
The World We Live In

In this World that is way way bigger than Earth, monsters and wild creatures are still roaming freely in the wilderness.

The sentient creatures, mostly made up by humanoids such as Human, Beastman, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Dragon-blooded, Ayakashi and even the breeds from the dark side such as Demonoid, Tiefling, Ghostkin and Vampire only have the population totaling in 69 Billion people.

You think 69 billion people is many? Think again.

In this World that is so big, the 69 billion of people are only covering up less than 7% part of the Planet.

The remaining part of the World are still in exploration process, with them being inhabited by many ferocious beasts and wondrous mythical creatures.

The sentient races here mostly live in a City-State Alliance.

I and my whole big family are currently living on Exodia City, a City shaped like a five pointed star formation if we looked at it from above.

You wonder why the city is named like that?

That's because this city is currently being ruled by the mighty Exod Family, a ruling Family with Heavenly Masters at its helm.

You wanna know what a Heavenly Master is?

Heavenly Masters are the most respected profession in this world.

The simplest analogy for them is like Masters from Fate Grand Orgy..... I mean, Order Universe.

Heavenly Masters are capable of establishing Master - Servant Contracts with the other Powerful Beings, while they themselves are also a Mighty Creature with power equaling those Immortal Cultivators in Xia Novels.

So Imagine an Immortal Cultivator who can order around other Immortals, Heroic Spirits and other Mythical Creatures like Pokemon.

As a Bonus, both the Master and their Servant(s) also get Increased Power and even unlocked Additional (Usually) Powerful Skill as they entered the Master - Servant Relationship.

That's how powerful a Heavenly Master is.

But with all the strength and prestige they have, becoming an Immortal Master is also very very difficult.

Aside from resource, you also need to have talent, and you must also have the means to get other mighty being to be willing to become your servant.

Even though everyone in this world can cultivate for power and longevity, only 1 in 100 people can awaken their own Special Power (altough everyone can still use basic tier spells such as litting up a fire after cultivating to certain level.)

Out of those people who can awaken their own Special Power, only 1 out of 100 can become a Heavenly Master, and it's even the lowest level of Heavenly Masters who can only make a Pact with 1 Servant.

Out of those 100 Low Level Heavenly Master, there would be only 1 who can become a Middle Level Heavenly Master and make contracts with up to 2 Servants.

And currently the known limit of Servants that can be contracted in this Era is no more than three, with the estimate calculation that only 1 out of 100,000,000 people out there can become a High Level Heavenly Master like that.....

Sure there exists people who can contracts more, like the Fabled First Patriarch of Exod Family who is said to be able to contracts 5 Immensely Powerful Beings as his Servant.

And it's even rumored that those Five Ultimate Beings can fuses together to become an Infinitely Powerful Godly Creature.

When I heard that rumor, I almost laugh out loud.

Pfffftttttt... What's that?

Did the Exod Family contracted 5 Zords like in Super Sentai (Power Rangers) Series and then they can combine to become a Megazord?

Please, there should be a limit of those kind of rumours, beside it's already something from a far behind era, dating around a million years ago.

As for my family, we also have Heavenly Masters here.

Both my Grandpa and my Daddy are a Heavenly Master, so does some of my relatives too.

My Grandpa have 3 Slots of Servants and my Dad only have 2 Slots for contracting them.

And of course it goes without question that their Servant positions are given for their Principal Wives, on first come first get basis XD

By the way, like I said in the previous chapter, the people in this World here are overall nice and friendly, unlike in Cultivation Novel where there is scums everywhere you go and people live in a dog eat dog world.

Although villains do still exist but they are in the minority with how harsh the punishment system of this world is.

The Law in this World is like Hammurabi Codex, with "The Eye for an Eye" ethics strongly applied here.

You steal from the others? Your hand will be chopped off.

You robbed, r*pe or kill people? Then the Death Penalty will be prepared for you.

What's even more delicious is that the victim (or the deceased victim) family are given the chance to torture the evicted to the death.

And most of the times, the organs of the death row criminals are harvested before their death to be sold in Legal Market, with the money gained from the selling given as compensation money for the victim or the family they left behind.

Of course the darkside of society still do existed, but it's not a problem for most people in here.

Unless you are truly unlucky to be selected as a helpless victim by a group of mafia, gangster, or obnoxious arrogant degenerate young masters.

(Author's Note: And you just have to said it :p I hope that you didn't jynxed yourself right now XD)

Yeah, as much as I hate it, in this world that looks like the setting of your typical relaxed Japanese Light Novel where the MC can just stay at his home deep in the mountain and still have a flock of girls gathering around him enough to make a Harem, there are still a little part that are alike Xia Novels.

Ooopppssss enough foreshadowing.... I think that it's already enough for the World Building for now.

The rest should be continued as the story progressed.

Beside, I am sure the Readers are also already getting impatient with the continuation of the story, right? Right? :)
