
Chapter 9: Look Before You Sleep

Pony's Log Number 108: I know they say opposite personalities are suppose to work well together, but when they clash...it's a war...

What started out as a clear blue sunny day was soon turned into a large collection of dark grey clouds. The weather pegasi were hard at work, bringing over a much needed rain storm to Ponyville. Ponies on the ground were gathering as many loose and torn branches from the trees to prevent any damages or safety risks as the storm made its way through the town. Applejack and Rarity were working together to clear out some nearby trees. At least they were supposed to. For the moment, Rarity seemed to be trimming and mending some of the broken and torn branches. She even trimmed some of the leaves into the shapes of ponies doing majestic poses.

"Hmm. Haa! Perfect," said Rarity, satisfied with her work until Applejack lassoed the branch and tore it down, ruining all her hard work.

"Just take the broken limbs down, Rarity," said Applejack annoyingly, "Don't y'all care about nothin' other than prettifyin?"

"Somepony has to," said Rarity indignantly, "You were making an absolute mess of the town square, Applejack." Rarity tilted her head to the ground that was now loaded with torn twigs and branches.

"Yeah, well, the storm's gonna make an even bigger mess if we don't prune all these loose branches so they don't tumble down on anypony." Rarity just huffed as the Pegasus ponies above her continued to fill the sky with more and more dark rain clouds.

"I simply cannot imagine why the Pegasus ponies would schedule a dreadful downpour this evening and ruin what could have been a glorious sunny day," Rarity remarked. Applejack just sighed, and she continued to work.

Think more practical-like, will ya?" Applejack replied, "They accidentally skipped a scheduled sprinkle last week, so we need a doozy of a downpour to make up for it all." It was just than the rain began to come down.

"Oh no!" Rarity exclaimed, "My wonderfully styled mane shall be ruined!"

"Ya shoulda hurried up and finished the job already," Applejack pointed out, but Rarity was pacing about trying to minimize the amount of water hitting her mane. But the rain just began to fall faster and in large drops.

"Oh! Ah! Oh! Ph!" Rarity squirmed, "It's coming down too fast! Ah! Oh! Oh! Ah! Help me!" Applejack just watched her for a moment before she noticed a nearby picnic table.

"Uh, there," Applejack pointed out the table to Rarity, "Hunker down to yer heart's content whilst I finish things." Rarity raced towards the picnic table and was about to duck under it when she found that underneath the table was a huge puddle of mud.

"Oh, no, no, no!" Rarity panted.

"What now?" Applejack asked as she walked over to her.

"I prefer not to get my hooves muddy," said Rarity.

"Guh," Applejack groaned aloud, "There is just no pleasin' ya, is there? Everything's got to be just so."

"Well, how does muddying my hooves serve any useful purpose," Rarity retorted with a scowl as she turned to face the orange pony.

"Y'all wouldn't know useful if it came up and bit'cha," Applejack replied irritably. Rarity gave a definitive laugh.

"That doesn't even make any sense," Rarity answered.

"Does so," said Applejack.

"Does not," Rarity retorted.

"Does so."

"Does not."

"Does so."

"Does not."

"Does so infinity. Hah!" Applejack shot out, leaning forward.

"Does no infinity plus one. Heh!" Rarity retorted, leaning forward and made Applejack back away, "What say we go our separate ways before one of us says something she will regret?" The two friends glared at each other.

"I reckon y'all are gonna say something you'll regret first," said Applejack.

"Oh the contrary, I believe it shall most certainly be you who says something you will regret first," said Rarity.

"I'm not sayin' anything," Applejack replied in a definitive tone.

"Nor am I," said Rarity in the same tone.

"Y'all just be on yer way, then," Applejack said firmly.

"After you!" Rarity added as they glared at each other and slowly backed away from each other.


Just then a loud crack of thunder hit the sky, sending both ponies into each other's fore-legs as they trembled fearfully.

"Perhaps we should stick together for now and find some shelter," said Rarity nervously.

"Uh-huh, perhaps we should," added Applejack, "and fast." The two continued to hold each other fearfully as the rain around them continued to fall.

(theme song)

The rain quickly picked up its pace, as well as the winds, and Applejack had ducked under the picnic table to try and keep dry.

"Heh," she chuckled, "Nice and dry under here, sorta." That was when she noticed that her hooves were covered in thick mud. Rarity had decided to stay out in the open trying to find a better, or at least cleaner, shelter.

"Oh! Unacceptable," said Rarity as her efforts proved futile. That was when she heard something faint in the distance.

"Applejack! Rarity!" the voice called out as it grew louder, "Applejack! Rarity!" Rarity turned to see that it was Twilight calling out to them. Her door was open as she stood outside of the library and her home.

"Come inside girls, quick," Twilight told them. Applejack and Rarity wasted no time heading towards Twilight. Along the way in the distance was a small house that nearly stood just a few steps away from the library. Such a background house shouldn't matter, but this one had some importance, even if it was ignored by both girls.

That was Mario's house.

Getting back on track, Rarity wasted no time rushing inside when Applejack came to a stop outside the door.

"Whoa, nelly," Applejack said with concern, "Is inside a tree really the best place to be in a lightning storm?"

"It is if you have a magical lightning rod protecting your home like Mario and I do," said Twilight proudly, "Come on in."

"Hah! We are most grateful for your invitation," said Rarity gratefully.

"Thank ya kindly for yer hospitality," said Applejack as she made her way inside, until Rarity held up a fore-hoof to stop her from going past the welcome mat.

"Uh, do be a polite house guest and go wash up please, won't you?" Rarity said plainly. Applejack looked at her hooves and remembered that they were full of mud. She even made some hoof prints as she walked inside. While it would be considered rude to walk about someone else's home with muddy hooves, being told by Rarity to wash up clearly rubbed the orange pony's mane the wrong way.

"If I gotta spend one more second with that fussbudget Rarity today," Applejack grumbled as she went to wash off her hooves, "I can't be held responsible for what I'm gonna do."

"Some storm, huh," Twilight asked cheerfully as she spoke to Rarity, "The Pegasus ponies sure have outdone themselves this time. I hope you and Applejack don't have any trouble getting home."

"It may indeed be a problem," said Rarity as she noticed the heavy rain outside.

"Well, you're welcome to stay if need be," said Twilight, "Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. Mario is busy working on his first book at his home, a collection of short stories I believe."

"What kind of stories if I might ask?" Rarity wondered curiously.

"I think they had to do with talking locomotives or something," said Twilight, "but the stories have lessons on friendship and teamwork in them. I'm home all alone tonight," Twilight then gasped excitedly, "You and Applejack should totally sleep over! We'll have a slumber party! I've always wanted one of those."

"Oh! Uh, goodness," said Rarity uncertainly with a nervous laugh. She had nothing against the idea of a slumber party with Twilight at all. It was more over a certain orange pony that kind of made the idea less appealing, "Uh, I do believe I have another engagement scheduled for this evening that completely slipped my mind until just now. Ah silly me, I can't possibly stay here all night - with Applejack." Rarity looked out the window and Applejack used Twilight's garden hose to wash her hooves off, but Applejack ended up having trouble getting the water to flow, even spraying her face before she got the hose to cooperate with her. Twilight didn't seem to be listening as she searched her shelves and presented Rarity with a book.

"Slumber 101: All you've Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid To Ask," Rarity read aloud.

"My own personal copy," said Twilight excitedly, "it's a fantastic reference guide. You should see the table of contents. I've been waiting for a chance to use it, and today is the day! This is gonna be so great." Twilight clapped her hooves excitedly. Rarity just gave a sheepish smile as she glanced at Applejack outside.

"Yes, uh, great," said Rarity with a nervous laugh.

It wasn't much longer before Applejack arrived inside, her hooves still wet but now sparkly clean. She was feeling pleased with herself until she gasped at what she saw before her. Apparently Rarity and Twilight were sitting on some pillows plastering some sort of mint green goop on each other's faces.

"What in tarnation..." Applejack exclaimed, "Now wait just a goll-darn minute. Ya make me wash the mud off my hooves, but it's okay for y'all to have mud all over yer faces?"

"Silly!" Rarity retorted snootily, "This is called a mud mask. It's to refresh and rejuvenate your complexion.

"We're giving each other makeovers! Eee-hee!" Twilight squealed with delight, "We have to do it. It says so in this book." Twilight then used her magic to bring the book towards Applejack.

"Slumber 101: Everything You..." Applejack suddenly felt a bit pale. As with Rarity, she had nothing against slumber parties or having one with Twilight. It was more over being stuck with Rarity. However, one could argue at the moment the idea of a facial was clearly out of Applejack's comfort zone and her mind was screaming at her to run.

"Oh hey, heh, would'ja look at the time," Applejack said sheepishly, but being the element of honestly did make finding an excuse to leave rather difficult, "I gotta skiddadle on home quick. I'm powerful late, for, uh, fer somethin'. Uh g-night." Applejack made a dash for the door when.


Applejack cried out and zipped right back to her spot in the room.

"Or maybe I'll sit here for a spell," Applejack conceded reluctantly. Then Rarity threw a huge glop of cosmetic mud at Applejack's face. The mud splashed all over it as Rarity spread the goop about.

"Hurray slumber party!" Twilight cheered for joy as Rarity set two cucumber slices over Applejack's eyes.

"Blahch," Applejack spluttered, "What in the world is this for?" Rarity sighed.

"To reduce the puffiness around one's eyes, of course," Rarity said as a matter of fact.

"Puffiness-schmuffiness!" Applejack huffed as she collected both cucumber slices with her tongue and ate them, "That's good eatin'!" Rarity just glared as Applejack chewed loudly.

"Hee-hee! Isn't this exciting?" Twilight continued, not even noticing the tension building between the two, "We'll do everything by the book, and that will make my slumber party officially fun."

"Did you hear that Applejack?" Rarity asked innocently, "You certainly would not want to do anything that would ruin Twilight's very first slumber party, would you?" Rarity was clearly trying to make Applejack feel guilty, but the orange pony was having none of it.

"Of course not, 'n you wouldn't either, I reckon?" Applejack shot back, not afraid to stoop to her level.

"So do we have an agreement?" Rarity asked plainly.

"You betcha," said Applejack as she spit on her hoof and held it out for a hoofshake. While such a motion may have been the norm for her family, Rarity was utterly disgusted.

"Oh! Gross!" Rarity replied at the spit covered hoof, "You know, there's messy and there's just plain rude." Applejack took offense.

"You know, there's fussy, 'n there's just plain gettin' on my nerves," Applejack answered irritably.

"Fortunately, I can get along with anypony," said Rarity indignantly, "no matter how difficult she maybe."

"Oh yeah?" Applejack glared, "Well, I'm the "get-alongin-est" pony you're ever gonna meet."

"That's not even a word," Rarity pointed out.

This is true. It's even marked as a...but I'm staying out of this...

The two mares just glared until Twilight appeared above them and pull them both into a group hug.

"This is going to be the bestest slumber party ever! Yay!" said Twilight excitedly, still too excited to see the growing tension between her two best friends.

"Yay," Applejack and Rarity said together with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

As the winds and rain began to howl long into the night, the three girls were continuing with their makeover session.

"So, how are you getting along there, Applejack?" Rarity asked smugly. All three girls had put rollers into their manes and tails. While Twilight was enjoying it, Applejack was hunched low to ground feeling miserable.

"Just fine, Rarity," Applejack answered, not hiding her irritation.

"This is so awesome!" Twilight giggled as she headed over to her own personal checklist and slumber book, "Makeovers, check. Ooh, it says here we have to tell ghost stories. Who wants to go first?" Twilight had used her magic to remove all the curlers out of their manes and tails, much to Applejack's relief.

"Me!" Applejack volunteered, "I'd like to tell y'all the terrifying tale of the prissy ghost who drove everypony crazy with her unnecessary neatness. Oo-oo!" Applejack moved her fore-hooves in front of her to emphasize the spookiness. "I'm sure y'all are familiar with that one?" Rarity just glared, knowing Applejack was referencing her.

"Never heard of it," Rarity replied quickly, "but I have a much better one. It's the horrifying story of the messy, inconsiderate ghost who irritated everypony within a hundred miles! Oo-oo!" Now it was Rarity turn to wave her fore-hooves about and Applejack just looked irritated.

"That's not a real story," said Applejack, "You made it up."

"It's a ghost story," Rarity said smugly, "they're all made up." That was when there was another clash of thunder was heard and all the lights went off. Twilight then reappeared between them holding a green lantern loaded with fireflies inside. The green light made her look very ominous.

"I've got one!" she said cheerfully before changing her tone to something more spooky, "This story is called The Legend of the Headless Horse..." The thunder clashed again, putting Applejack and Rarity on edge, "It was a dark and stormy night, just like this one. And three ponies were having a slumber party, just like this one..." Another thunder clash appeared, showing the howling rain and the outside of the tree house, as well as a familiar home on its left. Applejack and Rarity were both trembling as Twilight neared the end of her ghost story.

"...and just when the last pony thought she was safe," Twilight continued in a low voice, "there, standing right behind her, just inches away was - The Headless Horse!"

"GASP!" Applejack and Rarity said together before another thunder clash sent them screaming as Twilight reappeared with a blanket over her head to make her look headless. Applejack and Rarity screamed and held each other in terror. Twilight just smiled as she rushed back to her book and turned the lights back on.

"Ghost story, check," Twilight said aloud. Applejack and Rarity looked stunned until they realized they were holding each other and roughly pulled away. Twilight then reappeared between them.

"Now, who wants s'mores?" Twilight offered. Soon Applejack was standing near the fireplace roosting several marshmallows at once. At a nearby table, Rarity was showing Twilight how to make the perfect s'more. Apparently Twilight had never made one before, even admitting that Mario had tried to teach her, but she had turned him down to study.

"Then you place one marshmallow on the top of the chocolate," Rarity explained, "and be sure it's centered - that's critical - and then carefully put another perfectly square graham cracker on the top. Ta-da!" Rarity gave a satisfied laugh.

"Ooo!" said Twilight clearly impressed. Applejack was more annoyed at the orderly display of what was supposed to be a camping style snack.

"Nah, ya just eat 'em," said Applejack and shoved the whole thing in her mouth, munching it loudly and a little sloppily, "Mmm-mmm!" Rarity just looked annoyed until Applejack gave a loud belch.

"You could at least say excuse me," said Rarity with a sigh.

"Aw, I was just about to, but you interrupted me," Applejack replied before she tilted her head towards Rarity and giving her a smug look, "pardon." Twilight just headed over to her book.

"S'mores, check," said Twilight, "Now the next item of fun we have to do is: Truth or Dare."

"I dare Applejack to do something carefully and neatly for a change," Rarity proposed.

"Oh yeah?" Applejack challenged, "Well I dare Rarity ta lighten up and stop obsessin' over every last little detail for a change."

"I think the truth of the matter is that somepony could stand to pay a little more attention to details," Rarity retorted now glaring at Applejack.

"And I think the truth is somepony oughta quit with her fussin' so the rest of us can get things done," Applejack replied, returning Rarity's glare. Twilight just watched the two going at it. Feeling a bit worried that the two were going to start a fight, she quickly looked at her book again.

"Uh, I don't think this is how the game's supposed to work," Twilight pointed out as the flipped through the pages of her book, "You have to give an honest answer to any question or do whatever anypony dares you to do." Applejack and Rarity looked at each other when Applejack got an idea.

"I dares you to step outside and let your precious, tidy mane get ruined again," said Applejack and Rarity gasped.

"You have to," said Twilight, "It's the rule."

"Hah!" Applejack laughed loudly.

"Fine!" said Rarity with her nose in the air as she stepped outside. Applejack snickered as she heard Rarity cry outside. The orange pony couldn't help but laugh as Rarity returned, her curly mane was now wet and straight. She was also shivering since the rain water was very cold.

"Okay, I dare Applejack to play dress-up in a frou-frou, glittery, lacy outfit," Rarity proposed as she walked up to the orange pony. Now it was Applejack turn to gasp before she grumbled and found a light blue princess dress, hat, and ribbons to boot. She continued to give an icy glare to Rarity once she had come back.

"Happy?" she asked.

"Very," Rarity smirked.

"Um, do I ever get a turn?" Twilight wondered curiously.

"I dare ya to enter the next rodeo when it comes to town," Applejack challenged, ignoring Twilight's question.

"I dare you not to enter the next rodeo when it comes to town," Rarity retorted. Now the two ponies were face to face.

"I dare ya not to comb your mane a hundred times!"

"And I dare you to comb yours just once!"

"Uh, I think we should check off Truth or Dare and move on," said Twilight, realizing that this game wasn't going as planned, "Let's see what our next fun-fun-fun thing is shall we? Hm, what does this mean? Pillow fight?" By now Applejack was out of the dress, and Rarity mane was dry and back into its curly style.

"Oh, please," said Rarity with an eye roll, "I am not at all interested in participating in something so crude." It was then a pillow hit Rarity in the face. That was all she needed to set her manners aside and a fierce determined glare appeared on her face.

"Oh. It. Is. ON!" Rarity said darkly as she grabbed a pillow with her mouth and threw it at Applejack, who got one right in the face. Applejack then bucked three pillows right at Rarity and they hit her in the face one after another. (Can you see the 100, 200, and 400 figures rising above her head with each hit?). Rarity narrowed her brow as she sent several pillows at Applejack. Applejack grabbed one of them and sent three pillows at once using a lasso. Rarity glared as she used her magic to freeze the three pillows in motion and held them along side of her before sending them back at high speed. Applejack returned fire. Soon pillows were zipping back and forth between them. Twilight just looked puzzled until she figured it out.

"Oh, I get it!" Twilight exclaimed, "Pillow, fight! Fun! UGH!" Twilight was soon pelted in the head by not just one, but two pillows. She ended up in a pile of them as she popped her head out of them feeling rather woozy.

"Ah, Uh, girls?" she said wearily, "Maybe we should take it down a notch?"

"I will if she will," Applejack called out as she sent out one pillow and dodged another. Rarity gasped as she barely missed getting hit.

"She started it," Rarity accused and their one on one battle continued until Twilight was buried in a mountain of pillows. Twilight rose out of the pile and spit out some leftover feathers out of her mouth.

"Maybe we should just call it a night and get some sleep?" Twilight proposed. While there wasn't an answer, the two girls soon complied...bitterly. Within a few minutes, Twilight was asleep in her own bed. Across from her bed was a second bed set up for both Rarity and Applejack since Twilight only had one extra bed. Neither girl was willing to share it quietly.

"Keep your muddy hooves on your side of the bed," Rarity warned on her end of the bed.

"My hooves ain't muddy," said Applejack indignantly from her end of the bed.

"They were," Rarity retorted, "There might still be a little on them."

"There ain't. See?" said Applejack as she turned to face Rarity and shoved a fore-hoof in her face.

"Eww!" Rarity groaned and leaned away from it. She turned away angrily and claimed the entire blanket for herself.

"Now who's bein' inconsiderate?" Applejack shot back as she took the entire blanket and wrapped herself into it like a burrito. Rarity groaned as she got out of the bed and pulled the blanket off of Applejack.

"I have to make the bed again so the blanket will be right," Rarity told her, "Get up!"

"Hey!" Applejack grumbled as she was forced to get up and Rarity carefully set the blanket properly on the bed. Applejack just glared and went to get back in.

"Ah ah ah!" Rarity stopped her, "You'll ruin it. You have to do it like this." Rarity climbed in from the top of her pillow.

"Mm, uh, ooh, u-u-u-uh, uh, ah," Rarity murmured as she snaked her way down into the blanket and snuggled into it contently. She closed her eyes to relax and sleep. Applejack just looked at her with a bored look.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Geronimo!" Applejack called out as she jumped high into the air and body slammed into the bed. She sent Rarity flying out and Applejack got the entire blanket to herself.

"Hey!" Rarity called out.

"Ah," said Applejack as she relaxed on the bed.

"You did that on purpose," Rarity accused.

"Um, yeah?" Applejack admitted shamelessly.

"Get up so I can fix it again," Rarity ordered.

"Can't hear ya, I'm asleep," Applejack replied and tried to snore.

"M-mmm!" Rarity replied as she tried to get Applejack to move.

"I ain't budgin'," Applejack retorted stubbornly.

"You will if you want any blankets," Rarity replied as she pulled the blanket off of the orange pony.

"Give it back!" Applejack demanded angrily.

"I will not!" said Rarity, her voice muffled with the blanket in her mouth.

"Yes you will!" said Applejack as she grabbed the other end with her mouth and they were playing tug of war for it.







"ENOUGH!" Twilight yelled. Apparently, she hadn't been clueless to their arguing and was now very upset as she showed them the slumber book, "It says right here that the number one thing you're supposed to do at a slumber party is have fun, and thanks to you two I can't check that off!" The two girls just looked at the book before glaring at each other.

"I've been tryin' my darndest to get along," Applejack retorted.

"No, it is I who have been trying my best," Rarity said angrily.

"No, it was me!"

"No, it was I!"



"I hope you're happy, both of you," Twilight said angrily, "You've ruined my very first slumber party. The makeover, the s'mores, Truth or Dare, the pillow fight...I mean, is there anything else that could possibly go wrong?" It was just then a large bolt of lightning struck a nearby tall but skinny tree, damaging it near the top end, frightening Twilight.

"Sorry I asked," she said meekly as she hid her nose into her pillow. The three girls soon turned their heads to see the tree. They gasped as they saw the burned top of the tree was leaning dangerously forward and could tumble onto the top of a house on the right side of Twilight's home.

"Ya see?" Applejack called out, "That's why we needed to take down all those loose branches in town, not spiffy them up!" Rarity looked rather stunned at being scolded.

"But I-"

"Outta my way, missy!" Applejack cut Rarity off, "Time's a-wastin'." Applejack opened the window and use her lasso to grab the top part of the tree and kept it from falling onto the roof of the other house.

"Wait! Stop! Don't!" Rarity shouted.

"No waitin'! No stoppin'! Doin!" said Applejack with the rope in her mouth as she pulled the rope hard to make the tree fall the other way, "And that my friends, is what we call gettin' er done." But all Rarity and Twilight could do was cry out when...


The top of the tree came flying through the window into the bedroom, leaving Applejack dangling on the rope leading downstairs to the library. It also brought in some of the heavy rain and winds inside Twilight's bedroom.

"I tried to tell you it would come crashing down in here," Rarity cried out.

"Well, ya shoulda tried harder," Applejack protested but soon sighed with guilt when she saw Twilight poke out of the tree branches, "I'm mighty sorry, Twilight."

"It's...well, it's not okay," said Twilight, trying to stay calm but couldn't hide the fact she was upset, "There's a giant tree branch in the middle of my bedroom, and the book doesn't say anything about having a giant tree branch at your slumber party. Or at least I haven't found that entry yet. Ooh...ah!" Twilight began to shuffle through her book. Applejack just looked around when she saw Rarity was cleaning up some items from the bookshelf that had fallen off from the sudden tree branch.

"What in tarnation are y'all doing over there?" Applejack asked loudly as the rain and the winds picked up and made it hard for anypony to hear her.

"Cleaning up this mess somepony made," Rarity answered, "Who was that again? Oh right, that's you." Rarity continued to clean as Applejack just looked at her indignantly. trying to get the main tree branch out of the bedroom but she couldn't make it budge.

"We gotta do somethin'!" Applejack shouted over the winds.

"Baking...BFFs...Brothers..." Twilight read aloud as she scrolled through her slumber book, "There's nothing in here about branches!" Applejack saw she was being ignored and headed back to Rarity.

"Rarity for pony's sake," Applejack grunted, "stop sweatin' the small stuff and help me get rid of this thing!" Applejack rants fell on deaf ears as Rarity continued to clean up the bookshelf. Applejack was feeling frustrated.

"I said hussle over here and help me!" Applejack shouted louder but was ignored again. Finally Applejack knew what she had to do.

"Look, I'm sorry all right?" said Applejack.

"What was that?" said Rarity, the look on her face showing that she had been so focused that she hadn't heard the orange pony until that point. She hadn't been tuning Applejack out on purpose.

"I said I'm sorry!" Applejack repeated, "I shoulda listened to you when you said where this here branch would end up. Yer annoyin' attention to detail would'a saved us from this whole mess. But right now, ya need to stop being so dang fussy, pickin' up all the little things, and help me move the one big thing in here that really matters! Please!" Rarity just looked at the large tree branch nervously.

"Uh. Uh, but I'll get all icky," Rarity protested feebly.

"Cosarnit! What the..." Applejack was about to snap when the quickly corrected herself, "...eh...you...I mean, yes, ickiness is often the side effect of hard work. But y'all need to get over it, on account I just can't fix this mess I made myself. I need your help." Rarity hesitated a bit but then her face changed to that of determination.

"Oh. Let's do this," said Rarity. As the two discussed a new plan, Twilight was still shuffling through her slumber book.

"Well, they do have a section about backyard slumber parties," Twilight pointed out, "Is that what we're doing right now? Does this count as camping?"

Twilight received no answer as Rarity made her horn glow and Applejack began to move the branch with all her strength. Then with a huge flash, the branch was broken down into several smaller branches. Many of them had cute mini sculptures on them. The rest of the branches had magically been removed minus a one piece of wood. Applejack was about to buck the thing clear into the next town when Rarity gave her a glare. Applejack stopped and just lifted the branch with her mouth and let it drop easily to the ground before shutting the window tight. Rarity then looked at herself, her coat was coated in leaves and mud.

"U-ugh. Oh, I look awful," she said sadly. Fussy or not, Applejack didn't like seeing Rarity so glum. She then got an idea and grabbed some leftover cucumber slices and set them in her eyes.

"Better?" Applejack asked. Rarity then remembered what she said about mud having cosmetic purposes and smiled.

"Hmph, thanks," she said with a brave smile. She reached out a hoof to find the orange pony. Applejack shifted so Rarity knew she was there and the two shared a warm but muddy hug. Despite their little acheivement, Twilight was still shuffling through her book when she saw some of the leftover mini sculptures.

"Oh, pretty!" said Twilight, "where did these come from? They were not in the book either..." She continued to search about until she was interrupted by knock on the door. Twilight rushed downstairs with Rarity and Applejack not too far behind. (and they were both now mysteriously clean again.) Twilight opened the door to see a mysterious figure appear wearing a drench coat and black fedora on his head. The thunder clashed behind him, giving him a menacing look.


"Calm down," said the voice as he stepped into the light, "It's just me."

"Mario!" the three girls all exclaimed.

"What are you doing here this late at night?" Twilight asked curiously, "In the middle of the thunderstorm for that matter?"

"I was about to turn in for the night when I saw the top of the tree fall into your bedroom," said Mario, "I would have been here sooner, but I fell down the stairs and knocked myself out for a bit. I'm okay, nothing hurt by my dignity. Clumsy me." Mario blushed a bit at that last part. The three girls just giggled.

"Well, thanks for checking up on us," said Rarity, "but aside from a little mud we're doing just fine."

"Just fine sugarcube," Applejack added in agreement.

"Alright, I'll see you girls in the morning," said Mario and turned to leave when Twilight then shut the door and held a hoof against it.

"You are not going anywhere, Mario," said Twilight with a sly smirk on her face, "According to my book here, you're considered an intruder."

"What?" said Mario as he looked at the book "Slumber 101: when a pony of the opposite gender appears in the middle of your slumber party uninvited. You have the opportunity to take them hostage?!" Mario felt his face pale. The three girls closed in on him as he backed himself into a wall.

"Oh come on girls!" he protested, "I just came to check on you because I cared...can I leave...please...mommy?"

Mario soon found himself in the middle of what was a very embarassing situation. Not only had the girls put rollers in his mane and tail, but they had also tied ribbons on his hooves and the end of his tail, and they had put far too much make up all over his face. Mario was not happy at all as he sat between Rarity and Twilight with a long face as they just laughed in the middle of their game of twenty questions.

"Is it bigger than a barn?" Applejack asked.

"Nope," Twilight laughed.

"It is smaller than a saddle?" Rarity guessed next.

"No!" Twilight laughed again, "Only three of your twenty questions left!"

"We're never gonna guess what you're thinkin' of," said Applejack with a sigh, "it could be anythin'."

"Oh I'm sure you criminal masterminds will figure it out," Mario said bluntly, feeling rather miserable.

"Well you do look absolutely stunning, darling," Rarity pointed out as Applejack and Twilight snickered.

"Thanks," said Mario in a deadpan tone, wondering how much longer he would have to endure this embarrassment.

"Are we getting warmer?" Rarity asked.

"Why? Is it too cold in here for you?" Twilight asked worried, "I can turn up the heat."

"She means are we gettin' any closer with our guesses?" Applejack asked.

"Duh," said Mario when Twilight glared at him.

"You know we've got a pink princess dress that we could put on you," Twilight warned as Mario's eyes shrunk as they girls gave him sly smirks again.

"Mario stop talking now," he said quickly with a high-pitched squeak and the three giggled at his expense.

"Anyways, No," said Twilight, "And that technically counted as a question, so only two more left!" Applejack and Rarity just exchanged puzzled looks before looking at Twilight once more.

"Is it...a six-legged pony with a purple polka-dotted mane and shootin' stars coming out of his eyes?" Applejack guessed.

"Who flies through the air all over the world to hide magic, sparkly eggs?" Rarity added as both girls looked at Twilight with hopeful eyes.

"That's it!" said Twilight.

"It is?" Applejack and Rarity said at once.

"No," said Twilight simply," It's that." Twilight pointed behind them to show that she was thinking about her telescope before speaking again. "But it was just so nice to see you two finally getting along, I wanted you to be able to win together." Applejack and Rarity just looked at each other before they laughed.

"See?" Twilight continued, "We could have been having fun like this all along."

"If only somepony hadn't been so persnickety," Applejack pointed out with a smirk.

"Well, maybe she would have been if somepony else hadn't been so sloppy," Rarity retorted with her own smirk.

"Sorry for being such a pain in the patootie," Applejack said sincerely.

"Oh no," Rarity protested, "I'm sure I was much worse."

"That's kind of ya to say," said Applejack, "but I'm the one who's sorry."

"Oh, I'm much more sorry than you are," said Rarity.

"Ugh. Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

"Are not!"

"Are too!"

The two ponies glared before they broke out laughing. They no longer cared about who was right anymore. Mario chuckled to himself.

I guess ponies never grow out of these kinds of silly fights, Mario thought, I can't judge. Twilight and I have had our share of them over the years. His thought was interrupted when Twilight got in between them and gave them a hug.

"I declare my first slumber party a success!" said Twilight as Applejack and Rarity high-hoofed each other and cheered.

"Have fun, check," said Twilight as she marked it off her list.

"It was even better with our "hostage"," Rarity added as they all laughed. Mario groaned loudly until the three girls surrounded him in a group hug.

"Thank you Mario!" they cooed and laughed happily.

"You're...welcome..." he said in defeat, but a small smile appeared on his face. He was thinking that maybe losing his pride and dignity might have been worth seeing them happy...

Maybe not...he wanted to forget this night EVER happened.

Once the girls felt he had suffered him enough, they let him clean up his face, remove the ribbons and rollers, gave him a free s'more, and let him return home since the thunder had stopped outside. By morning, the rain had stopped completely and the three girls were still enjoying some fun party games with each other. At the moment, Rarity and Applejack were playing a team game where one was blindfolded and the other told them which way to go to get the goal. The main obstacle in the way was a fortress wall made out of several books. Rarity was in command while Applejack was blindfolded.

"Now take two steps to your left," said Rarity, "Uh, no, my left."

"Whu, which is it? Whoa!" Applejack then crashed into the book fortress, but just chuckled as she got back up, "that mess is your fault, not mine."

"Sorry," Rarity laughed. Twilight just watched them laugh together before continuing her letter.

"Dear Princess Celestia," Twilight wrote.

"It's hard to believe that two ponies who seem to have so little in common could ever get along. But I found out that if you embrace each other's differences, you just might be surprised to discover a way to be friends after all.

P.S. While I did learn this lesson on my own, I...did take Mario hostage during our slumber party when all he did was check up on me because he cared. Heh...despite that...I think you'll agree that I should share my lesson with him. So...you'll see both our names on this letter as usual.

Twilight chuckled sheepishly to herself, but figured she could rewrite that last part later when she got an idea.

"So, who's up for another slumber party tomorrow?" Twilight proposed. Applejack and Rarity just exchanged looks before throwing two pillows at Twilight's face.

"Ugh, how about a week a from Thursday?" Twilight suggested, "Oh, how about two weeks from Saturday? A month from now?"

Applejack and Rarity just smiled as the grey clouds broke apart to reveal the warm morning sun.

I had mentioned this before, but this is the first episode where Mario had a very little appearance in. Other episode will be like this too, but that's okay. It wouldn't be right for me to skip these episodes anyway.

If you missed Mario, he'll have more screen time in the next episode.

Peace Pony Fans!

Note:Celestia's gonna be mad if Mario tells here Hehe.