
Chapter 29: Unseen Things


Felicity had planned to stay and visit with Perry a bit longer and try to do some snooping but she got a call that there was a house fire that needed extra hands so they both bolted into town to help.

She pulled up to the residence and Weston was standing there waiting on orders as to what to do.

"Hey," she said as she approached him.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I am. Just needed to clear my head." She wasn't ready to tell him she had her suspicions about Perry too. In due time she would let him in on her newly found information.

But for now, they had to try to save this house. Luckily, no one had been home at the time.

Felicity started handing out orders for her crew to follow to fight the fire. They tackled all sides with hoses until the fire was out and there was merely smoke left. This had been one of the easier fires they'd had to deal with.

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