
Spell Casting - II

"Now, Asher Greville, can you show us what you can do?" Elsa said as the whole class saw Asher stand up.

Elsa was waiting to see Asher's spell casting, as she needed an excuse to make sure Asher shifted his courses. Asher was her friend's son, and she didn't want him to waste his potential. It was a perfectly normal thought, as no one could excel in both sword and mage paths.

Humans were simply not built to have a mana meridian of a mage and form Aura as well.

Asher raised his hand as he saw the structure of mana flow drawn on the board. His mind could easily form that structure of the spell, but he could see useless things in the spell that wasted mana.

This kind of observation was only possible because he had a higher rank in his previous life.

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