


Thanks for joining my Pa tre on, Shawn Muradzi!

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That's all, I'll see you with the next chapter on the 17th. Peace!



Sitting in front of his laptop, he boots up this universe's version of Discord, HeroCall (Seriously, everything in this world revolves around hero stuff) and pressed on Toga's profile, which was his face with cat ears, his face wearing a cringe expression.

It was... Really embarrassing to wear those in public... He was not going to talk about it.

Hitting the video call button, he let the app ring for a few times before the call connected, revealing Toga in her school uniform.

'Right, it's afternoon for them.'

He thought to himself as he looks out his window, revealing the night's sky.

"Afternoon, Toga."

"Gohru! Hi!"

She says his name with a bright smile as she walks with her phone.

"How was school today?"

He asked as Toga just hummed.

"Well, it's going fine, I made a few new friends, there was one that was Quirkless too!"

"Oh, really? What're their names?"

"There's Madeline, blond hair, brown eyes, her Quirk is Finger Morph, she can turn her fingers to anything. Then there's Olivia, she has a mutant Quirk that makes her look more like a reptile, but she has normal brunette hair. Oh, and there's Ava, she's the girl I said earlier, the Quirkless one."

She explains as he nodded, noting mentally to check for their background before tuning into her talk about her classes.

"It's really weird, needing to walk directly to the classes instead of the teachers walking into our class, but it's quite fun! Oh, and the lecture halls are huge! Our class alone is around 50 people!"

She says with a grin as Gohru steps out of his seat to prepare the ironing board for his uniform for tomorrow's class, prompting her to ask about his first day.

"So, how's the first day of school?"

"Eh, pretty boring except for a Quirk test. Sensei said that last place would get suspended, but he lied to make the rest do their hardest."

"Expelled? Is he allowed to do that?"

"He is the teacher, so I guess so. Anyways, other than that test, it was quite boring. I guess I met a few new people, but it was only their first day."

He said away from the laptop as he took out his UA's uniform and starts to iron it.

"So, how're the two idiots?"

The question made her giggle, making him give her a raised eyebrow.

"B-Buba is working in a fast food restaurant since "It's too boring in here! | A man needs his fucking work!". He registered a few days ago and got the job as a waiter!"

... Oh, boy...

"And Dabi?"

"Buba dragged him to join! He's now the rightful branch manager of Justice Road's McDonalds!"

This caused Gohru to start snickering as he continued to iron the sleeves of his uniform.

"Can you get a picture for the group? Blackmail material is welcomed."

"Alright! I'll get one later! ... I miss you, Gohru."

She says with a soft smile, making him smile too as he looked directly at the camera of the laptop, making her subconsciously shiver slightly at the sight of his obsidian eyes staring at her.

"Me too, Toga. I'll see you when you have a holiday, alright?"

"OK~. I have a class in 10 minutes, I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Alright, be seeing you then."


She kissed her phone's camera with an exaggerated kiss sound before hanging up, leaving him alone in the apartment. This was why he hated living alone, what's the point of one when there's only one person in it?

Sighing at the loneliness, he finishes up the ironing of his uniform before charging his phone and plops onto his bed.


"Morning, Jiro."


She says with a stutter as he just sighed.


"Hey! You're a flipping superstar! How could I just accept it like that?!"

She freaks out as Gohru just pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

He had tried to message Jiro, but she just blocked his number (Out of reflex, she said).

'Good grief...'


The door slams open quite harshly as Denji with an annoyed face walked into the class, with his twin sister following alone behind him while knocking on his back.

Sitting in his spot, he glares at Midoriya who just jumps from his seat before doing a "I'm watching you" gesture with his hand.


She yells at the boy who did the same thing to her, causing her to pout and look away as Ashido greets him.

"Yo, Denji! Morning!"

That made his frown disappear as he greets her with a nod.

"Morning, Ashido-san."

Huh, they seem to kick things off quite quick. Another blackmail to store for later.

"Good morning, Jin-san!"


Sero and Kaminari greeted him as they both entered the classroom together, causing Gohru to greet them as well.

"Yo, Bakugo! Morning!"

"Haaaa? Don't bother me, shitty hair!"


The Hero Course subjects like Practical or Theoretical were in the afternoon at 2, so regular classes were in session like English, Math, Science, and such.

Present Mic was in front of the class writing down English sentences with numbers at the side onto the blackboard with a chalk. Once he was done, he turned to the students who just looked blankly before asking.

"So, which of these English sentences are wrong?"

'''So normal...'''

He could hear the thoughts of the students around him as Present Mic raises his voice by one octave.

"Hey! Come On! Let's get this party started!"

He said the first sentence in English before reverting to Japanese, making the students just sweat drop as Yaoyorozu raised her hand to answer the question.

"Number 4, sensei!"

"Correct! Answer is number 4! "That" is wrong, and the correct word to use her is "That's"!"

Lunch was interesting, it's in the main cafeteria of the school which had the capacity of over a thousand students, with two floors for more space for the students.

The food there was first-class at a cheap price, making it a big steal to many. That means more food for him to buy too.

"That much food?"

"Need food for Quirk."

Gohru said as he carried his 5 bowls of katsudon and yakiniku-don to Denji's table which consisted of Ashido, Kaminari, Jiro, Hagakure and Sero. Kirishima wanted to sit with them, but saw that Bakugo was sitting alone, so he went to bug him.

"Woah, that must cost a penny."

"He's rich, seen his house before."

Hagakure asked, to which Denji answered as he sips on his miso soup.

"Ha? Really?"

"Show pictures, pictures!"

They bugged him, to which annoyingly, he brings out his phone and went into its gallery to show them the pictures of his house.

"... When the hell?"

He did not know that he took pictures.

"Ochako wanted pictures."

He shrugged as he digged into his omurice, making Gohru just sigh as his group awed at the house before starting to eat his lunch.



All Might announced as he opens the door and enters in the blink of an eye with his cape fluttering from the speed, causing the class to explode at the sight of the number 1 hero in Japan.

"A-All Might!"

"It really is him!"

"He really is a teacher here!"


"That's his Silver Age costume, isn't it?"

Walking to the podium of the class, he rests both hands on it as he grins at everyone.

"Good afternoon, everyone! As you've seen from the curriculum papers, I teach Heroic Basics!

It's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of a HERO! This subject will impact greatly in your grades, so do your best in it!"

Reaching into his pockets of his tight suit, he brings out a card with lettering large enough for everyone to see.

"Now, let's get right into today's topic! This is what we will be doing today..."





Midoriya read it out loud as Bakugo finishes it with a hungry grin.


"Exactly! Battle Training, something that you will need to learn to defeat Villains! And to go with that are these!"

With a press of a button that was installed onto the podium, the class's walls suddenly expand outwards as cases with numbering appeared in rows from the expanded walls.

"Costumes made based on your designs you sent before the school started and Quirks in mind!"

The class once again bursts in excitement as All Might explained where to go for the exercise.

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta! I will meet you there in 10 minutes, so get started everyone!"

And with another blink of an eye, he disappeared in a flash.

While the class were still talking about All Might as their teacher, Gohru and some others walked up to their cases and grabbed theirs based on seat number, slightly peached from the weight of the case.

"This is getting exciting."

Denji said with a grin as Gohru opened the case to see his costume the same as he had requested, along with some equipment.

Grinning at the costume, he closes it before walking to the changing room for their class with a similar grin to Denji's.


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