


The building of the hut is completed, set up under a rocky outcrop, with thick bush around it, it is not visible to the naked eye, and if you were unaware of its existence you would walk right past, the only signs that show that there is any human presence in the area is the trampled down grass and cigarette butts that litter the ground.

Goodwill had used two men from the prison in Lusaka to do the manual labor on the building, with the promise that they would not see out their jail term. He turns to the police officer that stands nearby and nods his head.

The officer pulls out his service revolver, and four shots later, Goodwill’s promise to the men is kept. Neither of them will see out their jail term as both lie dead in the dirt. Life is cheap in Africa, two fewer mouths to feed.

/"Leave the bodies, the hyena will clean up./"

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