness after mom left, nor did any guest make you eager to know who they are, like you asked who she is?

Chanidhi really had a better profile to match you for me to go ahead to dad, I didn’t have a reason to say no as she is beautiful, talented and successful in her career too that I felt you guys make a good pair.

I also know you didn't love chandini, and maybe liked her and you are in your age where people get married and settle down, that you accepted because dad asked you to marry or I am there next in line. I didn’t say a word back as I knew you would have given a good thought as you took one month to say let’s meet them too.

Truth to be told here, I just find you don’t even have much time to get to know her, that I want to say what’s there to think, let’s cancel the marriage.

Calling off a marriage is not a big deal in the 21st century. We can even arrange a more spectacular marriage than this or find a perfect bride than chandini too.

That’s the right to say or do too, It's funny but I really want you to consider the proposal as I really love to have ketu as my sister in law.

I can’t believe myself when I imagine her being my sister in law, though You are my best brother, I guess I grew to like her as my sister too.

I can’t hurt you, but if you hurt her, I may not stop her brothers and sisters hurting you yash. I mean it yash!/" He narrowed his eyes at me. He didnt even say yes to marry and here I am imagining them to be a couple.

/"Funny right? It’s not even a day, but it really feels good to have someone that makes us feel comfortable. I am not pushing to accept, as I will treat her as my sister even if you decide otherwise, nor dad is going to get disappointed in you as it’s your life and you know yourself best to know what is good for you.

I just want to remind you again to say yes, Only if you feel that she can be a part of your life, if you can’t even imagine having a life with her, let’s cancel the marriage and there is no problem with it.

Please make a decision that's good for you, YASH USE THE TIME SKILLFULLY TO MAKE A DECISION THAT YOU WON'T REGRET IN YOUR LIFE, But I will support and respect your decision as dad./" He nodded at me, I looked at him for a minute and I guess he needs time to make a decision and if I stay anymore I may push him to decide I want, maybe that’s why dad left.


/"They are really loaded, isn’t it?/" Preethi asked as if she could see what I Said them on the way as the security let us inside.

I saw Michael and David, bodyguards of Yash getting out of the car behind us, I raised my brow at them, they just weakly smiled seeing my cousins around.

Welcoming us all, even before I could introduce them all to them, they asked me to excuse them as they got to increase the security system as the media was trying to get in, and went to the security room in a rush.

Samuel, who came with a phone in his hand, waved a hi to me and looking confusedly seeing my cousin, left inside giving us a confused smile.

/"I just don’t know what got these people to not have time to even speak, maybe some really broke their peace to get a wedding exclusive./" I muttered and said they asked all guards of yash and sesh, who were usually cool guys but don't know what got them run today

We went in to see mom and ketu laughing about the dramas that we had today, just then saw dad coming downstairs.

Ram uncle’s right hand Vijayan, asked him something, he ushering something, he came towards us looked sad and frustrated.

Nadan, Gokul, Bhanu, Preeti said their greetings to my parents, who returned their greeting to them, and asked everyone to sit and speak.

Dad said Sesh and uncle are taking care of some business, asked mom and I to follow him to help them, and took us to a room.

He closed the room, making us ask what. What said blown out, our heads.

Now, I got why they were running distressed because yash's bride ran away. But what blew our mind was he gave words that he would give ketu's hand in yash's hand.

/"Have you lost your mind, Krish?/"

/"Yash is not a bad groom, is he?/" Mom groaned as even I don’t have a problem with yash and he explained that he may really have lost it while consoling his friend.

/"I don't like his aunties and how can you accept without asking any of us, dad? how can he do this to ketu, knowing how cruel that their aunties can be? Isn’t her likeness mattered?

Leave that all, can you guarantee that Yash will Love her for who she is?/" But my mom controlled me, though she shouted at him.

Dad said he is too regretful that he gave word in a moment of spark, So he put conditions that he will only give her hand to them, if only they all promise us that you all take care of her well and wont hurt her in any way, and to protect her with all their means.

Importantly, he said that he would even ask Ketu about her decision, only if yash can promise that he will try to have his life with her, That made us a little happy.

We came out to see Sesh and uncle Ram coming towards us, we informed them to say my cousins we took care of a business.

Not knowing what to say to each other, Sesh and I decided to know about her dream husband, whether Yash comes in that category or not as our goal, walked towards them.


Next chapter