
Domani's Thanks

Lenny turned his attention back to Cuban, "Now, where were we. Yes! I remember. I was about to turn you into Dog Fart!"

In saying this, Lenny increased the intensity of the heat that burned Cuban alive. 

"AHHHH!!!" The Blood Demon Screamed. He could not believe what was actually happening. 

Lenny had been nothing but an ant under him. He was just one of many experiments to improve the power of their Family. But here he was. Suffering at the hands of this claimed experiment. 

The image of Cuban gritting his teeth harshly formed in the tornedo. Things were not looking good for him. But that was not going to stop him from achieving his goals. 

After all, the aim all the while had been to get close enough to lenny so that he could use a certain item. 

Right now, because of the attack that both of them were delivering on one another, they were practically rubbing skins together. This was the opportunity that he was looking for. 

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