
Chapter 70

While wearing a comfortable, yukata-style bathrobe provided to him by one of the mansion's many Maids, Izuku was escorted to a room in a section of the estate that was considered 'off-limits' when Momo gave everyone a tour.

After reaching a particularly isolated section of the mansion, the Maid leading the way stopped in front of and gestured to a distinctive red door, stating, "You will find Oujo-sama awaiting you inside. As for your clothes, they will be returned to you clean and pressed by the time you are ready to leave. Enjoy your stay."

With the Maid opening the door for him, Izuku made his way inside a fairly dark room obfuscated by red, translucent silk curtains hanging from the ceiling, suspended in such a way that they made the room's interior seem like a maze. A bright light shone from deeper within, so Izuku navigated his way through the cascading sea of curtains, eventually finding himself in a large, open space with a bed, a padded, x-shaped cross, what looked like a wooden horse, several racks of clothes, and a long table filled with various 'tools.' More notably, he found Momo looking very nervous as she sat atop the bed in seiza, her body garbed in a latex BDSM outfit that left most of her crotch, inner thighs, and ass exposed.

Surprising Momo quite a bit, Izuku remarked, "This is a surprise...though not entirely unexpected..."

Sitting with her back straight, Momo exclaimed, "I-I-Izuku-kun! F-Fancy seeing you here." with a beet-red face.

Raising his brows, Izuku asked, "Were you expecting someone else? I'm hurt..."

Shaking her head rapidly, Momo replied, "T-That isn't the case! It's just–I d-don't really know how to explain this situation. Mother and Father never allowed me into this section of the manor. I...I never knew a place like this existed..."

Furrowing his brows slightly, Izuku asked, "They didn't force you to wear that, did they...?"

Raising her hands and waving them, Momo replied, "N-N-No. At the very least, nobody held me down and forced me to wear it. I was brought here, told you would be arriving momentarily, and advised to change. This outfit was lying on the bed, so I...I put it on..."

"I see..." replied Izuku, adopting a smile as he added, "Well, as strange as this situation is, it suits you. BDSM isn't really my thing, though, so I don't plan to let you tie me up or whip me..."

Shaking her head, Momo caught Izuku a little off guard as she tensed and said, "I-It's the opposite. I...I just got off the phone with my Mother a few minutes ago. She said that if I'm serious about supporting you, I shouldn't be afraid to face anything...that if I truly believed I could trust you, I need to entrust you with my everything..."

Swallowing hard, Momo stared directly at Izuku as she asked, "Will you accept my all, Izuku-kun? Will you take responsibility and make me yours? Because, if it's with you, I...I'm not afraid of trying anything..."

Though he was a little put off by the situation, Izuku maintained his smile, replying, "Of course. I've been prepared to accept your 'everything' from the moment we became a couple. Bondage might be a little too advanced for our current relationship, but I wouldn't mind experimenting if you want to try something new."

Feeling as though a tremendous weight had been lifted from her heart and shoulders, Momo exhaled a profound sigh of relief, whispering, "Oh, thank goodness..." while patting her chest. She had been preparing for more than a month to attempt anal, so there was no way she was ready for something like shibari or being suspended. She would be lying if she said she didn't want to try them at all, but certainly not this soon...

Regaining her usual smile, Momo combed back the bangs framing the right side of her face as she asked, "How did the conversation with my Grandfather go? Present circumstances have made my family's decision fairly obvious, but I'm curious to hear what he had to say..."

Repeating Eiichiro's words, Izuku replied, "He said we'd need to get married once we graduate, but we're free to do whatever we want until then. He also knows about the other girls, stating it didn't matter so long as we can produce an heir after marriage."

Nodding her head, Momo affirmed, "Producing an heir is an important responsibility. I don't have any brothers, so, as the eldest daughter of the Yaoyorozu Family, it falls to me–to us to extend our legacy."

Making his way over to the bed, Izuku asked the obvious, specifically, "Can your parents not?"

Smiling wryly, Momo revealed, "Due to the nature of Creation, being a power that can destabilize the world's economy, my family has a policy of discontinuing the production of heirs once our Quirk has been passed to the next generation. If there were several inheritors of the Creation Quirk and one went astray due to jealousy or other negative emotions, it would be an unmitigable disaster."

Though it was a fairly extreme tradition, Izuku understood the Yaoyorozu Family's logic. The ability to produce gold bars and other precious metals was pretty ridiculous, but if someone in the Yaoyorozu Family went rogue and began producing uranium or other fissile materials, they could eat ice cream and effectively shit out weapons of mass destruction...

"Yeah...that would be bad..." agreed Izuku, adding, "But that's a matter for the future. What do you want to do right now...?"

As he had just sat next to her, Momo bumped into Izuku's arm with her shoulder, an innately seductive smile adorning her face as she answered, "Well...we have my parents' and Grandfather's approval...I also believe we're trapped here until tomorrow morning, so we might as well use this time to deepen our Bond..."

Raising his brows, Izuku asked, "Seriously? What are we supposed to do about food...?"

In response to Izuku's inquiry, a rainbow glow emanated from beneath Momo's navel as she pulled out a bagel, explaining, "I can't create living organisms, but so long as I understand their chemical composition, I can produce simple foods. The flavor and nutritional value may be lacking, but I've been practicing to get better at it..."

"That's...kind of broken..." remarked Izuku, imagining Yaoyorozu creating the very food she consumed to fuel her Quirk. He knew she could create organic fibers and even produce gasoline, the latter of which was almost entirely hydrocarbons, so her ability to produce food wasn't surprising. It was the notion that she was outputting more energy than she consumed that left him feeling taken aback...

Dismissing such thoughts from his mind, Izuku's response to Momo was planting a kiss on her lips. He would have ample time to think once they were in the afterglow of their intercourse. For now, he snapped the metal clasp keeping the latex covering Momo's crotch in place, revealing quite a bit of suppressed love juices.

Feeling Izuku's fingers touching her most precious spot, Momo issued a soft moan, continuing to kiss him as she wilfully spread her legs. She had thought things would commence with her servicing him with her mouth or breasts, but if Izuku desired her body, she wouldn't deny him...

While rubbing and probing Momo's slit, Izuku's finger abruptly came into contact with something hard, prompting him to touch it directly. What he discovered was a flat, circular piece of metal protruding from Momo's ass, its temperature matching her body.

Separating from Momo's lips, Izuku couldn't help grinning wolfishly as he asked, "Are you wearing a butt plug...?"

Blushing slightly, augmenting the already rosy hue of her cheeks, Momo replied with a soft, "Nn...I take it out before Foundational Heroics classes, but I've been wearing one every day since we initially discussed it..."

Raising his brows slightly, Izuku caused Momo's blush to deepen further as he asked, "Can I take it out...?" in a genuinely curious tone. It had been more than a month since their discussion regarding anal, so if Momo had been as prudent as he knew she was, she should have made quite a bit of progress in her preparations...

Though she swallowed hard, Momo's response was to lean back onto her elbows, spreading her legs in an M-posture as she replied, "I'm ready..." in a faint but resolute tone.

Nodding his head, Izuku grabbed the stopper of the butt plug and began removing it slowly. There was quite a bit of resistance at first, but once he got around the thickest part of the butt plug, the rest came out in a single go, accompanied by Momo squinting her watery eyes and whimpering in a mixture of pleasure and relief...

Staring at the silvery butt plug in his hand, its diameter nearly 5cm at its widest point, Izuku's eyes widened involuntarily. He knew Momo was a very 'serious' girl, but he didn't expect her to shove something the size of a small trophy up her ass. It was impressive, in a way, but it also came off as more than a little excessive...

While Izuku was still 'marveling' at her accomplishment, Momo surprised him by noting, "There are 250ml and 500ml enema syringes over on the table. I've never tried the larger size, but I'm willing to give it a go if you'd like to try using my butt."

Resisting the urge to ask if she 'had' tried the 250ml enema, Izuku made his way over to the table, his body tensing involuntarily as he passed his gaze over the many items on display. There were fairly 'innocuous' items like handcuffs, a red ball gag, and a leather whip similar to the one Nemuri carried present, but there was also a frighteningly restrictive face mask with a hand pump attached to the mouth, various piercings, and what he was pretty certain were illegal aphrodisiacs lining the table...

("Never underestimate the perversions of the upper class...") thought Izuku, grabbing the 250ml enema syringe and disregarding 'most' of the other items present. There was a leather choker with an attached silver chain he thought would suit the current Momo quite well, so he picked it up and carried it back to the bed, smiling mischievously as he asked, "Still want to be mine...?"

Understanding Izuku's intentions, Momo responded by sitting up straight and raising her chin, silently staring him in the eyes as she waited for him to fasten the choker around her neck. Doing so was surprisingly nerve-wracking, but Izuku managed it without any issues, remarking, "You and Toru would get along well..." while linking the cuff at the end of the chain around his wrist.

"Why is that?" asked Momo, a somewhat 'wistful' smile adorning her face as she traced her fingers along the edge of the leather choker. She didn't understand the reason, but when Izuku placed it on her, she felt a strange sense of...relief? She wasn't entirely sure...

Adopting a teasing smile, Izuku explained, "Well, while there are quite a few disparities between you, you're both massive perverts..."

Opening her eyes to their utmost limits, Momo exclaimed, "What are you saying, Izuku-kun!?". Then, in a much calmer voice, she furrowed her thin, well-manicured brows into a pout and asserted, "I'm not a pervert..."


Resisting the urge to point out she was wearing a BDSM outfit and had a leash around her neck, Izuku paused for a moment before asking, "What if I asked you to become one...?"

Furrowing her brows further, Momo appeared reluctant but seemed to be considering the matter seriously. From her rather sheltered point of view, a pervert was someone who committed lewd or intimate acts in public. If such acts occurred in the privacy of one's home, then, much like drinking, it was perfectly acceptable in moderation.

Recalling her comment about entrusting her everything to Izuku, a faint sigh emanated from Momo's throat, her shoulders briefly slumping before she adopted a smile and replied, "If that's what you desire...just not when we're at school, okay? As Class and Vice-Class Representatives, we have an obligation to set the example for our classmates to follow..."

Though he felt something had gotten lost in communication, an affection-tinged smile adorned Izuku's face, surprising Momo by asserting, "God, I love this woman..." before giving her leash a gentle pull, drawing her lips to meet his...




(A/N: O_O...)
