
Komugi & Setting the Bait

After that conversation with Ainz, I got to know that they were starting the selections and needed the Tyrant to give an address to rally all of the humans to come to the capital so they they can activate their Nen powers and become living human farms for the King and his Guards but the chance this will be able to activate someone's Nen who has no prior training is only 5% so the rest will all die, but not like I care.

I'm the mean time I would either be playing my Games with the Ant King, who would keep losing as I was starting to cheat less and less as my moves were improving along with him but always better than him leading me to win.

If we weren't playing then he was challenging other known champions in regular chess, checkers, and Go, all with him winning and killing them afterwards for their uselessness to him now.

Then the Ant King finally called upon East Gordou's best player in their country's signature game known as Gungi.

And the World champion in this game was none other than a blind and rather dumb girl by the name of Komugi.

Her being here would be the catalyst that would set off the King spiraling down and down to the thought that the Chimera Ants and humanity aren't so different and that he would rule the human world to erase discrimination and end all wars, but basically enslaving humanity as his food source.

But his plans no matter what are in the end all for naught as I begin to try and mold him under my views before the girl name Komugi worms her way into his heart.

(Have you four set up base in YorkNew City yet?) I ask telepathically to Zazan who was the temporary leader of the group in my absence.

They were linked to me through metamorphosis so all of them, except Peggy who was a late addition, could communicate with me this way.

(Yes Dio-sama, we had just arrived yesterday.) It had been roughly three days since I parted from the three of them and that was reactively quick for them as that city is half way across the human world from where I'm at currently.

(Good, your free to do as you please there, slowly build up your forces and be as hidden as you can, take the dregs of society for food or turn them into more soldiers, but also try to make contact with a certain group if your able too.) I said as I began handing out my orders to her.

(A certain group?)

(Yes they are known as the Phantom Troupe, you have no need to meet them in person but to find some of the underworlds information brokers to deliver a message to them, this is an order, do NOT under any circumstances meet any of the members directly as they have the strength to kill all of you even after I had empowered you three through metamorphosis.) I needed to make this very clear to her.

After all in the story of HXH Zazan parted ways from the Chimera ant King to build her own place to rule herself only to piss off the Phantom Troupe and get herself killed in the process, disposable pawns they are not so I don't want to lose them as reviving them as vampires is fine but I rather not have an army of followers with a glaring weakness of their own.

(Meleron would be best to be sent on this mission as he has regained his human form once more and with his new skills he gained through Metamorphosis he is best suited for the job.)

Besides his original natural cloaking abilities and his Nen powers that make him completely undetected to everyone and everything, except me, he now gained the skill of a Man with Ten Thousand Faces, allowing him to become anyone he has ever met before perfectly even their voices only excluding their memories as he won't know what they know but that's fine if he just want to go around changing looks on the fly, this also includes changing his clothes to match the targets clothes as well.

(As you command Dio-sama.)

(Tell them that I have a way to grant The Spider (A/N Chrollo's Alias) a chance at the revival of both Uvo and Paku, and make it easier for them to find their Judas. Do a good job and you will be rewarded well Zazan, until then.) I say before cutting the telepathic link between us.

After the line between her and her master was cut she fell back on her luxurious bed before she wrapped her arms around herself as she wiggled and squirmed on her bed.

"Ahh Dio-samaaaa!" She shouted to herself before she began to play with herself as she thought of her master and the reward she will ask for doing such a good job.

After ending that message I went to see what the Ant King was doing as I was rather bored not exactly having anything to do.

Soon after I found him in the usual gaming room with him reading a rulebook in front of a game set with Pouf standing near the door and a woman laying unconscious on her side.

"Oh, it's you, don't you have anything better to do than bothering me?" He looked at me for a second before looking back at the rulebook, had it been anyone else besides me and Ainz, he would have lashed out but he doesn't bother anymore as it's just a waste of time to start a fight he can't win, even with his gradually increasing strength.

"Nope, the only thing that's interesting to do to pass the time is playing games, giving you advice, and of course going out of my way to annoy you as your misery brings a smile to my face." I said walk over and look at the girl lying on the ground.

"Oh? I think she's lost consciousness." I say looking her over, this girl, Komugi, made three words come to my mind.

Plain, Simple, Dumb

But having the power of a savant when it comes to her game a Gungi where she would never lose a game, not a single time, though I feel a few hidden quest revolve around her with only two I plan to complete among all of the other hidden quests I plan on doing.

What are they? Someone might ask, hehe well I find it more interesting to show and not tell after all.

Hearing that the Ant King looks away from his rule book and looks at her with a blank look as Pouf just shakes his head, "I've never seen a more dumber human than I have now." Before he walks over and shakes the girl.

"Huh?! Ah! I'Ma 'wake! I'ma 'wake!" She says as she hastily gets up before snorting up her nose that is clearly completely stuffed up.

"How the hell did you lose consciousness like that?" This really is a new level of stupidity that humanity has reached I thought to myself.

"Ah 'ell mistah told me tag stahp makin' noise so thaught tah close mah mouth but mah 'oar is all clogged up soo…." She tried to explain while she snorted up her snot once more.

'…. Yeah I'm not doing the third one, rather would do the other two than that one.' I thought as I looked at this dumb woman before me.

But for now it's only a little over three weeks until the Selection really begins, so I have all the time in the world it seems to wait until the real fun begins.

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