
The Long Road of Cultivation

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

The wilderness teemed with danger, and they had to steer clear of sixth-level and higher spirit beasts.

At this pace, it would take Braydon Neal and the little fool at least a year to reach the ancient city.

Yet, this journey served as a unique form of cultivation—a rigorous and demanding training.

Although there were no direct competitions with peers, Braydon's adversaries were the spirit beasts lurking in the wilderness.

Each encounter was an opportunity to refine his skills.

As night descended upon the wilderness, Braydon and Luke excavated a cave on a small hill, sealing its entrance.

The wind picked up with the onset of night, and the spirits of various spirit beasts came alive in the darkness.

Many of these creatures preferred to hunt under the cover of night to sate their hunger.

Braydon assumed a cross-legged posture, closing his eyes to engage in cultivation.

The little fool, however, opted not to cultivate.
