
An angel or a savior...

Litters and papers flew in different directions as soothing waves of crisp current took temporal possession.

Low rustling sounds came from litters grazing the floor as they were pushed by the currents effect. The environment comprehended an ambience of serenity and chills. However, it couldn't quench the erratic atmosphere that was tense and thick.

Somewhere among the quatre.

The lips of an unknown individual twitched as he gazed at their target. How pathetic their so-called target was. Possessing a large amount of divinity with that frail body. How wasteful!

He kept on with their encircling formation until he decided on attempting the first attack. A test rather.

Gust of air left the floor as this individual leapt forward, extreme agility in his movement. Gust whiffed by while he got ready to strike a blow at the figure not far from him.

Concurrently, Blue eyes blinked. The individual bearing this optic wore an unfazed expression with his heart throbbing in panic. Fast enough that he lost count. The speed at which he was being approached with deemed unimaginable. Like a flying rocket.

Eradan couldn't tell why he was attacked but he would have to defend himself before finding out. Blue eyes locked on the figure that drew closer, while slender palms launched a pair of icy orb at it.

A slant to the right and to the left.

Wide-eyed, Eradan watched this figure evade his orbs with ease. Like nothing was thrown. Blonde hair swayed as Eradan jumped to the side, luckily escaping the fist that could've rearranged his dentition.

THUD! He fell on the floor and groaned. Eradan felt a sharp sting pierce his elbow. Really excruciating. He slowly propped himself up and glanced at it and frowned.


His right elbow was severely injured with trails of blood coming out. Beads of red tainted pale skin. Also tickling it with their movement.

"Hahaha" A hysterical laughter drawed his attention and he glanced at it's source. Behind his back.



His attacker took gentle steps closer. His obsidian boot making contact with the floor. Grey divinities spreading throughout the cobbled floor at every single step he took.

"Mhnn..." Eradan mustered an amount of strength and wobbly got on his feet, eyes never leaving his opponent. The youth wrapped a palm around his injured elbow as he was fully erect. His eyes blazed with rage and teeth gritted while he panted heavily.


Covered lips of that unknown individual curled up, mockingly, "I must say I'm disappointed. Thought you would put up an interesting fight as told..." The unknown individual came to a halt. "Guess it was all lies... How pathetic..."

Eradan gasped inwardly, his eyes widened. As told? Was there someone who wanted him dead? He rarely had enemies so why would someone want him dead? Lots of unanswerable questions flashed through his mind while he fixated on his opponent. However, This ambush was a dire proof that someone within this county or elsewhere... Wanted him dead. And it couldn't be ignored...

Who... Who was that?

A cast quickly flashed through his mind... The white clothed man he had attacked weeks ago. What did Andrew call him? Ra... Ra... Eradan sighed. Although he had totally forgotten about that name, he still wasn't sure if that was the person planning to maim him.

Blue moist eyes glanced at the four unknown individuals within this environment before settling on the one who attacked him. A slight cough accompanied with a pain by his side, Eradan couldn't help but ask "Who sent you... And why?"

"Humph!" Eradan heard a scoff in return.

"You should worry more on your survival... Little one."

What? Eradan was enraged and furious with needles of regrets and hopelessness prickling his heart. Eradan totally blamed himself for his foolishness. He could have focused on learning martial arts than solely depending on his luckily found ability. The youth's head ached due to the realization of his stupidity.

Eradan blandly lowered and raised his gaze. Asking for information wouldn't help either if he wasn't going to survive. His movements were clumsy compared to this unknown individuals before him.



At this point those figures resumed their steps, sharp short daggers drawn out from their outfit, glaring menacingly at Eradan. This was it. This was finally his end.

Taking in deep breaths, Eradan ignored his wounded elbow and conjured those distinct orbs of his. He wasn't going to go down without a fight....


Two pairs of obsidian cladded individuals briskly darted towards Eradan, their menacing daggers displayed in front of them— ready to shed his flesh down to the bones.

Bracingly, out of quick wits, Eradan smashed two of his orbs right in front of him. Like glass gracing a hard floor, shattering sounds resonanced. an icy barrier of glitter formed immediately, shielding Eradan from their swift attack.

Caught unawares, sweet clicking sounds reverberated as daggers came in contact with the barrier of ice that shielded their target.

How brilliant of him...

They bounced back just as they came in contact with the icy barrier. Really suprised at their target's antics. Who knew what else he had up his sleeves.

"Do you think that puny antics of yours can save you from our claws? Ha! how laughable." A scorn orated from the other side before an eerie silence followed.

Where were they? Eradan thought before he decided to flee. Yes, that was the only thing he could do at this moment but there was something weighing him down... His elbow. He had lost an amount of blood that was really affecting him. Why was this body so frail?


Out of the blues, Eradan sensed his immediate position give darker shades that the others. An instinct kicked in and he gazed above him. There they were, like bats of the night. Gently alighting. Without further ado they launched their daggers at him.

"Chaven chaotic!"

"Nemesis verde!"

"Green Scion!"

"Obsidian devourer!" They uttered, one after the other as their blades were launched at him.

Eradan watched the first dagger give a glow of deep red as it quickly attacked him. He wanted to conjure his usual ability to block it then run; but was rather too slow for the approaching dagger.

The sound of blade cutting a piece of flesh resonated. Blood spluttered on the cobbled floor. Tainting it with their crimson colour.

"Ahhhhh!" Eradan's lips parted a scream. One of immense pain. That was burning his insidies. However, it couldn't be heard elsewhere.

Unknown to him a sound barrier had been casted around there.

His right arm was severely injured. The injury was flaming like it was being fried. Eradan glanced at his arm and the urge to throw up came. It was disgusting with smoke erupting from it. Tears pricked Eradan's eyes as they leaked out. He couldn't see clearly as his vision was muddy with tears all over. He wanted it to end... The pain. A muffled cry left his lips.

Involuntary, Eradan looked up– awaiting the remaining daggers to sever his flesh like the first. It was hopeless... All hopeless.

Nevertheless, He conjured and sent an ice with the useful arm but it shattered just as it came in contact with one of the blades. It was indeed hopeless.

Blue eyes were about to close while Eradan was ready to embrace his death. Who ever that wanted him dead should definitely rejoice for his result was going to be fruitful.

Like a lotus flower closing up at night, so did his blue eyes gently did. Blocking those two pupils from this current world. Unaware of a red flaming matter that swept by.




Sounds of iron clashing against each other greeted his ears. His wobbly legs due to the amount of blood he had lost, paved way for him to fall onto the rigid surface of the floor.

With resilience, Eradan awaited his frail body to come crashing on the rock hard floor but it didn't seem to happen. And when he felt like he had come in contact with something, it was a firm frame rather. Eradan felt firm thick arms wrap around his nape, while his back felt hard ripped chest. Chest? Who was that? Was that his savior or angel?

With little strength left, he quiverly parted his lids open, still covered in tears; And saw something. It was two, red, flaming pupils. One that he had seen two times now. This making it the third. That handsome masculine face. Those sexy brows... There was only one person he'd seen with those features.

"Lu... Lu... Lucian." His lips forcefully parted before he lost consciousness of reality.... into the never ending realm of darkness...

I'll be stockpiling for a while now for daily updates. I'm tired of keeping you guys waiting 😅💓💓💓

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