


They return to the smallholding, to find all well and intact as they had left it. Bodger takes to his new home like a duck to water and spends most of the first day investigating all the new smells, but one incident stands out in Adele’s mind, the dog’s reaction to the rubbish dump. His hair stands on end, and a low growl issues forth from the back of his throat, stiff-legged and ready to fight, but with what? She can’t see anything that could have caused such a response from him. She calls him, but the dog ignores her, his eyes riveted on the rubbish dump, and then slowly he backs up until he turns and runs to her, his body quivering and muscles tense, the hair slowly relaxing. David thinks it could be a snake, but on investigation, there’s nothing that could have caused such a response from the dog.

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