
The Bet

It's been a few days since I arrived in the Clocktower, aside from the incident with Olga Marie days ago, thankfully there isn't anything similar that happened to me, since I'm a bit more careful with my surroundings, how could I forget one of my sister 'life' lessons, that I must be aware of my surroundings.

Either way, I'm definitely following it through, right now I'm sitting on one of the seats in the Department of Modern Magecraft Theory, with Waver Velvet as the teacher and to be honest, he's good really good, if my teachers from the past are as good as him in teaching maybe I could have an A+ grade in each subject, but it's too late for regret.

Waver's teaching is vastly different from Lorelei, while both of them are good, my sister is harsher, while Waver is patient and more understanding.

Luvia is also here with me. In this department I wasn't really surprised by her decision, after all, compared to the rest of the department this is one of the best departments around the Clocktower because the teacher cared about its student's progress not like most of them.

Shirou and Rin Tohsaka are also here, listening to the lecture, while I haven't spoken with Rin yet, I definitely did with Shirou.

Luvia and I were the youngest that took the class, while others were either teenagers or adults.

Waver finished his lesson for today. "That's all for today, you can now all leave."

After that, he cleaned his hands with his handkerchief and left the class.

Looking at Luvia and saying. "Do you have any plans for later?"

Luvia nodded and replied. "Unfortunately I do, why do you ask?"

"Too bad, I was planning to invite you for a meal later." If I recall correctly today Shirou had a shift in that particular cafeteria. I was planning to invite her to eat with me. As a friend I wanted her to experience the true joy of eating good food.

All of the sudden, Luvia froze for a bit before turning a bit red and started playing with her hair. "A-a date?"

Hearing help but blink a few times after hearing that, how did a kid like her know about that word? Either way, it's not important, and technically if I did invite her it is a date, but I have a feeling that she's misunderstanding things.

She's beautiful, sure but ultimately she's a kid there's no way I'd date her as she is right now, maybe a couple of years or so, but definitely not now, because I'm not a lolicon I have my standards too.

I may be a child biologically, but I'm an adult mentally, there's no way I could stomach dating a child no matter how attractive they may be.

I gave her a gentle smile and said, "No, definitely not a date, however maybe in a few years when you're older I'd ask you."

Hearing my answer, she stopped playing with her hair and started pouting, disappointed, too bad. Right now I see her as nothing more than a child, a baby sister that I never had.

"You speak as if you're older than me!" Luvia let out a huff.

Because I am, however, there's no way I'd say that out loud, it's a secret that no one should know.

"Well, technically yes, a few weeks older than you," I smirked in her direction.

"Hmph! It's just a few weeks' difference, it doesn't matter." Luvia answered with an eye roll.

"It does actually because I'm older than you and that's a fact that you can't change no matter what." I smugly look at her.

Luvia let out an annoyed huff, and after we talked for a bit before separating to our respective destinations.

Since I couldn't invite my closest friend in the Clocktower, I decided I'll have to invite someone different, someone I'm definitely close to.

My blood sister from this world, Lorelei Barthomeloi, I'm not sure if she'll accept my invitation but I'll try my luck anyway.

I went directly to the director's office, normally any magus wouldn't be able to get close, or get inside without the Vice Director's invitation, fortunately for me. I just have to show my family crest and I was allowed by the enforcers who guarded the place.

If it were up to me, I'd immediately open the door without knocking, but I have to be respectful and decided to knock gently at the door.

Knock* knock* knock"

After a few moments of silence, I heard my sister say. "Come in."

Then without waiting any further, I opened the door only to see that Lorelei, my dear elder sister, was preparing to cast a high-level spell that would no doubt kill me instantly without proper preparation.

"Woah! Woah! Lorelei what are you doing?!" I even forgot to address her in a formal way, after all, I panicked.

Lorelei's eyes widened as she suddenly recognized who I was, and stopped casting the high-level spell that could instantly kill me.

"Alex…what are you doing here?" Lorelei calmed down and sat down back in her chair.

"Before I answer that question…forgive me for my crude language, what the fuck was that?!" I couldn't stop myself from cursing out loud, thankfully though there's a soundless bounded field inside the office, or else anyone outside the room would be able to hear me curse.

Lorelei frowned at my crude language. "Where did you learn those ugly words? I don't recall teaching you that."

"I blame the internet for that," I answer offhandedly.

"I see, I will find this 'internet' and destroy it for corrupting you," Lorelei said seriously.

My eyes widened as I heard my sister's reply. There's no doubt she's capable of destroying the internet considering how powerful my family is. Shutting down the internet might be hard, but not impossible for the Barthomeloi.

"No, no, no! Definitely no!" I quickly approached her desk and slammed my hands toward her desk.

Both of us siblings were looking at each other with a hardened gazes, if this was another time, there's no way I'd look at Lorelei's eyes for more than a few seconds, but right now isn't just 'another time', but a serious moment.

The survival of the internet is within my hands now, billions of people are counting on me with this!

After a few minutes of intense staring at each other, Lorelei was the first to break and let out a sigh. "Fine, I will forget this discussion only if you stop speaking such crude language in my presence."

"Deal," I answered without hesitation.

After that, we went back to the previous subject. "You still haven't answered my question from before."

Lorelei closed her eyes and let out a tired sigh and replied. "The reason why I was casting a spell is for safety measures, it's not everyday someone visits my office without prior invitation, it might be an assassin that was hired to assassinate me, even though it's pointless, regardless I should stay cautious all the time, especially with my position in Clocktower."

Oh, that actually makes sense, if that's her reason then I can't blame her for the safety measures that she had to do, now it's time for me to tell her why I was here.

"Do you have plans right now?" I asked.

Lorelei frowned for a bit but answered my question anyway. "At the moment, no I don't, however, why exactly are you asking this question?"

"It's because I wanted to invite you to eat lunch with me, sister," I said truthfully.

Lorelei didn't say anything for a full minute, and honestly, I became a bit worried and said. "It's been a long time since we ate together sister, I thought maybe we can do it right now."

Hearing that, Lorelei let out a huff and said, "I suppose, we can."

"Great! Please follow me! I know a place where we can have the most delicious meal you'll eat!" I said confidently.

Lorelei raised her brows and replied. "I find your claim unbelievable."

"Trust me, when did I ever lie to you?"

"A lot," Lorelei replied bluntly, making me cough awkwardly, she got me there, but geez does she really have to be blunt about it?!

"A-anyway, this isn't a lie this time, I'm willing to bet our family name in for this!" One must know that using our family name for things like this shouldn't be taken lightly, as they have the reputation to maintain, only the best of the best should be sufficient for our family.

"Oh? You understand that if it isn't satisfactory I would have to punish you for using our family name in vain?" Lorelei stared at me with a stoic look.

"I know." I'm fully aware of the consequences, however, I'm also confident about this.

"I see, if you're that confident of this 'meal', I have some expectations, however, if It's a disappointment, you should be ready for the punishment, lead the way," Lorelei demanded.

Used to my sister's antics, I led her to the cafeteria where Shirou worked.

Would Shirou impress the Queen Of Clocktower?

The answer is…well it's kinda obvious at this point because I kinda buffed his cooking skill to EX.

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