

She looked confused and then scared, she looked here and there for quenching her curiosity, maybe? Then finally decided to turn to me and said "My name is Bai Qingqing".

I nodded my head and was just about to get up when it suddenly struck my mind, wait a minute, what the fuck did she just say...her name... isn't that name same from the one and only novel that I ever read in my life...that Chinese reverse harem novel....with the protagonist....

I don't recall too much but the novel indeed starts from her finding herself in the forest and then...then...Fuck bitch! There was a wolf chase too!

The moment I recalled it, I started acting instantly, I got up and pulled her up with her one arm and pulled her to walk in one direction because the sunlight was more in that area, why I choose this direction? I don't know because it was random since I don't know a single thing about forests or survival so what I did was completely on impulse. Yeah I'm a damn fool, but who knows when my luck start to shine.

As we walked in fast pace, more like me walking while pulling her with me because she was just too slow, she kept on asking about where I'm taking her to which I told her in an alarmed tone "Look bimbo, it is possible that there are wolves here so it's best to get out of here ASAP!".

My words shocked her yet she instantly silenced as started trying to match my pace, suddenly we heard rustling of bushes that was quite far and was coming toward us at a noticeable speed.

I instantly told her to run and started running while holding her hand which felt more like dragging a suitcase. Loud howling of the wolves confirmed their presence and soon the rustling sound came near.

While running I dared to look behind for a moment to relieve my curiosity, (I know that wasn't an intelligent act of mine) to saw those grey wild mutts were running with drools over their faces and their increasing pace was telling how much they wanted to prey on us us.

Maybe Bai sensed the danger too because now even she herself started running at inhumane speed making her run with me without dragging me down.

For a moment I felt relieved but soon started looking for a opportunity to secure my escape, For a split of second I literally thought about pushing Bai into the wolf pack to get time for myself, but I soon dismissed that thought when my vision caught a tree with a thick extended branch.

I smiled at that and instantly released Qingqing's hand making her face instantly pale and shocking her quite hard, I increased my pace and instantly lunged onto the tree using climb wall technique and climbed onto it.

While locking my knees onto the tree I instantly hanged myself downwards like those stuntman in circuses and stretched out my hands in the anticipation that she will catch them because if she can't then it's her fault not mine but surprisingly she instantly understood what I'm trying to do.

She extended her arms outside while running toward me and with a smile I caught both of her hands and instantly pulled her up,

Firstly, I literally have to thank that she was so light that it made it possible for me to pull her up, so an indirect thank to those fuckin beauty standards

secondly my legs, thankyou for not ditching me at the last moment, momma loves you a lot.

I made her seated on the branch beside me as we both together looked at the wolves trying to jump and bite us, since we were at a high place it was nothing to fret about so we just kept on looking at them as they kept on trying their each and every strategy to catch us whereas I kept on striking them with twigs that I broke from the tree hitting bullseye nearly everytime, finally got to see the girl beside me smile which somehow made me smile too.

Suddenly a huge roar shook the surroundings making the wolves alert, before they could've prepared themselves to confront someone, a leopard leaped out of the bush and confronted the pack, he bit of the head of one of the wolves after a fight which made most of them to retract back whereas those who decided to stay behind were bitten to death by the leopard.

We both watched the whole episode of an animal planet show while sitting at the balcony of cinema enjoying the best view, except for the fact that the bimbo beside me was scared to death.

We saw that the leopard chased them to quite far, so I finally came down with a jump and asked Bai to jump while welcoming her with my arms, it's obvious that she hesitated but she still jumped while trusting me.

I instantly caught her in a bridal pose and smiled looking at her slightly flustered face, I put her down and arranged her dress.

As compared to me, she only reaches my shoulder which I don't know why made me happy, I mean, it's quite nice when you see someone who is shorter than you, it's make you look big and strong, it's just a nice feeling...

(Author :(ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-■ {with just a height of 157 cm,} shut up Kyra or else I'll pair you up with Parker)

Bai thanked me, I don't know why...I mean.... I think I did more than one thing that needs a thank you....but still fine, I'll satisfy myself with just a single thanks, I sighed and as a courtesy told her that it was nothing.

Just when we both were interacting, that leopard came back and started moving in my direction, Bai was already using me as a human sheild so I looked at the leopard with proud eyes.

I mean... I know who he is...so why should I be afraid.

Just some steps away the leopard turned into a big muscular naked guy, he had a healthy glowing skin with golden eyes and golden hairs upto shoulder length matching his animal form fleece.

He walked upto us with a surprised look when Bai shouted "Pervert!"

"Hey female, my name is Parker not pe-" before the blonde guy could've completed, I gave him a side kick with my full force which thankfully landed at the place where his human ears are supposed to be and said "Pervert" believe it or not but it felt quite nice.

The impact would have been strong because my shoes have a metal plate on top, I modified them myself, after all, you have to create some cheat codes if you've to overcome your drawback of having a weaker body than a guy, because they won't show you the knight's courtesy in a street fight.

Parker was laying on the ground for a moment without showing any moment which made me question wether he is alive or not.

Before I could've checked him, he himself stood up while rubbing the hit site spot which turned red, looking at me furiously.

When I saw that look, I just couldn't help my temper as I moved a step forward and eyed him in his eyes while standing with a difference of just five centimetres between our bodies and since we both didn't have that much of a height difference my demeanor definitely gave him a heavy blow.

Looking at me acting all confident and unbothered by his two stripes, he suddenly snapped and was about to say something when I gave an iron knee shot to where his young ones are waiting for their mother.

Sorry babies, but I don't have any intention of welcoming you into this world....I'm not letting your dad get your momma....

He instantly crouched down while holding his eggplant with an extremely uncomfortable face, he growled out and said in an extremely furious voice "YOU FEMALE, HOW DARE YOU TO HIT ME? DON'T YOU THINK THAT I'LL LET YOU GO JUST LIKE THIS" as he again stood up after getting relieved from the pain.

Kyra was busy rubbing her knee with a handkerchief that Bai gave her so that she could get rid of the weird feeling from where she kicked him. Yuckk!

"Heyy you fool~, do you really think you can harm me?... Prince of leopard clan~...do you really thought that I don't know why you are here..., did you forget that Rosa's false accusations cause you to abandon the city...then why won't I do something if you dare to touch even a single string of my hair"

I said while moving in his direction while stumping my foot, I mean...I really don't have a poor memory so I recalled this fact fact and scene clearly... because it came in the beginning, my words and actions made him hesitantly retract back.

His expressions were clearly telling how shocked he was about the fact that the weird and scary looking female knew about the reason why he was staying in this small village.

He was damn sure that no one should be aware of this fact then how come she know everything?

He was thinking seriously but still couldn't come up with any idea so he looked toward them to find that they were already gone away for quite a distance.

Next chapter